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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. I know it's not right but I tend to ignore the apostophy and second A so I pronunce L'Arachel as Larchel, or Lar-chul. Anyone else instinctivly say it that way.
  2. Maybe they didn't want people thinking it should sound like Asthma.
  3. Like the city? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Rochelle
  4. 6.Favorite Bond movie? 7.Favorite Disney movie? 8.Favorite Shakespeare play? 9.Favorite Queen song?
  5. Totally valid but quite unfitting in my opinion. But first time bias might have a lot to do with that.
  6. Voted Alvis but I have a lot of love for my man Lehran. Do you have some kind of source for this? Because the way everyone raves about prime!Greil in universe would definitely suggest he's the best there ever was. And then the Black Knight says Ike is better. Not to mention Ike, Nasir/Ena and a Laguz Royal manage to beat Ashnard who also had the assistance of a Black Dragon (who also get a massive tonne of hype in universe), feral but I'm sure still very useful in combat.
  7. Little late to the convo here, but is this dialogue publically avilable anywhere?
  8. On that note the S in Camus is probably silent since it's a real French surname and given the location of Grust on the world map (west of the more Roman inspired nations) I doubt that's an accident. Then again his king was called Ludwick which is a distinctly more German so I'm not sure if you can even use culturial inspirastion a lot of the time. Btw for anyone still struggling with Shiida, remember there was an anime that gave her name a pronunciation (though the localisation also called him Mars so grain of salt and all).
  9. Tanith also has the wonderful ability to summon canon fodder.
  10. Don't underestimate that infinite Res growth they tend to have.
  11. So with Fates finally accessible to me and it's myriad of new classes, it's encouraged me to start working on my Branching class tree again. One such new class was the Kinshi Knight, which I really like. I've wanted a mounted Bow User for a while. I already had a flying bow user with my Griffon Hunter class however so at first I decided I'd just make kinshi Knight a DLC class. But that was a little too easy a solution so with much thought I decided to try add the new class naturally into my own tree. Here's the result. [spoiler=Old Idea] If you're having trouble making out the weapon icons you can open the image in a new tap to zoom in. [spoiler=New Idea] So I'd like a bit of feedback if possible on which of the two of these is a better idea. My main reservation with the newer update is that there are now more swords than lances or axes which I don't particularly think are really suited all that much for flying units (talking aesthetically). I suppose I could swap the basic pegasus rider to be mono lance like they are in a lot of games but I had a nice thing going with three different base units each specialising in swords, lances and axes each. The updated version also might be more confusing to some people, especially when taken in context with the full class tree (for those who are actually confused right now, Griffon Rider, Pegasus Knight and Dragon Rider are the three tier 1 classes. Green lines denote tier 1 -> tier 2 promotion and red lines denote tier 2 -> tier 3 promotions, blue numbers indicate movement). A slightly sillier reservation that I have is that I prefer my Pegasus!Phoenix Knight sprite over my Bird!Phoenix Knight and don't particularly want to can it. Anyway I want to hear your opinion about the setups so tell me what you think. Along with any other ideas you might have regarding the future of aerial mounts in the series.
  12. Ashnard's power base also was no longer in Daein. When Ike takes that territory all the people there are completely safe from any repercussions from Daein (Begnion oppression is a different story). Daein might try to reclaim it again but that's misery the people living there would suffer through regardless of what the commanders do. The only logic of remaining with Daein that makes sense is assuming they'll win in the end, or just plain loving its ideals. Off topic too, I just wanted to throw my two cents in before it's rightfully buried.
  13. If you're going to can forced deployment slots, then I suggest adding Chapter 18x where you play as Dorias and his failed attempt on reclaiming Alster. The units you bring to that chapter then serving as the escape units in Chapter 19.
  14. Yeah, you're probably right. But that poll option was more of a jab at how much Robin dominates the gameplay of Awakening and outshines Chrim rather heavily.
  15. A series of stand alone chapters (probably individually downloaded but rather cheap) that cover events of the series' lore and backstory that wouldn't fit into a full game. Like the Miracle of Darna (et all legendary armies) or whatever Micahlis was up to during FE3. So basically Archania Saga but with the whole series as a playground.
  16. Open your eyes to the truth! The S in Camus is silent.

  17. Emmet swore as the arrow buried itself in his arm. Biting through the pain he returned fire and somehow managed to hit his mark. The hunter was still standing however. "Damn. What are these things made of?" Rather than risk any further combat he retreated several yards. Beside him was an ally, a rather fragile looking, scantily dressed healer. A handaxe had just knocked her to the ground. Without wasting any time on talking, he began healing her. Emmet to (23,13) use Heal on Larissa
  18. Playing Final Fantasy Tactics (which mostly ignores it's narrator despite that being the entire framing point of the story) made me really appreciate how effective the narrator in Fire Emblem is. A lot of the time it gives you information that's already present in the character discussions but presenting it from an omniscient source, and most importantly, having it overlay on the world map, really gives a sense of the world and what's happening in it. Definitely something I'd like to see return.
  19. 1.Greatest Achievement in life thus far 2.Can you recommend me one thing you think is really good but I likely have never heard of? 3.Do you like the sound of your own voice? 4.Furthest you've ever been from home? 5.A Mega Pokemon you'd like to see?
  20. I doubt anyone but the most hardlined fascists whom you'll never please regardless, would be offended if you they made her asexual. Mainly because it stems from a lack of orientation and therefore a lack of anything to actually be offended about. And in terms of characterisation you wouldn't have to change a single thing that's already established about her.
  21. So is anyone writing for this or has it fallen off everybody's list of priorities?
  22. I never really set out to be a sprite artist and heavens knows I'm not. Like at all. But out of necessity I've had to make a few sprites over the years to complete my custom class tree and by now I've ended up with a repertoire of sprites I'm somewhat proud of (others...not so much). Anyway I thought I'd show them off as an independant work so people can say what they like or don't like about it. [spoiler=Probably the first image related to this project that I've ever been able to embed]
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