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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. If you read it as Chinese characters, it translate to "Rice country" XD
  2. Sometime during 2013. Like everyone else, I do hope the Western version will not get censored too much.
  3. or a photobucket but they're the same... just saying ^_^;
  4. Man I feel like I always miss out on this type of stuff :(
  5. If you are planning to get Dark/Demon Souls be prepared, to die a lot in the game. Seemly cheap enemies can easily kill if you're not careful.
  6. If you're interested I can recommend another game.
  7. LOL Somebody just made an army of Brides XD they do such pretty flips http://www.youtube.c...d&v=KNa8vnkFY7A
  8. Dragon's Dogma's story is not bad. Just about a dragon taking away your heart and your journey to track it down. (i think) Skyrim for PS3? Expect some bad frame rates as you progress further into the game. I don't know if Bethesda patched the problem already. Here's the requirments for D3: http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/diablo-iii-system-requirements Oh yeah, forgot to mention. You need internet connection at all times in order to play D3. They say it's to prevent cheating and hacking since they have real money auction house where people can trade. Don't know if this a problem for you.
  9. http://www.spriters-...e.com/snes/fe4/ http://www.spriters-...e.com/snes/fe3/ http://www.spriters-...e.com/snes/fe5/ These are all what I can find. I think it covers all your need cause they technically use the same sprites between all the Snes games
  10. If you like lots of mouse clicking, crawling through a crap ton of dungeons and find a bunch of loot (and I mean a BUNCH), Diabo will be your choice. I heard the multiplayer can be really fun if you play with friends (especially the perma-death mode). If you like an single player adventure, with some epic dragons fights well not as epic as Dragon's dogma with a expansive map with tons of locations to explore and an environment you can interact with. Then go with Skyrim. If you are getting the PC version, be happy since there are a ton of mods you can fool around with (like the tower defense mod :D and even a multilayer mod, at least last time I checked) I would recommend another game called Dragon's Dogma though. It makes all the dragon fights in Skryim look pitiful. In Dogma, you can actually climb on top monsters anything from Griffins and Cyclops to Dragons (think Shadow of the Colossus) and crawl and attack on them on their backs or legs. Also to note, when it is night in the world of Dogma, it is freakin' night time. Unlike most games where night is just a change of scenery, Dogma's night will bring about dangerous creatures from ghost to skeletons and even zombies (also to note the wolves act like real wolves) that can really make you feel vulnerable and weak. Though it's all up to you which game to get.
  11. Thanks and heeeeck no lol! XD I still need to get familiar with the proportions and shading before I feel really confident in making animations.
  12. LOL "Love Cry" and "Bond"?!? Seems like Eirika is really pushing the bride image pretty well XD
  13. Nintendo may have been good but really, Ubisolf stole the show
  14. Yay! Finally an Official announcement but really, that was really anti-climatic... I wanted some excitement with big press release with their announcement
  15. I have to say though, I find the reveal of FE 13 coming to America quite anti-climatic. I expected to see some trailer with the epic FE 13 soundtrack playing that can induce the great pleasure of nerdgasm and goosebumps of anticipation. But no, we just get some tweets and short news treads that Reggie just let it slipped that FE 13 will come to US.
  16. Naww, it still isn't really officially confirmed. I'll believe when I see Nintendo coming out and saying "FE13 will come to America"
  17. Speaking of Castlevania, that Castlevania game doesn't look so good... I'm going to miss dem 2D sprites
  18. or Big Hug Disappointment T___T Y NO ANNOUNCE ON CONFERENCE?!?
  19. Vincent might be right, NoA might not announce FE 13 until much later T__T
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