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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Nah, you aren't crazy; I'm just making a bit of fun of how the game treats him; which can be funny compared with pretty much every other villain in the game xD
  2. At least I can still recognize the theme in his Thunder version (I guess is because of the fact the voice isn't overlaying above everything else), I don't exactly like Thunder themes in Three Houses (outside of FoF's one); this is far from the worst, in fact, of the ones I have heard it's probably the best non-FoF one xDU Some thunder themes go completely nuts, and become pretty much completely incomprehensible xD
  3. I want her to be colorless regardless of what direction decide to took with her.
  4. But then the game tries to treat him like a victim. Which he kind of was. But he enjoyed every second of assholery. Piting this kind of guy is kind of insulting to the player unless is mocking him. He had his moment to just flee with Rinea. Or trying to create his own army to fight against Alm's legitimacy. But in the end he was just a heartless hypocrite that betrayed his love and even his own ideals for the sake of free power
  5. It's a funny contrast with last time where the only characters that appeared were the Askr Trio (oh well, there is also Kiran xD), at least we learnt about Ludwig's name. There are cameos everywhere this time xD. And this is debut of Eir in Forging Bonds I believe. It were fun cute stories overall ❤️
  6. I think his opinion would be affected about how the Game pities Berkut despite being an asshole until the very end. (Very literally, when he's starting to allucinate (?)) Iago and Hans are unapologetally presented as assholes.
  7. Okay, I just want to mention the thing about Faerghus and the Church dissapearing from story as, actually erased, was an old mistranslation. Faerghus and the Church just ended, their story as they were originally known ended, just like the Ottoman Empire ended, but it wasn't erase from history. I just want to mention that, in fact, I actually helped to make this information being fixed; that translation comes from a Tumblr post, which was a huge Dimitri stan, and had a relatively bad opinion of Edelgard, but at least that person admited it was just a big mess, and she (I think it was a she) just assumed the end of their story as "erasing". I dislike disinformation, regardless of if it's used against or for characters I like; this needs to be known as it was supposed to be known.
  8. The retro map surprised me, I didn't expect I was really going to fight the whole Chapter 1 Squad from Shadow Dragon, but it was fun xD
  9. I don't have premium +10, only Sophia, Nino and Masked Lucina. But I also have a +7 HS!Micaiah and a +6 Base Micaiah
  10. There is something quite funny about one of the predictions, the whole demon name and the Crest of Flames was connecting Byleth to the villain of the past Nemesis, some though they would actually had been a descendent of Nemesis, now we know that is technically wrong And in fact Byleth is technically descendent of the other historical figure. But there is a very funny thing that happened with this, we don't have a proper descendent of Nemesis, but we have TWO characters that can be seen as reencarnations of Nemesis (one created as such, other acknowledged as such) And I need to keep mentioning the irony of both these characters being technically descendents of the OTHER historical figure.
  11. Maybe they're just waiting for a moment where using the Askr isn't an inherited advantage, which I imagine it'll still take a wild, also, I think merges for Alfonse and Sharena should be locked behind story mode acomplishments or something like that.
  12. I'm planning to create a Merged Adult Tiki, but I'm trying to think which build and asset should I go for, you have any suggestions?
  13. I don't think anyone I know wants to consider Edelgard a perfect person (and to be fair that removes part of the charm; Petra without her weird english commentary and her "exotic charm" it would be quite forgetable because she is technically "perfect" otherwise), but I understand where are you coming from. Some people get very heated with those discussions.
  14. I see, though while I understand the potential hypocrisy of waifu vs husbando... the thing about the other point is actually a bit more complicated. I understand the situation personally of some Edelgard fans because I have actually seen people being a bit too deluded about Edelgard's popularity, call it into question because in certain polls certain characters (Lysithea and Bernadetta, in some cases also Hilda and Byleth) were more popular than Edelgard in these contexts, and some wanted to make it look like facts, that Edelgard "failed" like Corrin or something like that. And that delusion is very annoying.
  15. And it's definitely a fair take. But now that you bring this... how we can like something objectively thought?
  16. Wait a minute, I just noticed I mix up Claude's and Dimitri's names hahahahah xD (Fixing). And while I agree Gacha usually benefit women, that isn't always the case, there always some special case for some reason or another.
  17. *Sigh* Well, unless you get every single Fire Emblem fan into some kind of concetration camp and tells them that the only way of escape is through telling which their favorite character, it's impossible to know how much "waifu culture" affected certain characters. And come on, "Husbando" factor also exists; do you think Dimitri would be the most popular male character he wasn't a punished damaged boi with mental issues (I mean, do you remember pasta boy)? Okay, maybe not the most noble thing to say, but whatever.
  18. That sounds like a good idea, after all, the fact mid term started earlier makes the results more volatile.
  19. I'm interested in seeing how that would look... heheh. Damn, I already lose too many orbs trying to get Sakura xD
  20. And Nino and Mia, they always manage to appear in the Top 20 of Females... somehow, even now. Not like I mind it, I actually really like Nino.
  21. Sylvain's actions and mindset outright disgust me and makes me kind of dislike him. This kind of self-indulgence it's beyond being mean, it almost feels evil to assume the worst of every single women; and treating them like trash. The worst thing is that people like him actually exists in the real world, and that disturbs me.
  22. If we get 4 Winners for year, and each new game has around 3 to 6 characters that are main the competition for CYL... When do you think the next game will arrive?
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