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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I can be like that guy Slyar from "Heroes" and eat his brains to gain his powers. Dalshein as a Great Knight means an "S" rank in Axes and a horse back unit but a lost of using a sword as a melee weapon. Nanna, hmm. I wouldn't have her as a magical unit sine her magic isn't that great. BTW, how do I enter the "Branch Promote" command? Like what buttons do I press?
  2. I still can't believe that people wanna hate over something as minor as a spam topic. Are you E-penises that small?
  3. I'll just learn Chainey's "Mimic" skill and she won't know the difference. 1. I will learn how to transform and mimic like Chainey. 2. Yeah, I think that's it. 3. Okay. What should Nanna and that axe armor dude should be?
  4. May I have a blood transfusion please? I want Major Odo Blood with minor Hezul blood please! So, that means I can have sex with Titlyu, Ishtar, Sylvia, Lynn, and Lachesis without catching anything? lol engrish but I do understand some of it.
  5. I would have relations with Sylvia but dancers usually habe something that would make it dance and itch down there.
  6. No. I can't read Japanese but I'll try running it through a translator. Got the chart?
  7. That's true. In fact, Titlyu had a BDSM fetish and she allow Hilda to torture her with whips and chains. Titlyu died because Hilda took it too far and Titlyu forgotten the safety word. Also, Nanna is at Lv. 20 of FE5 The Hack. Should I promote her now or what?
  8. Actually, steroids can also do the trick then your lame dancing skills. Just like her auntie Titlyu. I mean, Lex, Arthur, and Claude?!
  9. Oh, okay. Still, Ishtar sleeps with two men is sluttish and her baby will be confused on who's his/her father.
  10. Claude beat you because you wouldn't strip for him? slut do you know who's the baby's father is? You can have two lovers in that hack?
  11. Arthur should steal Ishtar from Ares.
  12. Okay, now I know those are fake. Oh, speaking of Haruhi and Nintendo: Damn copyrights and censoring issues.
  13. Okay now i have reason to believe those pictures are fake.
  14. Well, I can't find any of the FE4 ladies barefoot. (Well, I did but hentai is against the rules)
  15. In honor of Kitenbo, this discussion is now about posting FE4 and FE5 ladies barefoot! Thing is, I can't find any of the ladies bare feet.
  16. She doesn't look so bad but more of the average anime art style.
  17. Now HE looks like a child with D.S.
  18. Now that I remember, the AsvelxLara pic was basically err...Lara usually use her hands to steal treasure, while in that pic, she was using 'em to steal Asvel's heart.
  19. Lachesis? She got everything in the book, including Dragon Rash, which is a STD only dragons can get. It was hentai. It's not bad but since I'm playing FE5 with Lara in my party, I'm not looking for it yet.
  20. I read that as "I remember seeing a picture of Miss Titty blindfolded, once."
  21. Will you grow up while you are gone?
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