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  1. 1 hour ago, Motendra said:

    Isn't it implied that she dies from her wounds afterwards?

    The ending never confirms what exactly happened to her, she just kinda... vanishes. She isn't seen or mentioned again after giving her infodump speech, so I'm not sure what we're supposed to make of her disappearance. She could've died, or run off to Zanado like on AM, or she's still living in Garreg Mach, it's pretty much left up in the air.

    The thing I find strange though is that she doesn't go berserk like on SS. On both routes, she goes with Byleth and co. to Shambhala, Thales fires off the javelins and she goes dragon mode to shoot them down. On SS, this triggers her dragon madness and she has to be taken down by force, but on VW she's severely wounded and seemingly dies offscreen. Even though nothing happened differently between the two routes.

  2. 1 hour ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Admittedly, though, Rhea is an option on just one route. And it's kind of a weird pairing, in light of Rhea being

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    Agreed. Also, Edelgard's another route-exclusive and a very divisive character on top of that. And Sothis is... yeah I'd rather not think about that one.

    So that pretty much leaves Dorothea and Mercedes for female bi options who aren't route-locked.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Sooks said:


    If you check out her post-skip dialogue choices on VW, Byleth talks a lot about Rhea and how important it is that they find her, even more so than on SS. There's no real explanation to why she's suddenly so attached to Rhea, especially on a route where they have such limited interaction prior. It feels almost like something from SS they forgot to edit out when they made VW.

  4. 28 minutes ago, Barren said:

    That I still couldn't wrap my head around how that happened in Silver Snow but not in Verdant Wind. It's probably something I'm missing here or I maybe something I don't quite understand.

    It feels like such a huge plot hole. On SS, tanking the javelins is enough to kneejerk her into berserk dragon mode for the final map, but on VW she's... suddenly fine even though the exact same thing happened to her there? It's the same cutscene and everything, it makes no sense at all.

    And all so we can have sweet zombie Nemesis singing opera in the shower instead? lol

  5. Crimson Flower and Azure Moon are both predominantly character-driven routes, with Edelgard and Dimitri's backstory, character development and relationship with Byleth being the main focus. Personally, I think this makes CF and AM the two best routes in the game, as Edelgard and Dimitri really are the two central characters and driving forces behind the story. The routes that make them the focus tell the strongest, most compelling narrative, imo.

    Verdant Wind and Silver Snow are the lore-dump routes. They explain everything about Byleth's birth, Nemesis and the history between the Agarthans and the Nabateans, but the stories themselves come off as half-assed as a result. So while more of the game's backstory is delved into on VW and SS, we end up with narrative disasters like zombie Nemesis, Byleth's sudden Rhea obsession post-skip, Dimitri's dumbass redshirt death at Gronder and the whole "God-Emperor Byleth" ending. Claude in particular gets steamrolled the worst, since his own route hardly gives him or his goals the same attention as CF and AM give Edelgard and Dimitri.

    Also, CF does have an ending. Rhea and the Church are defeated, the three regions of Fódlan are united under one banner and Edelgard’s goals of reforming the corrupt nobility system realized. If you're talking about there being no on-screen fight against TWSITD, this is explained in Hubert's paralogue:


    Hubert: They are looking down on us. They think we cannot touch them. But the closer we get to them, the less true that becomes. Just look at this weaponry we received as a token of their appreciation. It would be impossible for us to manufacture such a piece with our current tools and knowledge. It is not as powerful as a Relic, but it is nearly so. We will keep them close, for now, while we still need their strength to rule Fódlan. Once Fódlan is united, however, the focus of this war will shift. Rather than swords clashing on the battlefield, it will be knives cutting in the darkness. Lady Edelgard's war will be over, and House Vestra's will begin. We who rule the shadows will eradicate those who slither in the dark. When that time comes, Professor, you will be quite useful to us.

    Hubert basically plans to assassinate Arundel and whoever's left of TWSITD's leadership after that.

