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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. My biggest wondering regarding a Gaiden avatar is how they'd manage the route split with it. Would the avatar travel with just Alm or Celica? Would you only get to play one of the routes like in the Sacred Stones? Would you travel between the two routes with just that one unit thus giving them way more exp exposure than anyone else? Only way I can really resolve it is having two avatars which would be really strange but could potentially work (would prevent mass adulation on a single person at least).
  2. Disney managed to adapt The Hunchback of Notre Dame which convinces me they could cover pretty much any subject matter if they set their minds to it.
  3. Surprised more people aren't pining for a Jugdral series. I know I am. The only question is whether Thracia should be included in the main series or treated as a spin off.
  4. Pulling a Pent and Louise before Pent and Louise. Strange I did not know that. I'm the kind the resets whenever anyone dies but people still do die on me. Maybe it's just been too long. I should probably play again in the near future. I have been wanting to try a Sigurd solo and finally check out the replacement units.
  5. I never got the impression Manfred was involved with the events going down in Silesia. I always more saw it as the basic state of the world that made Manfred's and Alvis' conniving so easy to accmoplish. But now giving it some actual thought I think its very likely they did have a hand in it some how since they send Androey (and I want to say the...beige ritter) to assist. Maybe Manfred knew of their designs and just arranged things so they'd have maximum damage much like Trabant. Also for the returning to Leinster is their a variation where Finn and Quan have already retreated and Ethlin is still there? Also I'm pretty sure I never seen that Sylvia Fury conversation. Amusing.
  6. I reckon Nowi gets more flak because she dresses somewhat more skimpier than Lissa (who's playing a different trope). Everything about Nowi's dialogue also hammers home the fact that she is a child where's Lissa, while young, comes across as someone who wants to help and is acting as mature and responsible as she can.
  7. And falling that logic checking the first page to see what the context is (or hell even noticing that it says Interviews and not Interview).
  8. So would you say you come across as very...serious...?
  9. On only a somewhat related note, I had Oboro paired with Reina for like three maps before I heard the former's voice and realised Oboro was meant to be a girl. (I then paired Reina with Arthur for a few maps before realising she can only support the Avatar). I'm usually quite good at picking up on Japanese androgyny but that one really threw me fore a loop and on retrospect I'm not really sure why.
  10. The pendant in me declares that backwards. In the practical sense she was not born yesterday. She has physically aged and matured a full 20ish years. However technically by law her birth cert would state she's only a few weeks old.
  11. So a few years ago, before Awakening brought back branched promotion, I decided to make my own list of classes and their branched promotions taking elements from Radiant Dawn's three tier system. It was pretty messy and terrible at first but since then it's evolved into something I'm rather proud of. During that time I made few threads on here looking for suggestions yet until recently it never occurred to me at all to just make one project thread for it and just update it continually. Which is what this is. So without further ado here is the branching class tree (try right clicking to open in a new tab if this is too small). Some people find the overall thing quite confusing so if you want to view individual parts of the tree then here you go. (some of this hasn't received the Three Houses update). Mercenaries Fighters Soldiers Archers Thieves Cavaliers Bandits Myrmidons Knights Bowyers (Crossbows) Ninjas Mage Druid Monks Cleric Flying Classes I also have a google doc which lists class growths and class skills (mostly regulated to third tier). See it here. And now introducing the simplified version, where each tier 1 unit only has two promotion options. This is much more likely and less insane, but where's the fun in that? Thing I'm currently considering: I'm thinking of making Troubador a tier 1 class so that Cleric is fee to promote to War Cleric.
  12. So probably not worth it then if I have a unit who's stat gains compliment the unit better.
  13. The only reason why it ever could be considered wrong is that it devalues the gravity of statutory rape. In which case I think the only one deserving any judgement is the creators for making it rather than the consumer for playing it (not that I personally do judge IS on the matter. That's just the perspective I have when it comes to reserving judgement).
  14. 6.What three historical figures would you most like to go on a road trip with? 7.What three fictional heroes would you most like to go on a road trip with? 8.What three fictional villains would you most like to go on a road trip with? 9.Should men wear skirts? 10.Please answer the stock questions you ask other users (if you have any). If that includes impressions then give me your honest impresssions of yourself.
  15. Is there any incentive to pair up a married couple after you've finished grinding their support? It was the best method in combat in Awakening but since dual strikes are not achieved by pair up and dual guards are done by a meter I can only imagine increased stat gain is all you get if anything.
  16. Oh. Give Gotoh a Manakete reclass. Because more dragons are always welcome. I don't think that would even break the plot since as far as I can recall the only reason Gotoh doesn't turn into a dragon is because he has no dragonstone.
  17. Marth -> Cleric Because of his peaceful personality and as a nod to his sister. Hardain -> General because foreshadowing! Minerva -> Falcon Knight since she said she was a Pegasus Knight once Seliph -> Shaman, embrace the blood of Naga. Leif -> Thief, because that's practically how he was living is life during Thracia Lara -> Thief/Dancer, keep the plot based promotion (though change it to a post battle conversation) and afterwards give the player the opportunity to swap at will with a heart seal. Roy -> Mage because he was trained by Cecilia (I know a support says she never thought him tomes but I'd prefer to ignore that in order to have a Roy that can set things on Fire before promotion). Hector -> General because he's kind of one already (plus FE6) Ephraim -> Erikia's version of Lord, because he thought her sword play and probably that specific style rather than mercenary or myrmidon. Erikia -> Cleric, she doesn't seem to have been trained in any other weapon type at all (and it can do a little bit more to help rationalize the fact hat she was the face of the Bride class in Awakening) Ike -> Fighter, so he can uses Axes from the get go just like daddy. Elincia -> Princess, sword stave class like in Holy War. You get access to her much earlier in POR and then when you would naturally get her she has a plot based class change to her Pegasus class renamed something like Crown Princess or Destined Queen. Using a heartseal can go back to the original class if the player feels so inclined.
  18. 1.Greatest achievement in life thus far? 2.Something you think is really good but I likely have never heard of? 3.Do you like the sound of your own voice? 4.Furthest you've ever been from home? 5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?
  19. So usually staves aren't considered a weapon by the game. You have weapon exp but you don't equip them when you use them. The (I believe sole) exception to this is in Radiant Dawn where they are fully considered a weapon (though you still can't initiate an attack with them). This allows units with staves to counter attack but since staves have practically no might they almost always deal no damage. The downside to this is that a healer cannot really attack on enemy phase if they healed that turn. The upside is the fact that a stave user can automatically heal themself at the start of turn if they have a staff equipped (without losing that turn). But you're probably aware of all that already. I'm not really sure why I even explained it :p. What I want to know is your opinion on this system. Is it something you'd like to see back and are there things you'd like to see introduced to it (maybe combat oriented staves you can attack with so Clerics aren't such a slog to promote)?
  20. I think knights should have the same movement as everyone else at tier 1 but not gain point of movement upon promotion to general, like Hector in FE7. Additionally I'd do something to the Armour status as a whole so it's not completely a weakness with no benefits at all. Right now I'm thinking they receive half damage from Hand Axes and Lances etc when hit at range. Before I was considering making them immune to Shuriken stat reductions but that would sort of defeat the point of the stat reductions since a knight is the one enemy you'd want to actually weaken first since you'd likely kill most other enemies in one or two hits. Also I'm not quite finished revelations but I'm finding Knights and Generals ridiculously useful in Fates. Like the best class type by a wide margin.
  21. Pretty sure I completely filled the military stats, climbing and magic and paid for mercenaries and still couldn't beat that damn fleet.
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