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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Kramy

    I think I know who you are :P

  2. Going 2 cause just like what fuzz said, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  3. Castlevania: I recommend the ones on GBA(play at least Aria of Sorrow) and DS(all of them cause they are that good). Though I wouldn't hurt to play the classic non-metroidvania games too. Radiant Historia: Very good RPG, that's all I have to say.
  4. No problems about that. Have at it :D Man, I never find good references... Thanks a bunch for them :D True, I did want it to be at an angle since it would make more sense, but it never really looked right. I'll try it again.
  5. I should add some stuff here while I still have internet... [spoiler=Some more slightly old stuff] One of my full custom battle sprite: Knight Mage. A remake of a crappy and lazy splice I did. Another full custom. A necromancer what else? Power rangers anyone XD Based this guy on the Polish Winged Hussars. Those guys look so cool!! [spoiler=Not FE battle sprites but still FE related] Full customs yay! These are JUS sprites which are from a game similar to Super Smash Bros except all characters are from manga. So I updated my Fallen Knight sprite with a lot of help from eCut and Primefusion. How does it look now? A new sprite that I have been working on for a while. I guess I should add a mugshot here... I present Charmus! Made him for the 59th(?) splice competition .
  6. MU is one luck... wait, since MU is technically me, so isn't that me indirectly getting smoldering by Inverse?
  7. LOL I have postponed this for soooo long ^_^; Sorry! got no internet too [spoiler=Azure X Selena] [spoiler=Support C] Azure: Ah, Selena, you still so cute~. Selena: … … Azure: Oh, ignoring me huh? No problem, your silent expression is also cute. Selena: Asure. All day long you are saying cute this, and cute that, are you a moron? As long you meet any woman, you always say the same thing to them. Azure: You are finally willing to talk to me~ If you were to smile would be so much better, I would be so happy. Selena: Don't be a fool! Even though you say things that can make a girl happy, all you want to do is flirt with them! Azure: Ok, ok, Selena, don't get so angry. Every girl is so cute, saying hello is natural right? Selena: Only you will do that. You will never find any one else in this world who is like you! Sorry, I'm busy today! Bye! Azure: Ah, Wait, Selena! Awww… … she left. … Ha. As usual, I made her angry. [spoiler=Support B] Azure: Ah, Selena, you are also cute today~! Selena: Azure… You really don't learn from your lesson. Azure: What are you talking about? This is what I truly mean. Selena: Really… you jerk, no matter what happens, you are really optimistic and always think in the right direction. In a sense, you are pretty strong. Let me praise you for once. Azure: Awesome, although I don't know what is going on, I am being praised by you! Selena: Seriously, Why are you… able to say cute so easily. Azure: That is because you are very cute! Selena: Hey…. What… what are you saying!? Saying these kinds of things, there is no way some will like my odd personality. Azure: It's not like that. It is because you are usually not concerned with others, also very, to me that is way too attractive. If I can overcome these difficulties and have a good relationship with you, the more suffering there is, the more happy I will be. (My… my god… Azure is a masochist!!! O___O I think) Selena: Wha… what? What are you saying? I hate this playboy attitude of yours! Azure: No, you misunderstood. If I am talking with girl, I am always serious. I wasn't even thinking about flirting! Selena: There is absolutely no difference between your so-called seriousness and flirting. Azure: What? I… I don't know! Selena: That's it, whatever is fine, can you go somewhere else to flirt? Azure: Of course I can't! Selena: Wow, so direct? Azure: I want to open your heart, I want to see the real and honest Selena. Although you are always angry, but in fact I know that you are a honest and straightforward person. So, smile a bit more, be more happy. You're beauty face is being wasted by being angry all the time. Selena: Tha-, tha-,Tha-, tha-,That sort of thing, even if you said it, you will never complete it! Cute, cute or whatever, such stupidity! That's it, disappear from my sight! Azure: What? You are the one who is obviously disappearing… … Hey! Wait for me! [spoiler=Support A] Azure: Kept you waiting, Selena. There was so many things to do today, so I'm a bit late! Selena: Azure… I, I wasn't waiting for you! Azure: Hahaha, there you go again, obviously you been waiting long. Selena: Hmph, You can think whatever you like! Speaking of which, you are indeed later than usual today. We always meet at the same time everyday to play Azure: Well, I actually want to give you a gift. Selena: What? A gift? For me? Azure: Uh-huh! Because it seems you don't believe me what I called you "cute", so look, in short please accept this ring which really