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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. I know they're both made of win because I'm awesome like that. I'm a Christian myself with a heavy free mind and hell, I believe the power of science and I go as far as believing that evolution might be true. I have no bias towards other religion or people who don't believe in a God. The only Christians (matter of fact, religious people) I can't stand are the Fred Phelps extremist type who use hatred as a way to spread their religion. Make the rest of us look like jackasses. As long you don't force your viewpoints on a God (or lack of God), I won't have no problems. I also won't force my religious viewpoints on anyone unless they really want to more about God. I just keep my mouth shut most of the time about this subject. Now, enjoy the flame war, ignorance, and bias that is coming in this topic.
  2. Poor kid. Is there any other girl you like?
  3. Three words: "People." "Are." "Ignorant." Thank you for you time. Now, if you excuse me, I don't wanna get drag into a flame war or a debate. Ta-ta.
  4. Ares has his mind set on Leyla and Lynn. No love for Nanna.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g3daOwkoCw...re=channel_page 2:52 - 2:55
  6. Leaf x Sara. Leaf dumps Nanna for Sara while a week later Nanna dies from "natural" causes.
  7. I expected Julius to died from the STD he gotten from Sara.
  8. Saphy would laugh at Lifis and shout "You call that a penis?!" while Pahn gives him a wedgie.
  9. Am I the only one who notices that Saphy may have Stockholm Syndrome? I falls in love with either Shiva or Lifis, her captures but fuckin' forgives them for the kidnapping and begs that Leaf wouldn't kill them.
  10. Oh, wrong person. Ishtar x Cyas. Cheat on her lover with his own older brother.
  11. FRESH PRINCE OF PHARE!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KV9ZrrSOBho Also, who the fuck gave this a ONE STAR?! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGusR3DHCdM...re=channel_page Isn't like it was me playing it!
  12. And Diadora can't do a thing because SHE'S DEAD!!! Lara x Asvel. I seen pictures of it and since I'm playing FE5 right now, don't ask.
  13. Penis Me if You Can Back to the Penis Schindler's Penis Shaving Ryan's Privates ("My Wife and Two Kids" reference) Madea Goes to Penis Diary of a Mad Black Penis
  14. Julius x Sara would be one hell of an odd pairing.
  15. I think the Loch Ness exists. In fact, (s)he was the second sniper in the Kennedy assassination while Big Foot was the main one. In all seriousness, I kinda believe there was a Loch Ness monster but could had die long ago.
  16. Or in my case with the Biany Hack: Tinny x Arthur. They didn't care either because to them, love knows no bloodline.
  17. This ain't the south, kids. Don't display your love for cousins here.
  18. Could had been use at the blacksmith. This was going to be use as ending credits in 16-bit form: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfZz-q8CRLE
  19. Trade secret. Ishtar at Fortune Teller: "You're going to grow up like your mother. " "King Blume isn't really your father. Sorry." "Julius is only using you for sex. He's going to have you die in the final battle." "I mean, if you're not please with Julius in the bed, there's always toys you can play with." Sigurd at the Fortune Teller: "You're going to be in the next Super Smash Bros. No, really!" "Hope you like fire." "Diadora didn't get kidnapped. She's filing a divorce after you little incident with Sylvia."
  20. Julius at Fortune Teller: "You have a heart?" "Even a monstrous child like you could fall in love? Amazing." "You're only evil so you can make up for the lack of manhood in your pants." "You bored Ishtar in bed." "Lopotusu thinks you're a loser and he claims he can get laid more times then you could ever do. In fact, he says you better be grateful he took your body because that was only way you could ever get in Ishtar's pants." "Of all women, Ishtar? Man, you have bad taste."
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