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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. Have both of them on my class tree. Dark/Axe in particular would be nice as it'd give a hypothetical class for the hero of Grado that apparently managed to use both Gleipnir and Garm.
  2. 6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with? 7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with? 8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with? 9.Opinion on polygamy 10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.
  3. Seems like it would have been better to switch Gra and Altea's location to make Altea closer to Archanea and Talys. But I suppose they wanted him to it Joel before liberating his own country during the actual course of the game. Man now I'm wishing Shadow Dragon extended that prologue section into a full book 0 about Marth's perilous journey to Talys.
  4. Dark Dawn really wasn't much of a direct sequel. It was set thirty years after the first and barely had any overlap in the plot. It showed the world in a very different light giving both the experience of change for old players and a new beginning easily accessed for new players. The reason it didn't do well was because aside from some good ideas it was actually a pretty terrible game in most regards. As an idea as a sequel though was entirely sound (though like many I would have been happy seeing a few more of the OG characters).
  5. 1.Greatest achievement in life thus far? 2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of? 3.Do you like the sound of your own voice? 4.Furthest you've ever been from home? 5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?
  6. "Oh eh, yes" Emmet was still slightly bewildered as to where Adele came from to dispatch his foe. The butler was right though, they were in close quarters with the enemy now, the crossbow was the better option.
  7. It's definitely not going to happen but i reckon it'd be pretty cool if they did another game like Genaology of Holy War and made My Castle a part of the active battle. And then give a different aesthetic design (but overall the same arrangement) to the castle based on where the lord currently is in the plot.
  8. I really don't see any issue with how it was mechanically implemented in Thracia. Capturing reduces
  9. Pinaka struck with excellent accuracy. I think I'm improving Emmet thought to himself. His satisfaction meant that it took him a few seconds to realise that despite the perfect hit, his enemy was still alive. Slowly getting back to his feet. "Prince Owen, that one! Kill him before he has a chance to strike again!" He spoke with an air of authority, too concerned with seeing his enemy dead to realise how inappropriate it was to deliver orders to a prince.
  10. Right after cautioning the prince to be careful he rushed into battle. Emmet spotted a flash of red, the blade of his enemy's weapon. That's a killer lance Emmet realised. ​Dammit Own don't start taking unnecessary risks as soon as I've decided your my responsibility. Emmet took a deep breath before rushing forward. He needed to make sure his enemy would be dead with one shot. Emmet to (13,12) Pinaka!Magic on Soldier#6
  11. I was actually hoping for a Manakete Lord for quite a long time before Corrin showed up. However I was expecting the dragon stone to be a late game weapon you receive that was the equivalent of a legendary weapon (though the kind with durability so more like the Sword of Seals than the Yato).
  12. I'm pretty fond of Die Another Day myself. I think a lot of its detractors need to stop being so serious and just enjoy Bond outrunning a giant space laser in what equates to an F Zero Racer. The theme is also probably Madonna's best song tied only with the one she stole from Abba.
  13. "Hear that? Pamela and Co. are now a complete non-issue. Why? Because Daccar is going to get all freaked out, and order Pamela to come storming back to Silesia...I dunno HOW he does that, what with them being on completely opposite sides of the mountain range...But hey, I'm not complainin'. " It'd be a really cool feature if enemy commanders directed their troops by sending messengers out to meet them that you could potentially intercept and reduce the efficiency of the AI. Though in this particular situation such a feature would just make that squadron even more of a non issue but in general it could be used to some creative effects. Especially if certain powerful groups of enemies don't actively hunt down your army and instead patrol certain areas until ordered to do otherwise. Huh. I always assumed the castle conversations between lovers were actual conversations. Turns out their as generic as Radiant Dawn support convos. Explains why translating is pretty far down on the priority list.
  14. Haha. Didn't know Holstey somehow managed to use the Valkyrie Staff to revive Levin.
  15. That's form the intro yeah? I didn't realise it had been translated. Is there a video anywhere that has the entire thing? I know there's a lot of cool stuff in it but I've never seen with dialogue i can understand.
