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Everything posted by Polaris

  1. I think that the Bride class should've been like this [Pic isn't mine. I stole it off tumblr]
  2. Maybe she learns the same way everyone else in this game learns.
  3. It flows so nicely. The progression from A to S fits really well in this one. If anything, A without the S to follow it is going to seem incomplete. Also, Libera's frustration with the world will never get old.
  4. I want to believe that it's just a question of language evolving over time (like it does in the real life) but idk. There's no real connection between the two, unless Iris and Tellius actually speak different languages...which is actually possible. FE doesn't exactly pretend that there's only one language on the face of the planet. Stop teasing us IS. Anyway, I really want a Taguel lord now. More killer bunnies for everyone! Also, I'd play the crap out of FIRE EMBLEM: MISSION TO MARS One shall arise, and unto the stars fly One shall awaken to a brand new sky A lone rabbit finds a giant rocket on a desolate beach, and so starts his epic journey to new worlds and new destinies
  5. Gamefaqs also had a somewhat better quality image of Sumia's OA: http://imageshack.us.../864/sumia.jpg/
  6. Yeah. Them actually having mildly dynamic poses really helps. I still liked MM's art right from the beginning though.
  7. I absolutely love the Masked!Marth wallpaper :D This artstyle's really grown on me :3
  8. We already know that Jugdral and Archanea are in the same world though, from the official timeline. It makes sense for the Holy Weapons to be floating around in that case. There's a Ragnell isn't there? Where did that come from, I wonder.
  9. What are you talking about? Google neuroplasticity if you like. The brain literally changes in structure in a person's lifetime as we do day-to-day things like navigation. Of course the brain evolves. As far as technology is concerned, even ancient civilizations had access to surprisingly advanced tech, such as automatons which were the precursors to robots. The Mohenjo-Daro civilization had proper sewage systems and planned cities, which is better than a lot of modern cities can boast of. The difference is that we use robots for actual work, while they were generally things for amusement in the past. It's very likely that the main reason the FE world hasn't progressed very far in comparison to ours is the existence of magic, which pretty much negates the need for the technology we use. It's a little weird because you'd think that all that warfare would lead to more technology, but no. All we get are crossbows. I really do want it to be canon welding too. The idea of all the games being interconnected is so cool. Still have no clue how Magvel fits in, though I still think it's at the end of the timeline... unless it's happening alongside Iris's story, which is where all the monsters are coming from.
  10. Man, if I were a killer bunny, I'd be all over my enemies. Poor Chambray. Ever traumatized by his captor's giant knitting needles. Nn continues to be awesome too. I wish Lady Naga had made another appearance though. She was really starting to grow on me.
  11. He actually seems to match some of the DSM criteria for PTSD. Poor guy.
  12. That's it though. Alm isn't popular, so he gets a new class as a bonus (rather, an incentive) for buying his DLC. As a buyer, I have far less reason to pick up DLC that nets me a character I know nothing about versus one of my favourites. So, you create a reason (by giving them a bonus class or some such). The more popular characters can afford having fewer frills in their DLC chapters because their sales can ride on the strength of that popularity, rather than DLC content by itself. It's unfortunate, but that's likely the rationale behind giving Alm a unique class rather than someone like Ephraim.
  13. There's nothing wrong with disliking a fundamentally shallow character. Unless Sumia decides to be more that just an airhead, then she really isn't worth it. It's an incredibly boring character archetype by itself. It's almost as bad as Ilyana and her "always fucking starving" gimmick.
  14. He'd practically outed himself as a pedophile in his first post. I don't think he was joking at all. And it certainly wouldn't be a tad weird. That was legit one of the worst posts I've ever seen. I wonder what inspires people to publicly show themselves to be creeps.
  15. Cruel, I would say. The real question is if you kill her off shortly afterwards. Blessed release?
  16. Way to strawman, bro. I really like Sumia's OA, for what it's worth. Is there going to be a better quality image of that at any point?
  17. I tried to put some dots, where irises might have been, for Valhart. It was interesting to look at. The timing is totally terrible seeing as their support convo was posted years ago, but I found a pretty cool Krom/Lucina pic. Maybe their sparring paid off?
  18. Picture Caption: Come, my succulent cutlet... Let us live out our days in happy carnage. Personally, I found that extra edge of pomposity from using the royal we for Vake kind of funny. I mean, he could be vun Vake, could he not? It makes him look egotistic, so... His proposal is so confident: "We're getting married, baby. I know you won't be sayin' no. NOW THROW ME SOME OF THAT PASSION!!"
  19. DAT FACE AND DOSE ARMOUR SANDALS AND DOSE TAILS I uh don't think I like this art very much.
  20. What is Fomortiis though? He could be a reincarnation of Medeus, which actually works in a weird way. Alternatively, he could be the consciousness sealed inside the Darksphere that drives the wielder insane. The problem with that though is that it doesn't explain where Magvel is in the timeline, especially since the Spheres would have had to break at some point in the timeline, and how the purposes of the Spheres changed so much. This pretty much means that Magvel has to take place after Archanea at earliest. There was a theory I saw somewhere about Lucina being Nada Kuya, who... uh... carried a sword made from the fang of a dragon. I think it's fairly likely that Magvel takes place at the end of the known timeline.
  21. Xane is a Divine Dragon though. He says so himself. It's totally possible that the Laguz evolved in such a way that the Branded don't exist anymore, I think. Maybe, with the taboo of the union lessening thanks to people like Micaiah, Elincia and Sanaki in charge, as well as better Beorc/Laguz relationships, things got better. Maybe Ashunera solved the problem when she sang the ending theme. Perhaps, with enough Laguz blood going around, both species evolved enough. As far as Naga and all the other deities are concerned (I'm just going to run with Tellius being the origin story theory), people do tend to worship things they believe to be divine, though these things may not actually be so. Doma, Mila, Naga and all the other gods were worshiped. for their actions, and over time, their stories of heroism became legends, and they were regarded as divine entities. You have Ashunera, who might be the actual goddess referred to in the Goddess Icon (which does happen to vaguely resemble a woman with long hair). She's the actual deity in the FE timeline, and the creator. Then you have mythical entities such as Naga and Loptous, who are basically powerful manakete. However, their actions and power are what cause them to be worshiped, rather than actual divinity. Hey, if a dragon saved your race, you'd make a religion around her too. I'm not sure how Mila and Doma fit in, mostly because I know very little about Gaiden, but again they could simply be incredibly powerful beings that eventually were enshrined into legend. I hope this vaguely makes sense because I'm sleepy as hell and it's late, but yeah.
  22. This quote is GOLD Aw, that's a depressing thought. It explains why Lucina is so depressed in her support with Mark. Much worse than I expected, tbh. (Who's Lucan, btw?)
  23. Oh god they're both little kids and this support is pretty much like one of those childhood marriage vows anime is full off D: I-I can't pair these two with anyone else without feeling dirty. I-I can't even pair them with each other without feeling dirty. Mark is great though. Totally continues the family tradition of being a stud.
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