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Posts posted by Jotari

  1. What would you like to see in future versions of Fire Emblem? Has Pair Up stolen your heart as a game mechanic or do you still believe in the practical uses of rescue? Or could you see them both being implemented in one game?

  2. It'd ruin the contingency of the story, but I'm sure we could live without Excellus or Cervantes.

    Blasphemy! No one could live without the glorious whiskers that make up Cervantes. If anything the Valm arc should have been entirely about Cervantes' beard.

    I also agree that having Lucina searching for Tiki would have been a great way to connect the two.

  3. If I give a unit Rightful King alone with Aether, Ignis, Astra and Luna will the chances of one of them being activate be near certain? Or does it only do a check once? Would it be pointless to learn both Aether and Luna as Luna will only detract from the chances of Aether.

  4. If we're not discussing it's possibilities then the thread would just be what did you think of weapon weight? Discussing it's flaws and benefits to see exactly why it should or shouldn't return seems to be what everyone is doing here before it became a discussion about Hector. Perhaps I am misreading the conversation but the return aspect of the title makes me consider the future.

  5. i think that my hack implements weapon WT fairly well :plug:

    You need to explain exactly what's different for that comment to have any worth.

    Of course you could simply edit it afterwards making me look like a fool in the eyes of people who don't put much thought into reading comments. My quote int his comment means I would had to manually remove any additional information to get that one sentence claiming you don't have said information.

  6. I'm not a fan of weight at all. D8 And I hate CON, too. I can't think of a single woman in FE8 who had a CON higher than 6, which is utter BS. Good riddance to both, I say. They don't need to come back. "OTL

    Milady had a Con of 9 and Dorothy had a Con of 7. That's just the first two I bothered to check. Not sure if I have a point to this comment to be honest.

  7. Personally I would like to see it come back along with Con. I would however like to see a better availability of Body Rings so you can actually do something to counter acct the negative effects on certain units. And also as someone pointed out above, they really should have the effects of it explained better in game.

  8. The Avatar's current role in Fe13 could not work if he was a standard character. At least not without some heavy modifications. He's only actually important in the last third of the game and for a character who's only semi relevant to suddenly steal the show like that would not feel right at all (imagine if Fredrick turned out to be Grima! Actually that would be kind of awesome, I definitely wouldn't have seen that coming). For the Avatar to be a standard character in game he would need more input in the story other than being the tactician to justify the plot that happens in the last third and also to justify the fact that it's game over when he dies.

  9. At some point the holy weapons decided it was kind of stupid that only major blooded people could wield them so they decided to let minor blooded people wield them too, though not as effectively. By the time Awakening comes around (what four thousand years later?) everybody even on separate continents have minor blood from all the heroes and can thus wield all the holy weapons.

  10. One thing that worries me is the actually how well the Avatar was implemented into the story in Awakening. If they want to continue it they're probably going to need to implement the Avatar into the story of future games in an important way which ends up meaning they have to build a story around using the Avatar every time rather than being free to do something else. Which is why if the Avatar does show up again I'd be kind of fine if it was just an observer of it all from a story perspective.

  11. Sure there is. Whoever sibling isn't being played, is stated to be accompanied by Frelian knights.

    And considering that Ephrahim is often referred as the leader of the Frelian army, they are probably with him either way.

    Besides, it was the Frelian army initially lead by Innes' who beat Grado's main army in the first place and brought the war to a turnaround.

    That's much more mundane then I previously thought. Which involved Ephraim storming the entire continent by himself. Oh well at least I still have him and three others taking a castle by themselves.

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