  6. 3 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I don't remember which ones I used, honestly. Reviewing the list, there are a couple on Golden Deer tha boost both Magic and Avoid: Alliance Magic Users (4, 10) and Alliance Physicians (3, 10). And with the DLC, there are a few more: Mockingbird Thieves (5, 10), Nuvelle Fliers (7, 10), and Nuvelle Attendants (8, 10). Unfortunately, I'm not seeing any above 10 avoid that boost magic - however, a few (Opera Co Volunteers, Jeralt's Mercenaries, Secret Transport Co.) grant +15 Avoid while being magic-neutral.

    Perfect, thanks! Looks like Nuvelle Attendants might be his best option. With that I should be able to get him up to 85 avoid before adding in attack speed.

    3 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I'll have to give Yuri a proper try sometime. I've tended to write him off, owing to his proficiencies limiting his class options, and to his spell lists being not so interesting. But it sounds like he could be made good.

    He's definitely a unique unit in 3H. Unlike anyone else in the game except maybe Manuela, he doesn't have a very clearly defined class path at first. Which makes his precision-guided set of banes (I swear, they gave him those exact three banes on purpose so people wouldn't try to stick him on a wyvern lol) stand out all the more. Sniper and Grappler/War Master, on top of being amazing classes on their own, play right into Yuri's strengths as an incredibly fast, high-crit unit. I think you'll have lots of fun with him on your next playthrough 🙂

  7. 10 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Different strokes, I suppose. My experience from Maddening is to favor specialization in units. On enemy-phase, namely, I've gotten more use out of either outright dodge-tanks (i.e. Dancer Ferdinand, Alert Stance/Defiant Avoid Ingrid), raw physical tanks (Fortress/Great Knight Gilbert, Balthus), or (less-often) Res-tanks (Flayn, Mercedes) than out of units who are "in-between" in bulk and avoid. Of course, it is nice for your other units, outside the super-frail, to be anle to survive a round of combat.

    Definitely, it all comes down to playstyle preferences. I'm actually not a huge fan of physical tanks myself, units like Dedue or Gilbert for me usually end up benched in favor of dodge tanks like Ingrid and Yuri, or "well-rounded" units like Sylvain and Seteth.

    10 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Interestingly enough, though, my first Sylvain build was something of a dodgetank - a Dark Knight combining Black Magic Avoid +20 with Bowbreaker, and equipping Thyrsus, made for a rather comfortable lure for enemy Snipers and Bow Knights. I won't claim this build was optimal, but it was pretty fun.

    That does sound like an interesting setup for him. I'm thinking for my first (and likely only) Golden Deer run, I'm gonna use nothing but unconventional meme builds (Sniper Lyssie coming at ya!) for my units. I'll definitely keep your Sylvain idea in mind. Which battalion did you use on him? I'm guessing something with high avoid, but is there one that also boosts magic?

    10 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    And that Yuri build sounds kinda fun - I've never figured out what to make of him, but something like that could work well on my next playthrough.

    It's especially fun when you give him the Chalice of Beginnings too lol

    Overall, I feel like Yuri's super slept-on as a unit. That brawling build on a War Master (or Grappler if you don't feel like fighting that axe bane) Yuri is pretty damn strong. Between the avoid stacking and his ridiculous speed growth, he's practically invincible. He can quad pretty much anything, and with Killer Knuckles you can turn him into a crit machine on top of that. And his crest, though the activation rate's a bit iffy, synergizes perfectly with a brawling setup.

    He also makes a pretty excellent Sniper thanks to his bow budding talent. Hunter's Volley and Deadeye with his crit rate are devastating, especially if you give him a Killer Bow and a high-crit battalion like Goneril Valkyries.

  8. 7 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    And if you're using him mainly for the Swift Strikes, why does his Avoid matter? He can get in, score the kill, and get out. For a player-phase nuke, his battalion priorities should be boosts to Attack, Hit, and Crit.

