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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. I decided to give the Anima Blessing to a character that I'm using in the current season because of bonuses I don't plan to use it in the future XD
  2. Well, I don't expect the Normal Units to appear in Leg/Myth, but CYL Units perfectly can.
  3. I think people should be ready to expect anything, and the only think that is a given is the Roy's thing new mode. I'm excited to see if I can be surprised.
  4. Oh wow; we'll have the FEH Channel Tomorrow? That is quite unexpected; I was expecting it to be a bit before the update. But hey, I like it more that way xD.
  5. Yeah, it fact, April 10th will be the last day of it.
  6. Elimine is the only human character I expect to see as a Mythic because she essencially became an ascended being. I wonder if we ended up getting all the Lords characters and characters kind of expected to apply (Alm, Celica, Sigurd, Seliph, Eliwood, Micaiah, Corrin, Xander)... what would happen after that?, I'm mean, new game only arrive each 3~4 years.
  7. Fomortiis Mila Ashera Deghinsea Naga. I also add Old Tiki (I would like it, but I'm not sure if the community would :P) , Athos and Altina (their characteristics makes them weird to be actually clasified as Mythic Heroes) as honorable mentions.
  8. So I guess the April Non-Leg Heroes will be Winter Eprahim, Ylgr, (Blue) Winter Fae, ...? (Green) (They already used all of the newish Green New Heroes Prior to Kaden, maybe we see a re-run or something old this time). Winter Eirika, Leanne/another Re-Run (Colorless). ___ And I think it makes sense to April to be the non-Mythic month, because of the April Update working with Arena Heroes.
  9. Maybe they also wanted to make sure Dark Mythics aren't completely associated with Evil Guys... She is probably the only alternative for a Dark Hero that is neither a male, a dragon or evil. I think she being Dark is okay anyway, after all she is a being associated with traditionally negative traits (with Chaos being one of them of course); and using the Light/White Symbol and the Dark/Black Symbol makes a bit more clear their connection to the Yin-Yang duology.
  10. Oh; I personally see Tatiana as a viable choice; but not exactly someone with priority... the other character aren't exactly appealing for the gacha; so they would be lucky of appearing after Tatiana, Silque and Conrad.
  11. Maybe because their only viable options left to use are Silque and Conrad.
  12. Maybe that is the reason they decided to use "Order" and "Chaos"; Order and Chaos have some proper definitions, but their use doesn't directy imply an absolute truth, and instead, it's just part of the nature of life; both of them are opposites that must exist, and exists because the other exists too. In any case, being the "Goddess of Negative Qualities" would explain why it was so easy to give her the "Dark God" title.
  13. I think that is the reason we have the monthy offers.
  14. Around so many Armor Units "powercreeping" the game, it's hard to remember that the only Archer that actually surpass Jamke in Atk are +Atk Bride Cordelia +Atk Valetine!Roy and +Atk H!Jakob (An Armor)... yeah, the only character that comes close is Leon, and as you said, he needs to sacrifice Spd to have the same Atk.
  15. If Julius would be considered a Dragonstone user for weapon buff it would also use Dark Aura's effect; and would be the only character that can use both Auras effect. Which of course it's quite fitting of a final boss to have special treatment.
  16. There are some good ideas for Version Level 4 of the other Blows/Stances? Maybe I can think some.
  17. Yeah, that was implied when I say "Old Tiki"; I only would have talked about Young Tiki in a "oldish" manner as "Classic Tiki", but that would sound weird anyway.
  18. Yeah, Tiki is pretty much the only playable character that is kind of treated like a god-like being. So I'm actually kind of expecting a Old Tiki Mythic Character.
  19. Probably is more about giving Micaiah more WTA against the mages instead of being perpetually in disadvantage unless she is fighting Numida/Lekain. And yeah, his defense is the thing that would benefit from having a boost. Aran feels a bit too weak to be this slow despite having stupid defense growth.
  20. Garret actually looks like from Fire Emblem... but like a Bandit Boss from Fire Emblem.
  21. That would be nice... I wonder which reason would they have to don't demote anything in this banner. They have demoted Dancers (Sylvia and Reyson) in the past (a class in the past we thought they wouldn't demote), and also other characters with strong stat-spreads (Soleil) and stupid weapons (Ares)... I wonder what is different this time.
  22. At least the rest of the trainees have some weird stats spread that makes them flexible but avoid making them super min-maxed (even Idunn it's like that with her 26 Spd being actually workable)... the exception to this is of course Surtr. If Idoun wasn't a Trainee I'm sure all the points she would have lose would be in Speed (Duma in fact is a 21 Spd Armor).
  23. I don't blame people to don't understanding French ("KamĂș" isn't exactly how a normal personal would expect to pronounce Camus), but damn; it particular hurts me the Japanese names that were americanized (I mean... the idea of Hoshido/White Night Kingdom is to be a Japan-like State).
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