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Everything posted by Polaris

  1. When has IS actually cared about balance though? Fuckin' Holsety in Thracia, with 50 uses to boot. Or Mastery Skills that were basically instakill. Nah, I think that it's not a bad thing to have options - you can break the game over your knee, or actually do a challenge run. Oh my. I had a pretty bad time with my first couple of H5 runs, though I've gotten better at it since. At least SD let you throw warm bodies at the enemies without making you feel guilty.
  2. Holy shit this game It sounds like they want you to take advantage of Casual Mode, at least for your initial Lunatic runs. I'm guessing that the older games like SD's H5 are easier than this?
  3. What's it like (if you can explain it)? Rough, or a funny accent?
  4. So what if we're familiar with a bunch of names already? That's not going to influence any changes the translation team plans to make.
  5. The delay is a technical limitation anyway. Lots of games have it (even Skyrim for example), and it's usually why I like being able to move forward dialogue on my own during a VA'd scene. Still, SoD had decent VA, though I'll be fairly happy as long as it doesn't sound like Chaos Wars.
  6. My take on this is that there are some crimes that deserve the ultimate punishment. Anyway, personal anecdote here: A few years ago, my city was attacked by a terrorist outfit. They attacked a hospital, among other places that were famous for being particularly crowded. I could literally hear the bombing and see the Defence Force bring brought in. Someone I know lost his entire family in the attack. We were planning to go to one of the attacked areas that night, but my father caught a cold. That's how close I came to possibly being dead. Many, many people died. The next day, on the front page of the paper was a picture of the train station. The floor was covered with blood and bodies. Only one of the terrorists survived, and he was brought in and incarcerated. The government spent millions on his security until he was eventually given the death penalty. If anyone had gotten their hands on him, he'd have been torn to pieces. If a person is willing to take away the lives of so many in such a dogmatic fashion, then I don't see why they should be allowed to live guilt-free. I'm horribly biased in this regard, but I was there when it happened. It was absolutely terrifying, and I'm incredibly glad nothing happened to my family. This man, and others like him, never intend to repent. There's not a drop of guilt associated with their deed. I'm not exactly a supported of capital punishment under most circumstances, but for something of this magnitude, yeah.
  7. Last Story and Xenoblade both had great VA, and I have no objection to Adam Howden voicing half the cast like he does there. I really want Crispin Freeman and Troy Baker though, if we get US actors. Oh and Laura Bailey.
  8. Pedophilia is fucked up no matter what the target. Please don't try to whitewash it using "It's just a game!" as an excuse. Behaviors are normalised when things like the media and peers promote them, which is why places like TVTropes is literally a hive of pedophiles. Also, I've played my fair share of off-beat JRPG's and I can't recall a single one that got released internationally that allowed you to breed with underage people, unless they were actively skeevy.
  9. Censorship: They might rewrite Nono's character as well. I doubt Sariya'd be hit by it simply because well, Code of Princess is coming out and that outfit...I'd say it's a bit more crazy than Sariya or Micaiah's getups. I'm fairly certain that the US version will come out in early 2013.
  10. Fair enough, I didn't know that. You'd think they'd change it to Caeda in the PAL version too then.
  11. According to the Latin way of pronouncing it, it's actually Kaisar, and Kaida. I'm not entirely sure where they got Caeda from, but I think it looks better than Sheeda/Shiida. I guess in Spanish or whatever, with Cesar, it fits better? I dunno. My main gripe is with Sumia being romanised to Smia on FE World, and I hope they change that one.
  12. Or Nintendo goes the family friendly route and covers up her cleavage-window. Hey, it can happen! I really want to know what they plan for the Japan-exclusive characters, like Eltshan and Alm. It'd be a bother to get rid of them and replace them with new units, but hardly anyone outside the dedicated fanbase knows about them either :\ Alm's case is probably worse because he comes with his own class.