    Enemy phase, mostly. He can get in and score the kill for sure, but why would I want to get him out when I could leave him there and let him mop up some more enemies on their turn? I wouldn't write off Sylvain as strictly a player phase nuke. Unlike, say, Lysithea or Bernadetta, he's more than capable of holding his own on the enemy phase, and I typically find that a better strategy than pulling him out after a kill.

    7 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    My own take is, everyone enjoys an Avoid boost. But Avoid works best when it's stacked - i.e., combining skills, a battalion bonus, terrain, amd maybe an Evasion ring to get enemy hit rates as low as possible. Sylvain's only unique avoid-booster is Black Magic Avoid +20, which would better synergize with an Avoid-boosting magical battalion. Compare to Ferdinand, who can combine his Avoid-boosting personal with the +20 from Gautier Knights (synergy).

    I do see your point there, however I'd argue that Ferdinand's avoid-boosting personal means that Sylvain benefits more from Gautier's +20 than he does. That's just my take, though. I agree that the more avoid the better, but unless I'm building a dedicated dodge tank I don't feel the need to maximize avoid on all my units. Take my go-to Seteth build for example: he gets +15 avoid from Lance Prowess, +10 from Wyvern Lord and +5 from Cichol Wyvern Co before factoring in his attack speed. That's less than Sylvain gets with Lance Prowess + Gautier, but still enough to reliably enemy phase. I wouldn't take the same risks with him as, say, a dodge tank Yuri with Brawl Avo +20, Brawling Prowess, Brigid Hunters and an Evasion Ring, but I know I can take him into the enemy phase and he'll be okay.

  9. 1 hour ago, salinea said:

    Sylvain has a good enough Charm growth i think it's kind of a waste to give him Gautier. And even if he's built to dodge tank with Black Magic Avoid, then he'll want a magic/mixed battalion.

    Gautier's still a really strong choice for Sylvain, though, thanks to its atk and avo boosts. Since he can't become a Falcon Knight and benefit from its +10 avo bonus, that +20 avo from Gautier helps him tremendously as a Paladin. And where he's unlikely to be relying on offensive gambits anyway, giving him a Stride battalion doesn't hurt him that much.

    Making him a black magic dodge tank isn't really a good idea to begin with anyway. He doesn't have the magic growth to pull it off successfully without a crapton of stat boosters, and it means he misses out on Swift Strikes and his personal relic.

  10. 7 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I'd argue Ferdinand makes better use of it if anything: Gautier Knights stands out for its high bonus to avoid, which Ferdinand with his personal skill is well-equipped to use. (Sylvain does have Black Magic Avoid +20, but he's more often built as a lance-user due to Swift Strikes and his relic.)

    This is true. Of course, if Sylvain was able to use Gautier right away just for being Sylvain while Ferdie had to wait for B Authority, I might be more inclined to give it to Sylvain out of sheer convenience. Same goes for battalions like Nuvelle, if Coco can use it earlier than anyone else then she's automatically my best Dark Flier candidate. All this would do really is allow certain characters to benefit a bit more from their "canon" class paths, but nothing so busted that it forces a specific build on anyone.

  11. 8 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    Yeah, the fact that it's neither easier, nor more beneficial, to use a unit with their "personal batallion" seems something of a misfire.

    Well, some personal battalions do tend to be tailor-made for their intended units. For instance, Cichol Wyvern Co. just happens to be a perfect match for a natural Wyvern Lord like Seteth. And Gautier Knights is one of Sylvain's best choices as a Paladin, being a Stride battalion with solid stats and high avoid. I'd say there's a few others too, like Nuvelle Fliers on Dark Flier Constance or Hevring Prayer on Bishop Linhardt like you mentioned. These units being able to use their personal battalions for free would definitely be beneficial, imo, even without adding in bonus skills.

  12. 1 hour ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    One very minor change I would make is ensuring every unit can use their personal battalions for free. Maybe its a bit OCD-ish but I get irritated when Ashe can't use the Gaspar battalion or Lorenz the Gloucester one if you haven't invested in their authority stat enough. It are their own personal unit, loyal to their own personal domains. Why shouldn't they just get to use them?

