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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. The Golden Week celebration was weird, I imagine some effect had the 30th Anniversary in all of this, but well, I'll take gladly the 20 orbs and use the 16 Free Summons.
  2. Well, I got an Eir, a Celica and a Nagi. I guess I'll wait to see what happens with the Golden Week Banners to see what to do (isn't like I have a lot of Orbs anyway).
  3. Chrom is this one player that really doesn't seem to benefit of anything in particular, but also doesn't lose. This is probably the only character besides Marth himself that has been this consistent in CYL, I think he has the potential to win CYL5 (mostly because new games or remakes won't be affecting this time), now that only he's competition it's mostly Marth + several 3H Characters without a clear favorite going into CYL5. In the other hand, Seliph and Sigurd depends quite a bit of how things develop prior to CYL.
  4. I forgot who are the red heroes; the other options overall look appealing to me, specially Green.
  5. I take it into account, but I don't considerate it the ultimate canon unless a future re-release in the original language does so (which was what happened with TMS now that I think about it).
  6. I usually give more validation to the original version of a game for story purposes (unless a re-release appears in the original language that is just the original but with extra stuff). That way I think the overall story of FE3H makes more sense overall.
  7. Oh yeah, I wasn't considering Charisma stacking to be fair; because I don't remember how high the evasion stat actually went with everything setup, that is the only other way to avoid Julius insta-death besides being a Nihil Children. Lyn is technically a Tier 2 Protagonist in a first playthrough (thought only in the International Version), and turns into a Tier 3 one in the next ones (or since the beginning if you're playing OG!FE7)... I guess I should include another awkward corner for her? XD Now I'm trying to think where I would fit Azura in all of this, because I forgot to include her hahahah xD
  8. I put Ephraim in Tier 2.1 precisely because of that, he's for the most part in the same situation as RD!Ike... if you play his route; if you go for Eirika's Route, Ephraim essentially turns into a Lyn (well... isn't that bad, he isn't as unimportant as Lyn, but you're completely capable of don't using him, outside of the Final Chapter)
  9. Yeah, the difference between Tier 1 and Tier 2, it's pretty small, it's mostly that with Tier 1 character it's pretty much indisputable they're the main characters not matter how you want to twist the narrative, while with Tier 2, it's possible to play at relatively large portions of the game without them being in the spotlight; this is quite easy to see with characters like Micaiah and RD!Ike (because of the game's main gimmick); or the non-Byleth 3H Main Characters (again, because of the game's main gimmick).
  10. It's time for the Main Character Gameplay/Story Importance Tier List! Tier 1 (Pretty much always important to the plot, you literally can't remove yourself of them, unless you do skirmish or online battle in some cases). Marth, Alm, Sigurd/Seliph, Leif, Roy, PoR!Ike, Chrom, Corrin, Byleth. Tier 1.5 (The awkward Eirika corner, there is one choice that can potentially turn Eirika into essentially an honorary Tier 1 character, but the other choices ends up lowering her in the categories) Eirika Tier 2 (You don't always play with them, but when you have access you need to use them, they're almost always important) Celica, Eliwood/Hector, Micaiah, RD!Ike, the 3H Class Leaders Tier 2.1 (The awkward Ephraim corner, pretty much the same deal as Eirika, but he doesn't have the advantage of appearing since the very beginning) Ephraim Tier 3 (Main character for technicalities, but aren't treated the same way as the ones above, for several reasons). Lyn, PoR!Elincia, Lucina Tier 4 (Misc.; includes pseudo lords, ej. Tibarn; some of the characters that are considered Caedas; and very special cases like Julia) Other characters
  11. Well, it makes sense to have this kind of problem ,the franchise it's old, the franchise was molded originally by 80s and 90s mentalities, where female characters were less commonly main characters (the exception was usuaully of course if the girl was a love interest of other main character or in some case if the casts was mostly women, which wasn't also a given considering harem are a thing)., and prior to Eirika, the franchise only really had one true female main character (Celica), which funny enough, fits the previous criteria xD Now we live in other times...A just happen that females are so much popular compared with males (outside of some exceptions). Characters like Shiida/Caeda, Tiki and Lilina really were helped by this change of approach; they were always popular, but now IS needs to do stuff with them.
  12. Oh yeah, I'm not saying she is needed to complete the story, but the game is really suggesting she is needed, I think Julia most important contribution is to avoid getting soft locked against Julius (dealing with Julius without Julia isn't impossible, but it's an incredible tedious process, and below 50% HP only Seliph, Larcei and Ulster can fight him without insta-dying).
  13. Actually, Julia only can really die in the Final Chapter, in any other context she ends up being captured, and eventually saved (until Chapter 10, where the whole deal wth Julia and Manfroy starts properly... and you of course find her again in the Final Chapter)... this is because of two technical reasons. The game wants Julia to be alive until the very end for both narrative and gameplay functions.
  14. I imagine that if Rowan ended up in some way in FEH, it would be as a TT, just like Itsuki xDU
  15. That is why I only mentioned the Class Leaders, putting Byleth and Rhea into the mix would make things more messy (specially when you could justify these two as Mythic Units too).
  16. While I can't say much about BE in general, I think we can all agree that if one of the Three Class Leaders was going to get a Legandary Alt first, that would be Edelgard, no doubt, regardless of any bias.
  17. Just a minor correction, Elise actually was in the Top 10 (the second place in fact), and Sakura wasn't that far of being in the Top 13 (to get the next most voted Fates Royal Sibling you need to go all the way to Top 21).
  18. The funny thing is that in the Japanese version Dimitri actually ends up being the dumber one in that particular confrontation.
  19. I think is the vibe the games gives me (Their priorities basically)... And I'm not saying Three Houses was created as an anti-Fates, but it can feel like one, in part becuase of what do you said to be fair xD. I think it's important to consider the perspective of someone that arrived with Awakening or Fates... they felt this quite differently.
  20. Oh, I'm not saying Three Houses is more or less special, is about the contrast betweent the two most recent mainline games (outside of remakes/Heroes)... Three Houses is definitely more similar to Radiant Dawn, but damn the contrast with Fates it's so outrageous at times xD. I was specfiically comparing Three Houses and Fates, everyone had Fates as an expectation as far as I remember.
  21. I think Swordmaster to shine need to be overpower, and the enemies pretty fast, with iffy hitrates and high HP (but with reasonable defense instead of outright busted), because otherwise the Paladin are just going to be better... That was the perfect storm that allowed Rutger to be one of the best units in FE6; I think the only other game where swordmasters are worth talking about are indoor maps in FE5 (highest movement in indoor maps), and FE10. ______________ And I agree too with Emperor; Fates suffers of weird priorities in non-gameplay aspects... How the story is handled, how the characters are presented, how the world feels... Fates is amusing, that was my first reaction after finally getting to know the story of the games, and I still feel that way... Fates reminds of some Isekai novel.... but I'm not sure which one hahahaha. Sometimes I feel like Three Houses it was designed to be an anti-Fates in several aspects... the game still has its sexy stuff, but compared with Fates it feels so... different.
  22. Heh... I don't have complete perspective of everyone, but I still give it a try. Black Eagles Blue Lions Golden Deer I'll do the rest later.
  23. This map is one of the easier than isn't from vanilla FEH, I actually manage to win mostly through the usage of Nagi and many many reposition users xDD
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