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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Oh that makes sense, Soleil pretty much plays with those ideas, I think someone actually mentioned it before. I remember something similar happening with Islamic Cultures actually... mlm is considered very illegal; wlw is technically haram too but as far as I know, isn't literally condemmed to death unlike mlm; probably because they believe wlw aren't a real thing too. I would be wrong of course; but I only remember the gay sodomy to be condemmed to death.
  2. I guess is playing into the "male fantasy", and having gay/bi protagonists would ruin that?
  3. Do you think the reason we have more wlw pairs is because it's easier to fetishe it for the main audience?
  4. We have a Gold Knight in 3 Houses? o.o
  5. Well, I think the Cavalier Master Class must be more tricky to get precisely because of how good their are. I mean, they're essecially Master Knight Lite with themed colors.
  6. I wonder how the japanese would have reacted if Claude or Dimitri were bisexual options.
  7. It's really nice to finally have that skill you were searching for so long. It's a shame the weapon didn't prove that much after the weapon refine.
  8. Can we also have Finnish Sauna Spirits too? (?)
  9. Special Spiral it's an amazing skill :D (I need more Atk Smokes xD)
  10. Well, I actually think at least Leo and Takumi were designed with women in mind; Takumi has a character archtype that is quite popular with females and Leo was voiced for freaking Mamoru Miyano. ___ I was also expecting Raphael to be the character to be used for bara stuff... maybe in the obscure comics that nodoby should read.
  11. Wow, Seiros it's a powerful. Oh damn... the way she kills Nemesis is quite... emotional... I wonder what kind of relationship they had before this conflict... he seems quite shocked when Seiros mentions the Red Canyon.
  12. I don't know about Arthurian Legends enough to answer that.
  13. I wonder if Blue Lions lack gay options because they want to perserve their knightly feeling (?)
  14. Oh that makes completely sense considering her known traits (Devout religious and animal friend).
  15. Oh, that was my original idea; I just thought I give another impression, so I decided to stop. Sorry for the confusion.
  16. It doesn't matter, I don't want to jinx anything.
  17. Well, I'm not counting out that possibility because of the fact this is a new game.
  18. TTs as far I remember always wait some days to appear; first appears the Banner, then the TT Banner and then two days the actual event.
  19. I think that is the only context outside of canon outfits where I would see a female using a male-like outfit xD
  20. I think distracting them with her exposed body is good enough 😛
  21. I think he was joking about the fact their stats are almost identical, nothing to be annoyed 😛
  22. Hey, it's nice to see you enjoying the game like before. Which build you have in mind for the Seal Atk/Spd?
  23. It's that the Master Class Dimitri? The Stats look huge, so I wouldn't be surprised.
  24. I'm actually surprised the 2019 Lyn Alt didn't arrived earlier... It has been a year and two months since the last one. Camilla it's still the only non-OC character that hasn't avoid alts for over a year.
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