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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Place 205th; with 1,136 votes. She was carried by Sanaki; I'm sure of that.
  2. I guess so; I need to have a confirmation of absolute anhilation Oh yeah, that was very incredible; it goes against so many things one would expect from a Fire Emblem Main Character without making them outright evil. Even more with the fact she is a female, and the female it's usually the secondary lord in overall value to the narrative, or even the third... Expecting to the arrive of Edelgard's story was such a wild ride.
  3. I think it's mostly the fact her route lacks cutscenes that makes it look like it was the one with the less priority in the development cycle. But I don't think the route was simply added willy-nilly, I'm sure it definitly was planned to exists since the very beginning; specially because it's existence it one of the most interesting parts of playing Three Houses; joining with the antagonist of the first part of the game it's such a weird change of pace; and it gives us a lot of new perspectives (include how this path change several endings in the game) in many stuff; specially in Edelgard's ideals and how she was misguided more that anything else. Also technically all the routes are wrong because at least one of the protagonists dies, and the main villians aren't completely destroyed.
  4. I think giving Edelgard a route was always intented (I mean, it would be very weird to promote your main waifu as pretty much the most important character of the narrative since the very beginning, and ended up making her 100% guaranted to die regardless of what you do); but the game definitely wanted to promote the narrative of "Edelgard, the fallen hero"; specially with the Complete version of her theme being very sad and tragic. Of course the whole nature of Edelgard's route (specially the lack of cutscenes) suggest it was indeed the last one to be developed.
  5. I wonder what was the impression of the people that picked Edelgard for "maximum waifu bait" reasons and ended up forgetting to activate Edelgard's route split. It would really be a very weird moment... but one that it would make sense in hindsight; Edelgard it's actually promoted a lot more in her anti-villain status in the trailers; in fact, the only Cutscene where Edelgard it's the hero (well, anti-hero) it's the only one that wasn't show (not even partially, like with the Church's cutscenes with zero context) in promotional material as far as I remember. I guess IS and co. really wanted people to accidently enter the Church's route and cry.
  6. I find interesting that Kronya is the only one of the slithers that doesn't have magic prophet eyes... In fact her eyes looks very similar to the actual Monica. And she doesn't seem to have real attachment to the Agarthan Cause; mostly just following Thales and having crazy fun. She doesn't have the same spirit to actually accept dying for the cause, unlike Solon that prefers to fight until the end after his plan failed.
  7. The Church of Seiros was essencially dismantled with Rhea's dead; but Garreg Mach is still there; and they need to start somewhere in their plan of creating a world with free education.
  8. Probably Edelgard's and Dimitri's Routes are the ones that have the more interesting dynamic with their respective antagonists for the fact Rhea mirrors some aspects of Edelgard; and Edelgard it's essencially Dimitri's foil. The other bad guys are more bland in what they offer to the narrative other that lore and some fun fights in the case of DK.
  9. To be fair Adrift was the only banner where the demotion would be considered a option. OCs were either going to be Limited or 5 Star Exclusive, and Brave Redux pretty much is following the steps of the Brave Heroes Stuff from Year 1. ... Also Changing Winds has a very random collection of characters from the same game... and despite all the things that had happened; a banner like this has always demoted someone. The banners that don't demote people have a very proper theme to follow, and for the most part (except Three Houses Protagonists that it was instead more like a Cross Promotion Banner, and Adrift) these banners include characters from several games canons instead of just one. --- BTW the only banners that had proper theme and it features characters from different games that had demotions are the first two banners (that are more like needed expansions for the early life span of the game, because it gave us characters from underrepresented games for the most part; except Klein).
  10. I would like to ask... Wyvern Rider/Lord it's the best not-Barbarossa class in the game right? How do you think it's accesibility can affect the placement of characters? (For example someone like Petra would have an easier time going into that class compared with other characters).
  11. Yeah; they arrive in August 16th
  12. In the end we can agree that Byleth is the reason why the winning side ends improve the world instead of ending in ****hole state; the plans to destroy the whole continent failed because of them. Without Byleth; Edelgard probably became more vulnerable to eventually turn into Nemesis 2 completely; Dimitri remains as a mad king and Rhea either dies or falls into complete madness.
  13. It was a lost cause a war were true wins because Edelgard it's the disadvantage anyway; a very Machiavellian decision; but one that I wouldn't see happening any other way; even removing the propaganda side of this. If she revealed the true nature of the attack... she would be killed (by her Uncle or Rhea); and everything she did would be in vain. It would be a true betray to the TWSITD; and Rhea would see this as a threat to her stale civilization.
  14. I suppose that puts me in the lower moral ground for wanting to share her path; I'm okay if you hate me. Several endings talk about dealing with TWSITD in some way, but the details aren't very clear. I need this expansion to give to Edelgard the whole truth after being deceived for so long.
  15. I think I'm having some insecurities about me liking Edelgard... But I'm feeling a little better after thinking some things in my own; sorry for bothering you.
  16. Seeing this thread makes me sad... Not because I'm mad; but because I'm feeling like there is something wrong in me.
  17. Micaiah has three outfits that uses in: The Part 1 (Light Mage), the Endgame (Light Priestess) and everything in between (Light Sage), which it's the one that isn't represented in FEH yet. I think in hindsight Light Priestess fits the thematic, because everyone else it's using ceremonial attire, or are trying to resemblee another ruler.
  18. This actually makes me wonder how tall she is compared with other FE Lords xD. None of them are smaller than 155 cm at face value thought
  19. Isn't like they would do much about it anyway... Byleth has a personal weapon, and see one Byleth get it and the other not would scream "FAVORITISM". ____ And yeah, Mercedes needs to demote.
  20. Probably isn't like it would be needed anyway; the failed experiments seem to have low life expectancies anyway. For someone as old as Rhea that is nothing.
  21. Hubert has some big numbers in that Atk Stat, holy tomb. Death Knight has a very weird stat-spread, that it would otherwise only work in a Armor; but hey, he actually has a weapon that plays around his decent Res and mediocre Speed.
  22. I Guess it was needed to avoid overflooding the game with more Inf Swordies.
  23. Yeah; I agree; I think that is the reason why the actual Edel Route needs you to know more about her and getting attachment through that ceremony event to actually consider helping her reasonable. ____ The church for the most part has helped you; and only really shows it's negative side through the ruthless treatment of "sinners" (Traitors)
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