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Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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Everything posted by Sir Gerwald of Vallora

  1. The first characters I really took a liking to were Florina and Eliwood. Oddly enough, I lost Florina in the first chapter she showed up in, but because she only retreated, I ended up liking her anyway. Replays only made me like her all the more. Then there's the first game that got me hooked hard on the franchise, Awakening. The first couple characters that endeared themselves to me began with Lissa, as she was overall just sweet and compassionate. Then there was Nowi, who I mostly just felt sorry for, especially after learning her backstory. Then there was Cynthia. Her supports were all funny, and overall just a funny unit. Edit: I almost forgot Mozu. She's just such an all around good person who always tries to be as helpful as possible.
  2. The latest addition, Sir Gerwald, Archduke of Valorra. His story can also be found here.
  3. Nice. I like the variety, although I can't imagine how useful a swan would be in combat. Then again, I've seen plenty of angrery geese, so maybe they would be effective in some way.
  4. Alright, that's pretty fantastic. The original weaner graffiti artist. And now look, we uncovered it and now archeologists have marveled at it, something he probably did because he was board.
  5. "Walk onto the battlefield like hey I got a big codpiece." ~Definitely somebody.
  6. From the research I've done, the only thing they really did was get you ladies, and tell your enemy that your dong was bigger. I suppose having plate down there would protect it to a degree, but better protection would really just come from a cup. Honestly, a chainmail skirt would be better, and much more comfortable.
  7. I suppose I was meaning he's got the long dong armor, whereas it doesnt bulge nearly as much as the historical versions.
  8. Alm's is actually somewhat small, most of them stuck out more. Might be NSFW-ish Here's my personal favorite, though.
  9. So I think I mentioned it before I found what you have for your story interesting so far, but I'm curious, what kind of continent is it set on? On top of that, what kind of races and mechanics are you thinking of? IE: Manaketes/Taguel, Laguz, ECT.
  10. So the way spoilers are set up are similar to several forums, find the area marked (Spoilers)________(Spoilers) and highlight it with the cursor. The children should be right beneath standard characters, and right above allies. Edit: Yep, just checked, they're right beneath Danika.
  11. Some minor spoilers for Three Houses (I think).
  12. Update 3 Added: Wolfram's Paralogue Chapters 19 and 20 Paralogue 15 Thank you to everyone who's still keeping up on this.
  13. That's what Illustrator was made for, and it excels. Although, I've found it can be used for other form of art as well. I think I've even thrown up a few on the Forest. Also, @Dragoncat, I hope I haven't derailed gour topic to much.
  14. That's a shame. Although I've seen that student discount, and if say the programs are worth it. Its nice to see another fan of Illustrator. The CC version quickly became one of my favorite programs.
  15. What? I hadn't heard anytbing about this. I used to use Elements all the time before my profession required the whole Adobe Suite. I guess I never noticed they made you pay for older programs... Scummy. Have you tried rolling it back to an older update, or is it just locking you out of a program you rightfully own?
  16. How in Naga's name did I mistype liked as moced? Also, did you have Photoshop CC and simply run out of a subscription?
  17. Thank you very much. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying it. I've tried getting it out there a bit more, at least in regards of my perosnal group of fellow authors, but I didn't want to appear too pushy when it came to the FE community, but thanks for being one of the few to check it out.
  18. Nice. I like it. Ive always liked Maps and Cartography. Can't give much constructive feedback as I have yet to pick up Three Houses, but I think its well done.
  19. Wilkommen and Salutations. It's nice to see a fellow new face, newer than mine even. It's always good to see such a passionate fan, as well, and if you're into Rom-Hacking, you should fit right in.
  20. Whoops, sorry if I put feedback in the wrong place. I'm still trying to get used to some of these forum rules. Old habits die hard I suppose.
  21. Update 2 Added: Finished Natalya's Paralogue A new Paralogue Feedback and criticism is is appreciated.
  22. You know, you could always get some photo paper and a color printer and make them yourself. All the pictures are available on the Fire Emblem Wikis.
  23. I suppose so, but it doesnt mean its not impossible to do right. Remakes tend to change things. Look at Shadows of Valentia. I feel they could pull it off by twerking the story and gameplay/mechanics enough. But again, this is just the opinion of some random dolt on the internet, so it dpesnt really matter. IS does what IS does, and I dont think anybody can really understand what their next move will be.
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