  16. The way I remember Shadow Dragon, pretty much all of the enemy recruits are obtained by throwing Shiida at the enemy and having her flirt with the pretty ones. Well Levin got resurrected thanks to the power of his Holsety Tome. That makes me at least believe he had it on him at the time. It was either that or Holstey magically flew from whoever he left it and resurrected his corpse which....I guess is possible but seems kind...Harry Potterish. As for Sigurd's decisions, I'm in agreement that his compassion was way more of a boon than a flaw. Sigurd's tale is a tragedy and the way I view there are two types of tragedies. One that is completely avoidable but due to a build up of innoculus minor decisions leads to a destruction that could easily have been avoidable (so the case in Hamlet). The other is a tragedy that is completely unavoidable where the one suffering has absolutely no power to change their fate and nothing they could have done would have changed the outcome. Any decision they made was completely rational at the time and they had no reason to believe it would end in suffering because forces outside of their knowledge were influencing things (my go to example here is the Hunchback of Notre Dame though Esmerelda did have a chance to change things at the very, very end that she stupidly squandered). Sigurd's story falls much more into the latter than the former. As soon as he left home he was pretty much doomed. He was always going to be the fall guy and get killed by Alvis. None of the decisions he made had obvious long term consequences (except sparing Shannon but I'm pretty okay with my protagonist not murdering children. Though simply letting Arya and Shannon go on their merry way might have been a much more prudent action. And even without Shanon Alvis still probably would have killed Sigurd. They didn't have any dirt on Byron like that and still managed to axe him with no ill effects). His only real mistake was to leave home and thus become the perfect scapegoat for a conspiracy he knew nothing about. Killing Shanon of Shagall or any other person that his compassion saved would not have changed things in the slightest.
  17. I don't think special weapons are going to leave any time soon. They've been around for pretty much forever.
  18. A lot of people here say it's important in FE1 but I was surprised by how completely unimportant it was in Shadow Dragon. Yes, the item itself gets retroactive significance when Myster of the Emblem was released but in the original game it was just some pretty trinket Marth was given that said "Hey, your important! Also this can open chests." It didn't have any kind of sealed god. It didn't unlock any ancient weapon nor was it really a weapon unto itself. It wasn't needed to use the Falchion or defeat Medeus. Math just got a skeleton key for being such a cool guy and that was it. You could replace it with a tissue from Nyna and virtually nothing would change in the plot. The, also titular, Dark Dragon and Sword of Light were way more important poltwise. Though I'm glad they went with Fire Emblem because I do think it's a pretty cool name. (this is all assuming it plays the exact same role in FE1 as Shadow Dragon which I assume is the case.)
  19. I really don't like Anankos' dragon form. I'm fine with the Abstract sphere and even shoving it into the dragon's mouth but the proportions just look all wrong for a dragon. It's all droopy and human looking, which might be intentional given his racism towards humans, but to me personally just looks ugly and lazy.
  20. "Yes" Emmet muttered. "Their presence here is quite unexpected. We cannot allow Malaphar to evade questioning on this matter once the battle is done."
  21. I'm pretty sure you couldn't get it at all in normal gameplay. It was like some kind of promotional event or game link that wasn't released in the west like the Emblem Lance. Which would put it on the basic equivalent of DLC in the modern games.
  22. 11.Favorite Bond movie? 12.Favorite Disney movie? 13.Favorite Shakespeare play? 14.Favorite Queen song? 15.Favorite Harry Potter Character?
  23. If that second question in the polls is a series one then Chrono Trigger should probably be added to it. I've seen quite a lot of people proclaiming it flawless in this thread.
  24. Haha. Well played. There might not be any psychological reason behind it. Merely Anankos needed a human host and Gunter was the first person he grabbed in one scenario and Takumi was in the other. What I'm personally questioning now is the time frame of events. I've been assuming Revelations takes place over a longer period of time since the Eclipse never seems to happen during Birthright or Conquest yet if that's the case then it means Gunther was possessed for longer than Takumi yet they were able to save Gunter and Takumi was written off as a complete lost cause.
  25. Hey I'll give it a shot if there's not too many waiting in line. Female Build 1 Face 1 Hair 1 Hair Colour 5 None of the accessories featured on customisation but if you could giver her the circlet accessory obtained in game then that'd be great. And no facial feature. On retrospect that's a really default looking avatar but I think the hair ties it together quite well.
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