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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Or maybe she just make them up XD
  2. I expected discussion about smut but I see it literally is 50 shades of grey
  3. Guys , stop this dumb ship wars especially you Ann and enjoy ze art >__<
  4. Translating is a hard job.... and also there's work from school and procrastination >__<
  5. I rage quited after losing my theif who happens to be carrying some nice equipment that I was planning to keep...
  6. Since I got some time on my hands, I'm be translating Viole x Sariya
  7. Yeah, what Shuuda said, BF3 wouldn't even come out since Pandemic is dead. May it rest in peace
  8. It was loli last time and now it's shota oh lord
  9. My parents calls me an idiot when I tend not to do simple things right like closing my closet door or forgetting to bring something...They always warn me how small things can lead to big things
  10. I expected a picture or video but I think my imagination got that covered >__<
  11. IKR?!? It's freakin' trippy >__<
  12. Oh man, Guan Yu!! I freakin love that guy xD
  13. Ya gotta use 'em auto combos XD
  14. Looks like some kind of designs to make a papercraft model or something XD
  15. Yours and AK's splices look like siblings :P
  16. Whoa whoa whoa!! No hating on Shaona punk
  17. Lucky you... two weeks of summer boohoo... Anyways, have fun and good luck XD
  18. Maybe try making him walk with his shield forward, stab and jump back instead of walking back
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