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Everything posted by Jotari

  1. RE: Third tiers, are you talking about Gaiden? Because IMO, Radiant Dawn barely had third tiers. Except from the Dawn Brigade everyone was a prepromote, to the extent that you easily could have just changed the exp gain on the Dawn Brigade chapters and remove the first tier entirely. A bit of a missed oppertunity in Radiant Dawn in my opinion.
  2. Oh, I'd also make it so you get increased EXP for attacking with weapon triangle advantage. If you had frequent access to arms scrolls on two grades that can level up one or all weapons, training weapons, easy access to Discipline for all units, increased wexp on a kill and weapon triangle advantage, then training up weapon ranks would only be a matter of shifting your priorities slightly with certain units and managing your resources apropriately.
  3. For those of you saying Ike's was the only promotion that was timed well, I'd like to draw attention to Leif the (I believe) first instance of forced promotion. He promotes at the end of Chapter 18, which given the Gaidens and the fact that Ike's chapter 17 is really four chapters, it's almost exactly the same time in the game. He then has nine chapters as a promoted lord (including Gaidens) where's Ike has twelve. Plotwise it also suits very well since it's right when Leif reclaims his castle and truly becomes Prince of Leinster. Everything about his promotion is excellent...except he doesn't get a sprite change or any extra weapons...Really the Prince class in Holy War should have had staves just like the Princess class. Then Leif could get them on promotion in Thracia. God knows an extra stave user in Thracia is never unwelcome.
  4. The last two games in the series have had the lord promoting like a regular unit, no doubt due to the emphasis on reclassing. The two games before that were remakes of Marth's games which didn't feature a promotion for the lord at all. That means the last time we've had plot based promotions was in Radiant Dawn, almost ten years ago. Is this an element of the series you think won't be coming back? And do you want it to come back. On one hand not having to keep your lord stuck on level 20 for ten chapters is pretty convenient (*cough*, *cough* Roy), on the other having the lord promote at a certain point in the story really helps to give a sense of progression for the character and plot, and makes the lord stand out as more than just a regular unit. What's your opinion? Do the practical benefits out weight the narrative ones?
  5. I reckon the two blood limit is for gameplay balancing more than any magical biological reasoning but it does help to make Celice and Julia seem less evil.
  6. Not sure reference is the right word. It's a frequent example of how illogical English spelling is that Ghoti can legitmately be pronunced as Fish. The Gh is taken from Tough and the Ti is from words that end in Tion that are pronunced Shin or Shion like Emotion.
  7. Make it a resource management aspect by having ore liberal access to Arms Scrolls and a nerfed version that only boosts one weapon rank is probably the way to go IMO. If everything starts at C then it kind of defies the point of having E and D. Alternatively have specific training weapons that are weak and low rank but give massive boosts to weapon exp.
  8. Haha. That's exactly why I included the sub question of what form would you like it to take. I really doubt anyone liked FE6 Merlinus over FE7. Personally I'm thinking if he could do some scratch damage, maybe with a bow or magic then people would be more inclined to the idea. Of course I'm not sure how that would work wil levelling up every chapter.
  9. Questions all there in the title. Would you like to see a return of a convoy unit and if so, in what form would you like it to take?
  10. It's just a work unto itself right now but maybe in the future if there's a Fire Emblem maker that's super streamlined I might put some time into fitting a game around it.
  11. Or Celice doesn't have minor Lopt.
  12. I think the game was almost trolling you by giving you a 20/20 Unit on the same chapter Roy promotes, and that's only if you don't get the Gaiden. If they actually had him promote before that Gaiden then he'd have four chapters (or is it five? Can't remember if you're able to save before Idoun) to play around with promoted which isn't all that bad compared to the other Game Boy Advanced Lords. I also think the fact that the other two Game Boy Advance games have multiple lords help their late promotion times seem less egregious since.
  13. Could you spoiler some crucially plot relevant stuff like that second point? Some of us aren't finished Fates yet.
  14. I like to think the Blood Bond with Gale was something Lopt did to try and have his will live beyond the degregation without lowering himself to directly taking a human form. Which in turn means the manaketes becoming feral is something that was happening around the same time as Holy War's backdrop.
