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Steven Tyler

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Everything posted by Steven Tyler

  1. Well, are they in this game? I mean, they were in Super Smash Bros. Melee so I guess they were important Fire Emblem characters and such.
  2. I'll be the most broken FE character of all time. Bianchi = Chiki, Anna
  3. Not as bad as this one guy getting $0.01
  4. There was a King's Sword in Fire Emblem 4?
  5. A rip-off of Dissida: Final Fantasy fighting game more likely seeing I think it would be very cheesy of them doing a crossover RPG game.
  6. Well, it make sense to introduce Roy to American gamers seeing that he was in Melee. Then again, I didn't really like FE6 besides the music score and graphics so oh well. But it's good news to know that they are thinking about remaking the series and even going as far as re-doing the BS Fire Emblem games.
  7. http://www.sonic-cult.org/dispart.php?cati...d=1&artid=1
  8. About this "Black Pride" thing, how can you be prideful about something that you was born with? To me, if you want to be proud of something, be proud of something of your achievement, not just because of your skin tone. Fuckin' stupid.
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/japancartoonma...Xny5WEeJEUeO7gF Grant it those are the only clean pics and links I could post. YOu don't wanna see what otakus would do if anime characters were real.
  10. I was thinking of doing an "Unfitting Music" video of the Sonic 3/Micheal Jackson music with this: Anyways, play that song, and it's actually a good song to dance to . . .sorta.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXhCEci8dXY
  12. Dance to this song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLZp5Z2Zmu4
  13. I'm bored so I'm going to drink and crash this party.
  14. Yeah, I had it the style that Aida has.
  15. You can not tell me, with the Middle Eastern music, the oil refiners, and seeing Sonic 2 came out in 1992, right after the Gulf War that Sega has a stereotypical mindset.
  16. YOU CAN WHIP ME ALL YOUR WANT BUT YOU'LL NEVER BREAK MY SPIRIT WHITE DEVIL!!! (On an unrelated topic, is it me or in almost every ClarinexRugter fanfic is Rugter trying to kiss rape her?)
  17. I wanna see a fight. *Throws another chair*
  18. I don't like her. I would throw her off of a bridge into freezing ice water. Clarine is better.
  19. Man, us Pentecostals would wreck you Catholics and Protestants! Pentecostals Gang Bang All Day! (Oh man, if street gangs was fueled by religion . . .)
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