    Definitely agree on this one. On my very first playthrough it took me a minute to figure out why I couldn't give Ingrid the Galatea battalion. I hadn't completely figured out how authority worked yet and I just assumed she'd be able to use it no problem. After all, it's hers lol

    Thinking back, that would be a nice little bonus for characters like Sylvain or Seteth whose personal battalions work really well on them, since removing the need for authority means they can level their weapon skills faster (read: get Swift Strikes faster).

  13. On 1/30/2021 at 2:23 AM, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    In the case you do not know who these characters originally are:

    • Kael: Tales of Vesperia (still needs to get an appropriate sprite)
    • Musse: Trails of Cold Steel III and IV
    • Jade: Tales of the Abyss

    Ah, I didn't know they were from other games. I actually thought they were OCs at first with the way they fit in so well with 3H's setting and characters.

    15 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    Preview Chapter 2

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    • will be an either survive or defeat bosses chapter
    • two new allies join (mercenary and troubadour)
    • NPCs who help to defend
    • introduction of long range magic, ballistae and wyvern knights


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    Merge of Lysithea and Flayn's group at the end.



    Ooh, that looks like an interesting map! A survive mission there would be a fun challenge, especially with the enemy siege mages/ballista and Wyvern Riders (looks like Musse has her work cut out for her lol).

    Also, I couldn't help but notice the sea to the west, is this battle taking place in northern Alliance territory/near Derdriu? Am I detecting a possible Golden Deer guest appearance...?

  14. Other. Dancer outfits for everyone, regardless of whether or not you made them your dancer. Byleth got one, after all. Only makes sense that the others should too. Also, the option to switch between pre and post skip hairstyles on NG+ (separate from changing clothes) would be nice. Sucks that we can't give Lysithea or Ingrid their pre skip hair in part 2 without switching them back to their school clothes, or give Dimitri his post skip hair in part 1 without pimping him out in full regalia while the others are still in uniforms.

    Swimsuit/Bunny Flayn can't become a thing, either. It just can't.

  15. 19 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    Chapter 1 and 1EX


    I still have to fix a few things.


    The turncount for 1EX is too low, and I would like to unlock the "good" ending next time.

    Everything's looking great so far! Love the new characters you've added, Musse and Kael are such a hilarious duo and Jade seems pretty cool. I can't wait to see who else joins Fleche's group.

  16. 4 hours ago, whase said:

    Doesn't this kind of go against certain things happening in the background? Could be some things that were only implied or maybe I'm reading to much into certain things, but...

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    Since Edelgard knows about most of the plans of twsitd, her being the flame emperor and all, she'd know Lonato dying is part of their plan. She wouldn't so obviously go against their plans as to save Lonato, no matter how she feels about his ideals. The Lonato uprising was mostly to make the assassination note less conspicuous, I'm not even sure Lonato knew about the note? I think Lonato surviving would mess up a lot of their plans, meaning character-wise Edelgard wouldn't save him, and story-wise Ashe couldn't save him unless they split the game into 2 paths from here. Might just be me though.


    Well, Lonato's rebellion didn't really have anything to do with Edelgard's plans. He was being manipulated by the Western Church, which itself was being manipulated by Arundel. Edelgard didn't really have anything to do with the assassination note and the attack on the Holy Mausoleum, aside from Arundel forcing her to loan him the Death Knight. It's likely she didn't even know they were manipulating Lonato and assumed that he was just a disillusioned Kingdom lord who wanted to spark a bigger revolution by making himself a martyr. If she (or Ashe) were able to successfully talk him off the legde, the note would likely go undiscovered by anyone (or thrown away once Lonato found it in his pocket) since neither one of them actually knows about it. After which, one of two things would probably happen. Either the Western Churchies would still try to invade the Holy Mausoleum, even though their distraction attempt failed, and get their faces cut off by Catherine because the place is still under high security, or they'd just bail on the plan entirely. Neither outcome really affects Edelgard's goals at all, unless Arundel finds out what she did and kills her as punishment. Which doesn't really seem likely since she goes on to sabotage his plans way worse (helping Byleth and the others find where they're keeping Flayn, killing Solon and Kronya, etc.) and he hardly notices.