suits you. Selena: Eh? You want to give this to me?? Azure: Yup, I especially chose this for you, Selena, put it on. Selena: We-… well I just have to wear it. See… I'm wearing it. Azure: I am seeing this clearly, it really suits you! You become even cuter. Uh-huh, my eye is truly accurate. Selena: How can you even say this! I can't believe it! Ok, here! I'm giving it back to you! Azure: What? It obviously matches you! Selena: Giving me this kinds of things will only make me feel troubled. Azure: How… how so! Selena: Bu-… but I truly believe that you really meant it when you called me cute. … Thanks… See you later! Azure: Ah, Selena… She left… … Heh heh, finally she smiled a little. Awesome! [spoiler=Support S] Selena: Eh… Azure, do you have time now? Azure: Ah, Selena, how rare, you actually came to find me. Selena: You're so annoying! Azure: Sorry sorry. So… what's up? Selena: Before… you said something to me… You said… you want to see the real me, is that right? Azure: Yup, that is my ultimate goal, if hasn't changed even now. Selena: … … … … On this matter, in the beginning, I always thought you were an idiot… The ring from before… that… I think it would be better for me to accept it. Azure: Eh? Selena: I want accept it because I didn't know if you will give it to other girls! Why are you looking so stunned, hurry up and get it for me. Azure: … if I have anything to, I already have it on me! I didn't know when you will come and get it , so I have it with me all this time! Selena: Eh?! That… …? Azure: What? Could it be that you want me to give it to you when you least expect it? Selena: That's not it! It's that I don't want it as a gift! Azure: Eh? Selena: Is… this not… yours… yours and mine… wed… wed… wedding ring! Azure: Ah, so that's that problem, yup, sure thing! Selena: Eh? Azure: It's that simple. Although it appears that I'm angry, but my heart is thumping non-stop. This… … Our life together will be inseparable Selena: Plea… please wait! Don't you usually say "Suddenly say this is too serious" or "I didn't plan on doing anything"? How can you so easily agree!? Azure: Because, I truly want to see the real you. Finally I am able to see it, how can I have any reasons for rejection. Selena: Ha… At the end I'm the only one who is troubled by this sort of thing… I'm such an idiot… Azure: Ha ha ha… thank you, Selena. You finally understood my feelings. Selena: Why… why do I suddenly feel so annoyed… at myself for becoming happy at your words. Azure: Are you going back to masochist self? But that's ok, I just like that side of you… (I think he means Selena becoming tsundere again) Selena: That's it, you're so annoying annoying annoying annoying ! From now on, I will use attitude to live with you! You hear me! Understood!? Azure: I understand , your highness, I will respect your authority.
  8. Kinda wished that Azure will poke fun at Ronku's fear of woman condition.
  9. I'll be taking Azure x Selena if no one claimed. I hope some hilarity ensures with this pair :D
  10. Fuuuu!! Want to watch but can't >_< Must get good internet source!!
  11. Lol Minerva has such a derpy face XD must be quite hot in that costume
  12. I swear to God, most of the supports I'm doing are about training... If there is Fred X Degel, I'll totally take it. Fred and Degel: Training buds for life!! :D Whatever, here's Mark X Degel. IS sure love them shower moments lol [spoiler=Mark x Degel] [spoiler=Support C] Mark: Ah, Degel! You're going to train again today? Degel: Uh-huh, yes. Mark: You really have no problem wearing that bulky armor? Is there anything I can help you with? Degel: In order to cope with fighting under any circumstance, I must be able to use all my weapons and armor with ease. Therefore, even if it is a large piece of armor, I must not hesitate to wear it. Mark: Heh ~ I see~! No wonder even though Degel is a girl, you are very strong! This heavy armor, I don't even think I can move in it if I wear it. Degel: Due to the training I received as a child, I was able to naturally move to such a degree. A piece of cake. Mark: You're amazing, Degel. So from now on, Can I come and study your training process? Degel: … … Eh, why? Mark: In the entire male group, I am the weakest, so I want to know what I can do in order to get stronger. Degel: In that case, you shouldn't beg others for help, you should find a solution yourself! Mark: No matter what, I want you to become my master! If I can only visit once, I should be able to benefit a lot from it! Degel: … … The path to become a knight is not fooling around. You promise that you will not get in the way, right? Mark: I-, I'm so disliked already… … So unfortunate… … [spoiler=Support B] Mark: Degel! So you were here! Degel: Mark… … I am about to start training. Mark: I know, so let me stay and study! Degel: I just refused you, have you already forgotten? Mark: Ah, no… … of course I remember. So this time not only am I going to stay and study, please allow me to help you! Degel: Help… …? Mark: Of course! I already prepared the needed weapons, armors, props, water when you are