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Posts posted by Jotari

  1. So if a Battle Cleric (or Monk I think the classes are identical apart from the male female thing though I haven't played Awakening yet) was in a game with three tiers of classes, what do imagine it would promote to? Do you think they should lean more towards physical, getting more weapons? Or should they get some magical offense?

  2. Maybe after the script was written someone pointed out that the Black Knight's line about being unable to hurt someone who can't defend themselves makes no sense since he can kill staff users. So they decided to make staff users viciously counter attack with all their might. (ie nothing). The Black Knight can still kill people who have absolutely nothing equipped. Or maybe it was because of the hilariously cute animation they were able to make as a result.

  3. As for whether his life is sad, I question this to some extent. On the personal scale, like I said, he seems to enjoy the struggle for power - but maybe this is just a play put on for Reptor and Langobalt (and incidentally Manfroy). His younger portrait does seem to have a prideful smirk that Julius "inherits," but maybe that is just how he would look in most of the conversations we see him having. The older portrait seems to express the regret over insufficient power or strength and utter failure in recognition of his heir and legacy that we presume would bring sadness. However, was the Grandbell occupation of other countries ever particularly benign? Even before julius got the lopt tome, it seems like Alvis was not very competent at establishing a decent occupation...not sure about how grandbell's interior was doing pre child-hunt.

    Didn't the game say there was an era of peace from when Alvis took the throne right up until the point Julius started going all evil demon spawn on everyone?

  4. Brave Soul: Negates the effect of opponent's brave weapons (and all equivalents of such weapons like Amiti). Is not effected by Nilhil.

    Stickyhands: Prevents thieves from stealing from this unit (so yeah pretty much every enemy with locked weapons would have this instead)

    Gravity: All flying units in three range loose their flying status. For magic users only (they are effected by terrain bonuses like everyone else when moving through that area but won't be supper effected by arrows and such)

  5. And what's this supposed to mean? That screen shows ASTRA, Luna and Sol, not FLARE, Luna, and Sol. Besides, that's a hack.

    That's just a picture of someone about to die (and someone about to get magically healed through bloodshed). What I find funniest though is that he's just outright ignoring Nilhill.

  6. Retreat: Unit retreats from battle when their HP reaches 0 but cannot be used in the next three chapters due to injuries. Cannot be equipped to certain characters (who have to appear on the map like your main lord. Also means casual mode doesn't exist).

  7. You know that Duel already exist, right ?

    (Except not luck based, and allow just one more turn each time it activates).

    And we saw with Duel/Charge that it can also be disadvantaging when it activates and you can't counter.

    A double-edged skill. If there's a way to activates only when you can counter it would be interresting though.

    May have si=uggest you rename it Damocles ? You should change the name to clarify it.

    I had no idea charge was also called duel, and the're pretty similar too but charge only continues the battle an extra round. My idea for duel was to exactly recreate an arena battle in the main game. I wouldn't have a problem with both existing in a game though as each has their own advantages and disadvantages. Charge probably being more useful for players while my skill being more useful for enemies.

  8. I don't know if anything like this has been suggested before, I haven't seen anything of the sort so I might as well go ahead and do it. This is a thread for making up your own skills and abilities that you think would work well in a Fire Emblem game. People can also criticize it or think of creative ways it might be a effective. I'll go ahead and suggest some skills to start us off.

    Quick Hand: Automatically swap to a weapon in your inventory to counter with if your current weapon cannot (so if a fighter get's attacked from two range with a steel axe equipped and a hand axe in reserve he will automaitcally equip the hand axe to counter)

    Duel: Luck% chance of activating. When activated both characters will continue fighting until one of them is dead (will not activate if there is any chance the fight will not end. Would be a pretty nasty boss skill)

    Starlight: Skill% chance the attack will not reduce the weapon's usage.

  9. Even if the first few titles didn't do too well it doesn't mean we wouldn't have got the later ones. Melee probably would have come along and raised just as much awareness for the series sending it down the same path if the first few titles were really obscure. The most positive result of such a past would be the older, already translated games getting a release on the western virtual console.

  10. (I would like to note at the start of this post I in no way think the destruction of any race, species or culture is in anyway right and that I have also yet to play Fe7)I think the term genocide is being thrown around here too much without a lot of consideration. Genocide isn't merely the destruction of one race/species by another it is (to quote an online dictionary), "the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group."

