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Everything posted by Benice

  1. Banned for being Subjectively objective
  2. They're not in the throne room, they're on the cliffs near the Manakete, just so you know. You need to get past 'em and beat Murdock. Banned for a funny alliteration.
  3. Banned because I am objectively subjective.
  4. Heya! Welcome to the forest, we hope you'll have a nice day and enjoy your stay!
  5. Hm, I'm not too sure about this one. The sound wouldn't work because the sound effects aren't present in the game's files, but I suppose it'd be possible to import said sound effects from FE7? I don't know how to import music and actually have it work, so you'd have to ask someone else, but to export the music: To do that: -Open up an FE7 rom -Go to the advanced editor menu -Open the sound table -Scroll down until you see the sound effects called something like Luce swoosh, and similar things for Forblaze. Export all of the files that you need or want. Maybe click on the Song Track Editor and take note of the instrument set ID as well? I don't know what to do after this part. Sorry!
  6. Banned because trying to figure out importing and exporting music while pretending you know what you're talking about is [Jimmy Barnes screaming]
  7. On normal mode? Well, when I was aiming for a low turn count, I had Shanna rescue Roy, canto'd away towards the secret shop, (She had Maltet equipped and therefore could OHKO any wyvern in her path) and moved downwards with everyone else. After turn 3, I'd visited the Secret shop and was running away to the sieze point-I also deployed Merlinus so I could send lots of Boots to him. I then made use of the boots and got Fir to the boss ASAP, defeated Murdock and siezed in...I think it was eight turns. Total. Anyways, you don't wanna turtle this map out in my opinion-You need to act as if you're on a time limit, since you don't wanna deal with more wyverns. To deal with the ones that are unavoidable, Berserkers can go onto peaks and utterly decimate them, Bows can make pretty short work, (albeit probably only steel bows and more powerful ones) the legendary weapons deal a ton of damage, and a Wyrmslayer in the hands of a swordmaster is an easy ORKO for the most part. Watch out once you get near the sieze point, because there are obnoxious ambush spawns there that potentially can do a lot. Bring Physic staves, use Warp to speed up your bosskiller if you need to, (Durandal or the Armorslayer are your best bets, the latter being the ideal option.) and get out quickly. What is an archetype you'd like to see absent in the next FE.
  8. All I can say to this is to keep an open mind. You don't have to like it, but the game does not implement the turn or combat system in a way that is unfair. Heck, I'd say that Berwick is more fair than basically every FE other than maybe FE8. It has a few maps that are just plain awful, but the vast majority are fair. Enemies being blind in Fog of War is such a welcome improvement... Also: Check enemy skills and equipment. This won't matter so much in the earlygame, but Kaga certainly tells you to check skills and equipment as early on as ch. 2, so be prepared for that, lest an unexpected Counter enemy kill Adel or something. Generally, I go with Ward-Full charge bonus w/Longspear on the miniboss, then Supporter+Deathmatch with Leon, and the second boss is easy pickings for Dean in my experience. Then again, I've never used Ward after this map, sooo...
  9. I don't disagree, but it appears that you misclicked and didn't put Titania as far left as possible on the compass.
  10. Okay, so: -Open the rom you want to edit in FEBuilder -In the top right corner once everything loads, you should see Advanced Editors. Click on that. -You should see a screen somewhat similar to this: -From there, click on Magic Extends. You will be prompted to download two patches. Do that, and you will be taken to a menu that has a whole bunch of EMPTY slots, starting at 48 and going up. Click on Import Magic Animation and import the spell you've downloaded. -Assuming everything works OK, save the change to the rom and return to the advanced editors menu. -Click on Magic animations, scroll down to the item you want to change the animation of. You should see something akin to this: There should be something else set as the Battle Animation, but switch the animation number to the magic extend animation you imported. In my case, Fire now uses the Saggitae animation. I did some minor edits just to make the animation work and gave Eirika a fire tome, and... It works! (The mage animation I used is the Light Mage animation by Leo_Link and L95, by the way.) Hope that helps at least a little!
  11. I think I watched it with my friends at one of my birthday parties at my sister's recommendation. Do you think that strong characters or strong worldbuilding are more important to a story?
  12. Killed more of his units in his LP than me.
  13. Hope he decides not to pull an "So anyways, I started blasting" when he wakes up and has a pistol.
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