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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. From what I heard of Sumia, she sounds pretty good, not so high pitched as her japanese dub :D I likey
  2. How is this game played? Is it kinda like turn based action rpg-ish where you push buttons during your attack phase like Valkyrie Profile?
  3. Well, i guess this is as close i can get to VC3 T__T
  4. Good to see NoA is really pushing Fire Emblem :D
  5. [spoiler=So freakin' hard to choose...] Portrait Category: 3. Sigurd 10. Lilina 8 Patty 5. Lakche 2. Amalda 9. Jagen 12. Idoun 11. Largo 7. Maria 6. Tormod 4. Vika 1.Lyndis Battle Sprite Category: 2. Medeus 5. Heath 6. Doma 3. Velvet B 4. Velvet A 1. Idoun Maps Category: 2. FE1- Chapter 22 1. FE12- Chapter 20
  6. Welp, i feel dumb, didn't know that all submission were on the first page -___-
  7. Man, you lucky jerk T__T So jealous of you guys...
  8. Was just browsing GameFAQs and I found this video someone linked, don't know if anyone else seen this but I'll post anyways :P EDIT: Man, the commentator plays so bad. Tanking Liz to the max XD
  9. Man, why can't they send it to a store... Then I could've gotten the hard-copy with the bundle together :/
  10. I saw this and thought NoA finally made the Awakening site... I am so disappointed... :*(
  11. lol Ubel you Idoun fanboy XD
  12. Pick up my pre-order at Gamestop, come home and stare at it... cause I don't have a 3DS to play it T___T Now that will be torture...
  13. Boy, even the Jagen easily falls in 1st chapter prologue of Lunatic...
  14. Tried my best on this messy shading is messy :/
  15. I find it hard to not imagine Morgan Freeman each time I see the name Morgan >__<
  16. I thought the limit for the amount of supports you can have per character is infinite but you can only have one S support.
  17. Kinda bumed that the 3DS bundle is not a XL but just a standard one, but it's better than nothing :D
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