    Nothing supports the fact that humans wanted to destroy all dragons, even if they invaded first. After all when one country invades another it doesn't mean they automatically want to eradicate the local inhabitants. There is much more evidence to suggest that the Scouring built up into the large conflict it became over time. This is very different to genocide, the humans did not round up the dragons and put them into work camps with the intent of seeing them all die. They fought each other in a war that escalated until eventually it really was a case of us or them because things got so out of hand. Even if they were the original aggressors it's just as likely in the end they were doing all they could to defend themselves from the giant fire breathing lizards. From what I see, nothing suggests the humans wanted to kill or banish all the dragons even if that's what the ended up doing. And really that makes all the difference. War changes the way things work on many levels. On a smaller more relatable note, we all know killing people is bad yet in war killing people is what has to be done. Sure it's a bad thing that humans ended up killing all the dragons but they were fighting a goddamn war against giant fire breathing dragons, their choices were very limited.

    It would have been nice to see such a thing brought up in the story but really it isn't all that strange that it wasn't. Even if humans were murderous bastards (especially if they were) the fact that no one worries about it is mainly based on the point that it happens 1,000 years ago, which is a very long time for humans. For better or for worse the majority of people don't particularly care about what happened back then. It's in the past, way way back in the past and is only made somewhat relevant during the events of the game. Roy's reaction to the scouring is something like "Oh I heard about that." It's not treated as the only important moment of human history. Aside from that as we all know, history was wrote by the victors and the victors blamed the ending winter on the dragons alone. Probably something they shouldn't have done in terms of morals but something they did do meaning many people aren't all upset a thousand years later that their ancestors killed a few dragons.

    As for how the divine generals are glorified, it is in no way surprising. It's pretty clear from Yahn's story that the war went on for a long long time. The divine generals likely weren't the original aggressors of the war, instead they were the ones who put an end to probably decades of war fare bringing peace to the world. Maybe the result of this was unfortunate mass slaughter but nothing suggests they were murderous bastards who wanted all dragons dead. They were probably in all likelihood good people fighting a war to defend themselves. Wasn't Roland even a child (or was he just quite small?). Another one was declared a saint meaning she must have been a pretty good person in the public eye. And we get first hand proof the Hartmut was someone who could be sympathetic to dragons going so far as to spare one of the biggest threats to his species existence. If that's not proof her isn't a genocidal maniac then I don't know what is (excuse my double negative).

    And one short final point. While I know this kind of interpretation, I really don't think Yahn was emotionless. He might like to think he is but he comes across to me as very very bitter. He claims to hold no ill will towards humans but does use every chance he can get to berate them. The way I see him is that he desperately wants to believe he doesn't hate humans because his hatred is so great that the thought of hating them would make him too similar to them if that makes any sense.

  11. On the subject of sad lives, don't forget about Alvis. Apparently he has a terrible relationship with his father to begin with which ended in suicide. Malfoy black mails him with his lopto blood (which was a pretty serious witch hunting style deal), but worst of all is how everything falls to pieces for him after his apparent victory. He had good intentions in mind when he instigated the Barhara massacre and indeed things were good for a time, but then he finds out that the woman he loved is his sister and he's after given birth to what is pretty much satan spawn. His wife dies and his utopia falls apart under with the lopt sec running amok. By the time Celice fights him it seems quite clear he's pretty much suicidal himself over all the shit that's happened mostly because of his own actions and unfortunate heritage.

  12. I only recently (quite randomly) realized that there's no Armorslayers in this game. Is there any notable reason for this? Any point in the game that it'd make to easy or something because it just seems strange to me that they didn't bother putting it in.

  13. I find Astrid surprisingly useful. She might be a little under leveled when you first get here but she has a pretty decent class and default paragon makes her alot easier than most characters with her availability to train. It also let's you give her blossom without it taking up all her capacity and still have normal exp growth.

  14. ^ This. I rarely ever use characters that show up THAT late into the game. Only exception being FE10!Tormod and FE10!Stefan, because I like them just that much.

    Really Tormod? Is he really worth it? I mean you practically get him at end game where's very likely still mid leveled second tier.

  15. I always find Tiki to be an absolute beast that everybody seems to outright ignore. Sure she has somewhat low HP to start off but after about five levels that doesn't really matter much since nothing can harm her. Unlike other Manaketes he low usage of her weapon can easily be nullified by giving her the Starsphere that you just happen to get in the same chapter that she joins and even if you want to get Falchion you can still use Hammerne afterwards which is also something I don't think other Manaketes in the series can do.

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