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Everything posted by Troykv

  1. Wait... Fortress Knight Marianne? I'm incredible confused xD __ And I'm going to admit Lysithea is carried a lot popularity wise for having Aoi Yuuki's voice and an overall quite intriguing design.
  2. There are two endings songs; the sad(der) version of Edge of Dawn and a instrumental version (also known as Color of Sunrise); which is exclusive of Crimson Flower. I guess the idea of the new song it's to work as an Anti-thesis of Edge of Dawn, fundamentally changing the meaning of the song.
  3. I think the ending song it's specially more powerful (and sad) if you (the player) precisely made that choice of playing Edelgard but ended up killing her... Maybe in your own accord; maybe by accident; but you decided to let her song end her life in the edge of dawn.
  4. Obviously evil villains work when they have something going for them Like being charming (like DIO), being terrifying (like Yoshikage Kira) or both (like some versions of the Joker).
  5. There is not set Canon path perse. And don't need to worry; you'll get a lot of her in her route. She doesn't change that much compared with Dimitri but you can get to explore her character quite a lot. Even if you don't ended up liking her I think you'll understand why many people does.
  6. Getting Shamir is a bit whatever because of the fact she only worked because of her debt; she would get attached to other side if she thinks has already completed her previous work. Now Ingrid is a different story; and I am also confused about it.
  7. I would like to ask if there is some kind of confirmation about this. Because I only remember the thing about Edelgard burning the wodden thing where Bernadetta is standing, turning that section of the map in a hazard zone (but as far as I remember, Bernie's spot it's actually the only one that doesn't turn into a hazard zone).
  8. That is probably because of Tea Parties (?) ____ Personally I think Edelgard it's in a position where if she was right or wrong it doesn't really matter that much, because she only really had three options to go for... and none of them were particularly good.
  9. Edelgard's charm stat it's the best Well, that is actually Rhea's, but she is the Pope
  10. I think so; she has special interactions if you recruit her as a enemy.
  11. Edelgard definitely has a biased version of the story; but to be fair; other that try to have war with the Church (and eventually the TWSITD), her only other real choice was to run away and betray every thing her life was about. Her lack of trust brings the worst of her in her first years... It's probably she believes if she tried to do something about it, she would either be considered a heretic and be executed, or be killed by the Slithers.
  12. Where did you get that Julia mote? It's so cute xD
  13. Recruiting Lysithea has become so common that she had managed to appear in the Top of the Usage. I wonder if she will continue growing.
  14. The reveal of the Inmaculate One definitely had effect in people's perception of the Church and Crest. Fodlan isn't exactly stranger to dragons (I'm mean, Sothis is one after all), but they probably believed they were from older times, and find one (and specially one so aggresive) in the present would be... shocking.
  15. So... I think I would just give Micaiah some extra stats. (Old) 35 HP 35 ATK 28 SPD 18 DEF 35 RES = 151 BST (New) 36 HP 37 ATK 28 SPD 18 DEF 37 RES = 156 BST I just added the +1 at base stats in her HP because I wanted to continue the tradition with her Atk/Res
  16. For a moment I thought you were saying under any circunstances Solos are better... I need to sleep (?)
  17. Stat-wise Dedue it's probably better; but having a weakness in Flying it's yikes, specially if you don't have NG+ bonuses.
  18. Probably the character-driven story it's the reason the Arundel/Thales thing was never completely explored with Dimitri; after all his story depended completely in his character arc and recover Faerghus from Cornelia's evil deeds and Edelgard's war. Dimitri's story ended the moment he became a Good King and ruler of Fodlan; anything else would be the cherry on top. In the other hand, Edelgard having a final confrontation with Thales is something that would actually fit her narrative; not with the same strenght as defeating Rhea and reunite Fodlan of course, which was after all her main objective in the story. And that is the reason I'm totally okay with the idea of the Edelgard cutscene being the battle with Rhea; and if it's possible, having the rest of the story as future maps in the updates (the story can be closed with 2 or 3 chapters, the total annihaltion of the TWSITD isn't needed because of the several minor conflicts it still continued for some years referenced in the endings). But of course, seeing Thales dead in her route would without a doubt bring a definitive end to the evils of the past.
  19. I don't think Rhea is evil; but she is definitely crazy and a PSTD victim.
  20. I'm sure the Edelgard Route was since the beginning intented to exist (it was implied it's existence since the first trailer); however it's very clear that the game wanted you to know the tragic story of "Edelgard the Lady of Hresvelg" before actually trying to reach her hand (which probably feels the most interesting if you accidently enter in the Church Route) That probably affected the priorities developing the game's chapters and the cutscenes (after all Edelgard only appears as a hero in one of them).
  21. I'm sometimes amazed for the fact Frederick's other voice (Daisuke Ono), it's the voice of Jotaro.
  22. A motherly figure Yeah; she has Kikuko Inoue's voice after all. She has the perfect voice for this role There are more veterans in this game than I expected; but only Koyasu and Inoue doesn't voice old looking characters
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