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Everything posted by Polaris

  1. He has a pot on his head. Can't imagine why people don't like that.
  2. True, that honour belongs to Sothe alone.
  3. But he does On-topic: I don't like or hate anyone yet. I'll think I'll wait 'till we get the localised scripts.
  4. Give them a unique one then Honestly, the selfish gamer in me thinks that Krom's kids deserved unique supports with him, what with their dad being the Prince, and eventual King, of Iris. Come on, IS, it's not like this isn't the wordiest FE till date already.
  5. Not exploring its themes and ideas with consistency and depth.
  6. Nah. Each warlord has certain requirements for evolution. http://www.serebii.n...st/bushou.shtml Those conditions are in the "location column". Also, I'm pretty sure warlords can't evolve in the main narrative. I had Oichi with the required link and a Wigglytuff in the main game but nothing happened. Got the same thing in her episode and she evolved.
  7. Oichi's campaign starts off so annoyingly :( Why would you stuff two normal type users in a country filled with fighting types I cannot tell. If I hadn't gotten that Galvantula in the main story, I don't think I'd have been able to move in that chapter.
  8. I wanted an ironic weaboo handle. I didn't think about the fact that irony doesn't come across very well on the internet, and I don't think I use this handle anywhere outside Serenes and the FE12 blog because of that :|
  9. At least in India, and I'm talking about India primarily because I live there, and I think I can provide a better perspective on the matter like that, the Supreme Court has advocated and awarded the death penalty to perpetrators of honour killings. There is a precedent, at least in India, for that level of punishment. The same goes for Pakistan, where the death penalty can be legally awarded. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Ten-get-death-penalty-for-honour-killing/articleshow/8775586.cms Just a thing to think about. It's not as though measures against the crime are completely non-existent.
  10. Oh jeez it's like you want to tame the savages or something. I really don't like what you're implying with this post. Please explain to me how marching troops into a country is going to stop the crazy old man from lopping his daughter's head off with a sword if she marries for love? He's not wrong though. Just recently, an actor called out the Khap government system on tv for promoting honour killings. They attacked him for twisting their statements. Just going for a hardline stance isn't going to work in this case, and the problem is far more complex than you're making it out to be.
  11. The only thing you'll achieve by using force is making a martyr out of them.
  12. So basically you want to stop a problem rooted in violence and oppression with...violence and oppression? Yes, I can see this working out well. I don't think you realise that these killings are not sanctioned by the central government, or most of the populace, in most cases. If you ask the government to stop honour killings, they can set up laws and measures. They can increase police protection in danger areas. They can educate people. They cannot march up to houses and threaten people at gunpoint to stop killing off their kin. Honour killings aren't intrinsically part of a culture, unlike what you seem to believe. It's simply a twisted by-product thereof. The only long-lasting way that doesn't lead to resentment is to attack the problem from the roots, not a violent short-term fix.
  13. I hope that the bolded bit is sarcastic because excuse me what?
  14. The sort of people who generally commit honour killings don't give a damn about the UN or what it thinks of them, I'd think. Most news reports I've read have them quite pleased about what they've done, because the family's honour has been protected. You can't use an interventionist policy here. A nation's sovereignty will always come first, and there's no way the US is going to attack, say, India, for political reasons. What you can do is raise awareness at the grassroots level. The UN can have the GA sign a resolution on the matter, but in the end it's not a binding contract. The UN is fairly toothless outside of the Security Council. Speaking of honour killings in India (yes, I know, I'm very indo-centric), these are all from the last few weeks, if not days.
  15. That explains why Soiree was on the Krom's support list, of all people. In other news: Aww :3
  16. Got to the postgame after roflstomping the final boss. This game is great~
  17. I guess so? You need either wifi or IR, so unless B/W 2 works differently, you should be just fine.
  18. Is it bad that I think Ninian would fit the bride outfit better than the manakete ones?
  19. Mumbai, India. You can google the 2008 attacks.
  20. She's having so much fun teasing MU in her support haha. So much for being the next Sonia.
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