  13. Honestly, I think there are two reasons the leak could have happened. 1) An elaborate promotion strategy to hype it up - FE was trending on twitter, and it's a fairly niche game. Seeing as Ninty is likely to want to capitalise on DLC, it'd make sense to increase awareness. 2) An actual slip-up because Nintendo is allergic to confirming games a long time in advance. The only real support for this one is the fact that the conference focused on games releasing "This holiday season". As such, if this is the real reason, then FE13 isn't coming over till 2013. In the end, we probably got a confirmation only because it would look bad if Nintendo denied the release after all the fuss. (New Mystery didn't come over because it's a text-heavy, niche RPG on a dying system. It's no Pokemon in terms of popularity in the end.)
  14. Even though Nintendo confirmed it via Twitter and Facebook? How does that work?
  15. http://www.nintendoworldreport.com/news/30615 There's also this.
  16. This is a sort of old thing I wrote that I dug up while cleaning out my hard drive. As such, I want to work on it a bit, if it's salvageable in any way. I can see problems in it, definitely, but I'd like a few more opinions before I go on a rampage of backspacing. Thing is, I'm also a better editor of other people's things than my own, so I'd really appreciate any criticism/ripping apart from the people on this forum. In short, if you think it's rubbish, then please say so - and hopefully tell me why so that I don't make the same mistake ever again. Er, if you could give me feedback in the topic itself, that'd be nice since this is kind of the whole thing. This is a short story at about 1800 words.
  17. Through their stomachs obviously That Sariya support made no sense to me :S There was literally no indication as to how the hell Fred fell for her. No comments on n_n because I'm against the concept of romancing baby dragons/baby people EDIT: No more image leeching.
  18. Haha I'm legit laughing here, though this is insane by anyone's standards. So Orwellian. I'm itching to get to college because I can't stand the oppression anymore qq I'm kind of getting why Eirika's dress doesn't bother me that much tbh :\ If people can do full splits in a skirt during PE without flashing everyone, anything is possible. ANYTHING.
  19. Ahaha that reaction XD I wanted to find a picture of that place with the pinafore dresses (which I hated, and thankfully left in like the 4th grade) but then I discovered they have a student "Minister of Discipline". I don't even want to know. As far as socks were concerned, we were terrible children and used to fold 'em. If a teacher objected, which they usually didn't, we'd just pull them up until they went away :D
  20. It isn't too bad in the summer. The guys had long pants after the 8th grade, and the temperature hits like 40 degrees C from April onwards to like October, so yeah. Skirts are nice when it's that hot. Some of the guys used to tell us that too so B) It's better than a pinafore. *Yes, some places do have pinafores. In the winter though, we used to get really mad about not having pants, since for some reason, it'd be about 8 degrees in the morning and they'd have the AC on at full blast regardless. I never actually thought about how sexist the whole thing is, since it's kind of normal for kids to have uniforms where I live. It's just so commonplace that the implications pretty much flew over my head :\ That's not something I'm particularly proud of though. No Marth? I thought his art looked pretty nice, even if it wasn't very flashy.
  21. This I can agree with all day and night, but I've had to wear a ton of dresses recently for various events so yeah. Still avoiding the heels though. Fuck heels forever. :( That and my highschool had a uniform :V Eh, minidresses are manageable, though I'm terrified of sitting in them. They're not very mobile though...
  22. Depends on how used to them you are. I can barely stand in heels, while some of my friends have no problem running up and down stairs with them. Dresses are pretty comfy, and depending on how you carry them, aren't very hard to move in. Unless you're wearing a really short one and would prefer not to flash people My school skirt was incredibly comfortable, but I hate formal ones, and I'd far rather wear a dress.
  23. Uh tv tropes alert I liked the dress. It's a gorgeous design, even if it doesn't belong in a battlefield. I'll rage and froth at the mouth about the DLC only if it's confirmed that she only uses bows and staves D: Yggdra would like to have a word with you. [spoiler=This is one poofy dress and one huge sword]
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