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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. He would like to have better weight value in ElFire and Bolganone.
  2. FE5 could indeed be mistake as a old GBA Game with many weird mechanics, but nothing too fundamentally different unlike FE4.
  3. Oh the music it was definitely affected for the change of focus in the game design, instead of being story-driven it was adventure and exploration driven, so it needed something that worked better for the game's focus most of the time: the environment and the exploration. So the more "ambient" music that the games has most of the time (you can still here melodies fighting special enemies and in some locations though). The change of focus also affected precisely how dungeons and story are presented, because of the more "sand box" style of gameplay, and absolute freedom to do stuff after finishing the "tutorial".
  4. I like Corvinknight's pre-evos, the first one it's so cute ❤️ Also, the Imp's Demon-like final evolution; for some reason I really like his aesthetic xD
  5. Breath of the Wild is a weird game to play if you are a long running fan but don't have any experiences with the NES games. Because it lacks many of the usual stuff that ALttP ando OoT popularized about the games. And instead returned to the more Action Adventure origins of the franchise. _____ I'm happy that que aren't going to ve doomed to have the same FE games all the time.
  6. Oh they deserve them eventually, but they have less priority that the other more underwhelming units like Sub and Gordin.
  7. This is a interested set, it basically confirms they want to have an anchor for each update for people interested in summoning for them. It's a smart decision. I'm intrigued about Kana's weapon name. I don't know what do you think, but I personally believe it implies the other Kana will get a Moon Darkstone, and it would have a slightly different effect. Maybe is also the weapon Female Corrin gets? I'm not expecting Nowi and Fae to get refines soon because they're pretty much universally used in their relatively low rarity, so buffing them wouldn't change anything. But Female Corrin is a different story.
  8. Nephenee is probably the most overrated character consistently (Nino is pretty much considered a bad unit without a doubt) in the existence of Fire Emblem... She is so lame despite having a pretty cool skill, that skill can't carry her, she still needs to be carried, and she doesn't get anything from being an unique class gameplay wise (only fooling people into liking her).
  9. Darting Blow 4 goes perfectly with Null Follow Up (basically you have so much Speed in initiation that you will double pretty much everything regardless of enemy spd or skills), of course, that skill is infantry only.
  10. There are many things that are impossible to do before the war... the people that tried to do something to challenge this idea (Lambert) died. Regardless of if you think Edelgard's was more motivated for her reforms or the reunification of Fodlán; the fact is, the world was in a horrible state to change in peaceful ways.
  11. Yeah it would be a perfect time, we're already like a Week from the Update.
  12. It's time to Remove some units from here. (Conrad, Silque)
  13. I only buy Orbs from packs precisely to avoid over spending. I need to have some real value of the purchase even if the rest are pretty much random rewards.
  14. I had similar feelings about Dimitri situation except for the fact I don't personally get the love for him (I understand it, but I can't feel it... I wonder if playing BL in my own will do it), I guess I got a bit sick of people loving Dimitri and having such strong opinions about a character I was able to personally connect. But anyway I'm happy Dimitri is more interesting than how it was originally presented. Who the only interesting thing about him was his "shadow" and his noodle hair.
  15. That is true, that is probably the reason why Dorothea had maintain her Top 1 position despite the fact her popularity is a bit... questionable (Easy recruit, basically a easy consideration for dancer, appears in two different routes) But to be fair one would expect Edelgard to drop harder if that was the case more often that not, in theory Dimitri should appear here too because his route is apparently more popular and definitely has more chapters.
  16. I'm not sure right now who is considered better of Echidna and Bartre, but I personally prefer her.
  17. I think Catria is just overwhemed about the idea of a trio of Pegasus existing in many of the realms Askr ask for their heroes xD Maybe Cain has a similar idea about the Red/Green Combo.
  18. I personally believe many of the Edelgard's fans (mostly the male ones) don't usually comment in Famitsu stuff and probably will only appear to give their takes when CYL4 happens (an official Nintendo contest what will actually affect Edelgard's future). But yeah, unlike previous Fire Emblem, Edelgard isn't clearly seen as the most popular character everywhere, thought it gives incentive to many of her more active fans to do tons of stuff. ____________ Never underestimate Takehito Koyasu, his voice can turn anything into a meme if gets popular enough.
  19. I think we would get a Dark Hero in January if Lif decides to appear randomly in October, but otherwise yeah.
  20. Oh they're definitely going to pull the "Harrier card" eventually... I'm curious which character will be the "lucky one" to get that treatment 😛
  21. That is the reason we have one female alt and SIlque pretty much being the face of the banner, to allow the rest of the update be filled with males (4:2)
  22. Well, the fact Bernadetta won this poll definitely supports that narrative even if unintentionally, sadly, (unlike polls from previous games where the main female characters always won)
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