  15. -Movement is a bit of a holdover from the first version of the tree where I wanted something to make that version of Phoenix Knight a viable option compared to Dragon Lord. Since things are more balanced with weapons now (or at least since all classes are getting a scond weapon on promotion) I think I'll change it to 7,8,8 for all the classes like you suggest. -If something looks like it's at a disadvantage (or has too much of an advantage) than caps and growth modifiers will generally be the balancing factor, though I haven't actually desgined any stats for any of the units. However when it comes to Armored units I've always felt there should be something to make the armored stat more useful since the other special classes all have something beyond stats that make it noteworty. Playing Fates I thought it might be cool if Armored units couldn't receive stat drains, should that be a thing that remains in the series. Then I thought they should probably be immune to knives/shurikens in general since what's a shuriken going to do against several inches of plate mail. And eventually that evolved into the idea of taking less damage from 1-2 physical weapons at range over all. TL;DR, I have some ideas to make armor more than liability. That being said I think I will give them swords too. Every other class has three weapons. It might make it a little too similar to Dragon Lord but it's better to have similar classes rather than one that is just plain inferior. -As I said above I'll probably drop the pegasus line's movement. The bird classes would also would be quite flimsy as units even more so than Pegasus Knights despite being somewhat hardy in fates. As far as mounts go they look more majestic than powerful. -Oh yeah and the Shurikens were thrown in there just for the sake of it. I had the entire class tree built long ago so they were implemented post the fact and as a result very few classes have Surikens. Then adding the Chimera into the tree, I needed something to distinquish it from the other classes and well literally every other wepaon was taken by something else in the tree with the exception of knives so I thought why the hell not, give em Shurikens. It's already a massive hodgepodge of everything, making it a ninja too would only add to the monstrosity. -I find it a tonne easier to just recolour a sprite than make a completely new one (though I am rather proud with how Griffon and Chimera turned out). The Bird Knights shouldn't even have that many wings but adding in a couple more was easier than trying to modify a horse's body into a bird's. -If you're curious about the rest of the system you can find the full tree here.
  16. In my only Thracia playthrough so far I played the First Gen of Holy War first and started the Second Gen after having finished Thracia. As mentioned above this helps keep the gameplay more localised and as far as starting points go everything feels like you're beginning a new adventure. The canon also doesn't even match up all that well which is very apparent when you play both at once. In Holy War Leinster actually get's seiged twice, once in Chapter 7 and then a second time in Chapter 8.Thracia definitely adapts the Chapter 7 siege since Celice appears at the end but the Chapter 8 seige just never happens. Which is a shame since it features Ishtar, Faval and the three mage sisters. I'm quite disapointed since the chapter directly preceeding the seige in Thracia is a generic open field level where they easily could have put those aforementioned characters in. In addition to that, the way the paths are lined out in Holy War, the game quite heavily pushes Leif assaulting Connacht and receivng back up from Celice but in Thracia they criss cross paths for some reason and Celice's army takes on Connacht at the same time Leif is fufilling his plot in Manster (which also, obviously, isn't mentioned in Holy War). TL:DR the Thracia plays it fast and loose with it's overlapping segments.
  17. Not sure Celice and Sigurd should be in the same tier. Celice doesn't have a horse until you feed him 20 levels and in Holy War that makes a massive difference.
  18. Kilroy sounds like it could be a genuine Irish family or place name.
  19. I also pair Male Robin with Tiki. General Tiki bias aside, there's something poetic about joining the blood of Naga and Grima together in order to help end the conflict.
  20. "Wait, I wanted you heal me too" Emmet muttered weakly as the scantly clad healer immediately ran off to help someone else. "She must not have noticed I'm injured." Emmet stood there for several minutes trying to regain his strength but when it seemed like the battle was going too far ahead of him, he rushed forward to join his allies. The same rider from earlier rushed up to meet him, looking even more injured than before. "You need to be more careful" Emmet advised. "A healer might not get to you quick enough next time." Emmet moves to 19,14 and uses Heal on Nelon.
  21. Azura was plot relevant but I don't really see what lord traits she had. You don't get game over if she dies, she isn't forced in most chapters. In terms of gameplay I can't see anything that distinquishes her from any other dancing unit in the series.
  22. My issue with Lyon is that his presence is very absent for a massive majority of the game. The twins randomly flash back to him when they were kids every now and then but as a villain he only shows up in like the last six chapters and spends almost the entire time running away and looking very sick. The writing's still good and they do amp up the tragedy, we even get two characterasations but as far as antagonists go, someone fighting against the protagonists and wanting their destruction, I just don't feel it with Lyon. Good character perhaps but not a good villian. If I was to blame anything it'd be Sacred Stone's relatively short plot compared to the other games. He needed a few more chapters to breath as a villian. Now Caellach, that's someone I was really feeling as a villain. Cool, casual and dangerous. The kind of guy that'd murder you in a second but you could also have a good drink with. And in terms of achievement he was totally pulling more weight than every other villain in the game.
  23. Trying to understand the illogicality of English spelling is a fruitless task. Most of the time there is no meaning and it's just a bunch of mistakes and stolen ideas bundled together in a chaotic mess.
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