    5 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    But I don't think sparing him would work here, because Edelgard has no authority to do. The class is led by the Professor, and Catherine is the highest-ranking Knight of Seiros on hand. Even if Lonato is convinced to surrender, he's almost certain to be taken hostage, and likely executed. 

    This is completely true. Though Edelgard may spare Lonato if she had the authority, Catherine being there kinda ruins all chances of that happening since she'd just cut him down without hesitation.

    5 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:
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    L: "Ah, the Crown Princess of the Empire. My quarrel is with neither you nor your nation, so stand aside!"

    E: "I'm afraid I can't do so, Lord Lonato. I'm here today on behalf of your sworn enemy, the Church of Seiros.

    L: "Hmph... that woman is not content to have her own soldiers do the dirty work, instead leaching off the young of every nation."

    E: "And yet, you would take a stand against such a foe? I doubt you will be the last to do so. As ears turned against the Church hear your cry, their own tongues and hands will follow."

    L: "Let others do as they wish. Today's fight is mine, and mine alone!"


    This dialogue is perfect, though! Edelgard's lines sound exactly like things she'd say. This legit should've been in the game.

  17. 20 hours ago, Shrow said:

    This here is really good example, the term Waifu has taken on a new definition for you. Its a word only meant for avid anime fans to declare their love for a fictional character. For you its evolved into a hateful term.

    Not so much a hateful term, more of an objectifying one. I just find the term and the subculture that goes with it to be very skeevy and disrespectful to women. Taking admirable, relatable or sympathetic female characters and reducing them to cutesy stereotypes, sticking them on "tier lists" based on sex appeal, claiming a certain character as "theirs". I'm not gonna go deep into the ethics of how much you can mistreat a fictional character, but all these things paint a pretty good picture of how certain avid anime fans (and members of the gaming community) view women, that they can't see a female character past how "doable" they are. It reflects poorly on the community as a whole too, as many times (typically on other sites) it's assumed that any praise for a female character is coming from a horny straight guy. Which is particularly disrespectful and alienating to female fans, as well as LGBTQ+ fans like me.

  18. 12 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    I'd disagree with Edelgard being able to spare Lonato. One of her strongest lines was about not pitying Lonato's followers as victims - but rather, respecting their choice, as opposing combatants. I imagine Edelgard realizes that Lonato knows the hopelessness of his stand - and yet, were she in his position, she would almost certainly not accept being spared by an agent of her mortal enemy. I don't see her sparing a Lonato who expresses no desire for mercy, even if she has her own doubts about the Church's activity in this case.

    Ah, I do see your point there. I hadn't even considered her convo with Byleth afterwards, I was mainly thinking about her similarities to Lonato and how she prefers to minimize casualties whenever she can. I agree that she wouldn't spare Lonato under the circumstances provided by the game. However, one thing I find interesting is that Lonato has no unique battle dialogue if Edelgard engages him. In other words, he likely knows nothing about her or how she feels about the Church. That leads me to wonder, what if they did exchange a few words beforehand and Lonato began to see that maybe his stand wasn't so hopeless after all, as there are others (the future Adrestian Emperor, no less) who disagree with the Church's actions. Edelgard could potentially get him to stand down and gain his support as a Kingdom lord (a la Gwendal) in the coming war. Sort of an "I spare you, you help me" deal. Of course, for this to work, we'd either have to assume nobody else (especially Catherine) hears them or have the conversation take place offscreen after the battle. Also, much like choosing to keep the Lance of Ruin in ch.5, sparing Lonato would decrease support with Rhea.

    Just a thought, though. With a little bit of rewriting it could work, but having Ashe be the only one able to spare him would definitely be the easier option.

