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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. If Bandit Boss can be a option, Gatekeeper it will probably be too.
  2. I think she mostly a Mythic out of neccesity more than anything else. Unlike Legendary Heroes where our supply of heroes will never end (we have lords, pseudo lords and other figures like Athos that can work for that position), but with Mythics we're pretty limited, and most of the options people comments are just the final bosses (and Mila).
  3. The units intented for Support are Healers and Dancers; everyone else is intented for combat. If you can do the other thing it's mostly a bonus.
  4. That is fascinating; while technically you're in the Church's side, I guess they decided to give it also an Adrestian-themed name because of both routes coming from Black Eagles. Calling Crimson Flower as the "Hegemony Path" also gives it an special feeling as the unusual path from all the other ones that follow the usual Post Time Skip (recover the monastery, defend the monastery, go to Gronder, go to Empire); and overall describes how the route works in structure, with you defeating key targets to expand the dominance and influence of the Empire and eventually achieving peace through the end of all the internal threats. And of course, as you say, the leader in Silver Snow pretty much turns into a God Emperor of what is essencially a reborn Adrestia with a new name.
  5. Yeah, overall each endings it's good because overall they're lead by overall good people that manage to unite the world, but each one has their potential disadvantages if things go wrong in some way or another.
  6. I would like if the skills that gives magic spell as part of a class, instead of being just one spell, it was a collection of spells depending the class. It's sad that White Offensive Magic is only really used for like two people.
  7. This reminds me that Ashera is completely unable of moving of her start position; so I guess she being an armor it's even more true to the source materia.
  8. Edelgard's war while not exactly justified it was supported for stuff that don't only happened directly to her. She noticed the instability of the world despite the apparent peace; she was in a interesting position because of her connection of the Agarthans. She could or could not knowing, but considering their actions, they want war and will make peaceful resolutions impossible.
  9. Well yeah, if we need a start team, the choice should be the Greil's Mercenary; because they don't have the problem of having two cavaliers and characters designed pretty much as a function and not as a character.
  10. If we still followed the Kaga approach we wouldn't have these discussions about meta stuff only designed to avoid killing the franchise again.
  11. If we get a Female Gauntlet Class I expect it to be a Sword/Gauntlet Class.
  12. The fact Jeritza feels so far removed from CF supports the idea he was supposed to have content there; and even shows his human side like Manuela commented.
  13. So Jeritza will be playable now? And with supports? Yaaaay I wonder which characters (other that Byleth) he'll support.
  14. In a way BK got his own super GHB in his TT because he is one of the few cases where the final boss is also the reward.
  15. It's probably a mix of lack of sunlight and Dark Magic enhacements
  16. I expect it will mostly be stuff from the War of Liberation; Zanado stuff and the whole Seiros vs Nemesis stuff. Maybe we get a proper explanation of who the hell is Nemesis and why he was remember in story instead of being delete from it.
  17. Yeah; Mia doesn't have a particularly interesting backstory or an interesting dymanic or memes (not even memes; the thing about her voice acting seems to he a more recent thing and she was very popular even in Japan where that thing isn't memeable) She is probably the biggest example of a character stading out by character design alone, which we have to admit it, it's very cool and pretty specially compared with the rest of the Mercenaries and many of the other characters.
  18. Of course, he has issues, but he's still Dimitri... Unless Edelgard it's in front of him of course; then Dimitri dissapears and the boar takes everything.
  19. Outside of the obvious choices (Kronya and Gatekeeper) I would like to mention Shamir; a character that appeared without much fanfare during the first days of character speculation, suddenly became one of the most popular of the neutral characters. From older games I guess the only character that comes to mind that has a very random following it's... Mia? oh, and maybe Rinea too. The others are a lot easier to understand.
  20. Yeah, I doubt we will see Thales before Post Time Skip stuff starts to appear.
  21. Oh yeah I know that; I was talking in the context of GD. In Silver Snow it's hard to say; but considering he's dead... something happened; and was probably related to his boarness.
  22. This makes me wonder if the japanese version it's sang by Kikuko herself; if that is the case, I love her voice.
  23. He had an opportunity to kill Edelgard even if it was suicidal to try it... and he wanted to take it... If he doesn't have Byleth at his side nobody can stop him of doing dumb stuff.
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