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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Talk about killing two birds with one stone :P
  2. Can't wait for the last guy, I can see he's going to look pretty cool XD
  3. Personally, I'm not really a big fan of "Together we ride". That's just me I guess xP my two cents on the matter at hand
  4. Wish I got time but things must be written T__T
  5. Lol instead of a bento, it's pie Oh NoA, this is so good XD
  6. lol Cordelia... can't help but think of Cordelia from Valkryia Chronicles XD The lack of music on main site makes me said :(
  7. Nice! Good to see full voice confession scenes. Guess it makes it extra special to get them now :D
  8. I think someone asked this but I'll ask again, Are there support limits? I heard you can have as many supports as you like but only one S support. Is this true?
  9. I payed about 3.50 for shipping :/ granted i chose the cheapest one
  10. Did not expect Brave New World to pop up in a video game forum lol dammit ap english
  11. ^same, had no idea it was Rejoice!! :D
  12. Welp good thing I gave into the temptation of pre-ordering :P
  13. Wait, so the bundle got the artbook too? Well, shit... that means I don't really need to pre-order the physical copy from gamestop... wants cancel but too damn lazy to do so T___T
  14. lol Arch's write-in XD Too bad Isadora got left out...
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