  19. 10 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

    waifu (used unironically

    Agreed. Such a shamelessly misogynistic term/concept, I hate it. Especially when it's used to describe strong, well-written female characters who amount to so much more than some straight guy's sexual fantasy. Even used jokingly, I feel like it's in such poor taste nowadays.

    I hate "thot" for the exact same reason.

  20. 11 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    Well, you actually did since chapter 1x only features music from Kirby. Honestly I wanted to bring not so popular music form Kirby. Apparently you didn't notice that the music in chapter 1x was from the Kirby series exclusively, so my plan worked in this regard. Gourmet Race - which I call as too popular honestly for myself - would be a good theme for turn limited mission because it gives time pressure. I have not made my plan what kind of mission objective the final chapter will be (techincally a defeat boss mission, but I could add a timer).

    I may have actually watched that one on mute/low volume since it was late at night. Sorry if I didn't hear the music because of that. I can definitely go back and give it a listen. I get what you're saying though, about bringing in some songs that aren't as "mainstream". Gourmet Race has a bit of a meme behind it, if I recall. So it makes sense why you'd want something fresh and a little less overdone.

    11 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    I have not played Silver Snow, and honestly never intend to do because all the lords are gone and instead I get a crappy replacement for chapter 13, and furthermore I don't like supporting the church.

    Yeah, Silver Snow's a pretty terrible route imo. For starters, I can't stand the idea of directly supporting Rhea, knowing that so many of Fódlan's problems are ultimately her fault. Especially when the big choice is literally between her and Edelgard, my favorite lord and the one who promises to fix everything. Certainly doesn't help either that the route makes a complete waste of Dimitri, my other favorite lord. They even hint that he's still alive after Gronder, but he does nothing. Just one little scene that's never brought up again and then poof, he disappears from the story without a trace.

    I haven't even played it for myself, to be completely honest. I just watched the entire route on YouTube to see how much I'd be missing out on. Overall, the only part that looks enjoyable is the final map. Half of that's because of the music and the other half's because the final boss is Rhea lol

  21. 5 hours ago, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    Chapter 1 had a map theme from Three Houses (just noticed the video was deleted, will reupload it). Actually my original plan was to use only music from Kirby to show how awesome Kirby music can be for a tactical game. Once the project is over, I will make my thoughts about a real soundtrack. Then again I have to sample due to copyrights, but if you have suggestions for themes, then feel free to share!

    I'd never thought about playing Fire Emblem to Kirby music before but now I might just have to try it! Warp-skipping CF's final map to Gourmet Race maybe?

    I was thinking for the final chapter you could use A Funeral of Flowers, the final boss theme for Silver Snow. Here's the links to both the Rain and Thunder versions:

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xVaRibExiaA (Rain)

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JdxDUGHp34Y (Thunder)

    Spoilers if you haven't played Silver Snow:


    It feels like a perfect fit for the final map you described since it's sort of reminiscent of Silver Snow's ending, where Rhea succumbs to her dragon madness, and based on Byleth's support rank with her, she either survives or has to be killed. I think Funeral's more somber tone would reflect the seemingly hopeless feeling of the battle, where at first it may look like Byleth, Edelgard and the other Black Eagles have no choice but to kill their friend. It also gives the song another chance to have a real emotional impact, this time where it's Lysithea's life that's on the line, as opposed to Rhea who many players (myself included) just never felt that attached to and had no second thoughts about offing.


  22. On 1/24/2021 at 12:01 AM, Jules Necrofantasia said:

    Long range magic including meteor is in this game.

    Perfect! Meteor Dorothea's one of my favorite boss killers on CF. Flattening enemies from halfway across the map just never gets old, especially when you know they'll wreck you up close (RIP Dedue lol). I'm still disappointed that she's had two alts now in FEH and neither one gives her a siege spell. Making her second alt another dancer unit was such a cop-out imo (and my god that outfit, what the hell were they thinking? She looks like goddamn Rhajat).

    Btw, I know you mentioned music in one of your previous posts, and I was wondering if you planned to use any of 3H's songs for the battle maps. If so, I think I know of a good one to use for the final boss.

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