thirsty and even a towel to help wipe off your sweat. Degel: Eh… …? Mark: If you need anything else, just ask! As an assistant, you can always count on me! Degel: Do… you have to go this far? Mark: Eh!? Isn't it because I want to see you train. If I can see how you train, I can imitate it! Although I am simply coming here to learn, I really enjoy it. But I feel I should give something of equal to pay you back! Degel: Wow… … such a admirable determination. Mark: Of course! I will no not lose an optimistic and positive attitude to anyone. Degel: Ok, I understand. Come with me… … Mark: Really! Wow, awesome~! Degel: … … Mark: Speaking of which, Is it ok for me to ask you a questions? Degel: What is it… …? Mark: Although you are very pretty, you are very strong, aren't you? Degel: … … Are you trying to praise me or make fun of me? Mark: Do you have some well-developed muscles under your clothes? Degel: … … Grrrrrrrr, you little jerk. Shut up. Or are you willing to experience the result of my training… … ? Mark: Ah! Ok, sorry. I kind of went over board there! I'll shut up! Degel: Really… …! I haven't even started training and I'm already tired… … [spoiler=Support A] Mark: Degel! Even though you are still in the middle of training, why don't you rest a bit? Degel: Ah, ok… … . Mark. A lot of things are done today, thank you. Yo-, you were a big help… … Mark: You're giving me too much credit, I also have the opportunity to stay and learn from your training, I should thank you! … … Ah… … eh? Degel, your complexion doesn't look so well… … Degel: I, I'm … … only a little tired… … Mark: Ah… …! Are, are you ok? Speaking of which Degel, there were so many times you were staggering to the point you almost fell today… … Degel: Ther-, there's no… … way that happened. Mark: But you don't look so good. Let's go to the infirmary. I'll go with you. Degel: … … I'm, I'm ok. In order to become a skillful solider so I can help fight in the war, I trained non-stop. I must not fall to such a degree of weakness… … Mark: … … Bu, but! Degel: Sigh … … I really don't want you too see my weak side. Mark: The-, there's no problem! Please don't force yourself to hard! … Oh, right! I must find a priest who knows healing magic! Degel: It, it's not necessary! Stop it! I can still continue! Mark: Wel-, well in that case… … if you continue to carry on like this, it is simply reckless! Degel: Although you are my assistant, but if you interfere with my training, I'll never forgive you! Mark: But… I… cannot leave you feeling miserable. Degel: Mind your own business… … I want to be stronger than anybody. Even if… …! If I stop, other people will leave me far behind… … So I must not slack off! Mark: … … I understand. In that case, I'll stay here and watch over you. Degel: … … Are you trying to interfere with my training? Mark: I don't intend to. I just want to do what I feel is right! However, if I see you are unable to hold on much longer, no matter what you say, I will stop you! Degel: … … Mark. Mark: Sorry… … I said something so arrogant even though I'm just a assistant… … Degel: No you didn't… … fine. This will be ok. I will be relying on you now. Mark: O-, Ok! It will be a pleasure to help you! [spoiler=Support S] Mark: Ok! I should pay Degel a visit so I can see her train! She always push herself too far, her body must have taken a beating over the years. I will keep this to myself, in order to prevent her from being too reckless, I should keep a close eye on her. … … Hey! Degel! Hmm… where is she? Degal: Ma-, Mark!? Wa-, wait a sec! Mark: Ah, You are there huh? Degel… … Eh!! Gaaaa!!!? Degel: Ma-, Mark!!! Mark: … … You, y- y- y- you were taking a shower! So-,sorry! I'm very sorry! I, I'll be waiting outside!!! Mark: … … Eh!! I'm very sorry for bursting in so abruptly! Degel: Really… … don't worry about it. I was my negligence for not telling anybody else that I was taking a shower… … Mark: Bu-, but! There is nothing to be shy about!! Degel: Eh… …? Mark: Your body, i-, is… … more beautiful… than I have imagined!! Degel: I-, Imagined… … ? What in world is your mind thinking about!? Mark: It is exactly what I have imagined, well-developed muscles that will not lose to any men. Degel: Do you see me as such a ferocious person? Or should I say, your comment.. … should I be happy!? Mark: Degel!? Why are you brining out the weapons!? Degel: Hmph… … What a joke. Mark: Yeek! Sa-, save me!! … … Hm, eh? Degel: … … I can't believe it, I don't feel angry. If I were seen by other people, is this how I should feel? But normally, isn't this suppose to be seen by someone who you will spend you life with? Mark: In that case… …! Just agree to be with me! Please spend the rest of your life with me!! Degel: Eh… …? Wh-, why are you suddenly saying this? Mark: Because in this case there will be no problem right? Degel: … … You, you really want to see my body that much? Mark: Ah… …! Tha-, that's not the reason!? Bu, but I'm not saying I don't want to look! … Huh, Wel-, well…! What am I saying!? Why did I uncontrollably confessed!!? Degel: Bu-, but if I am to date you… … it wouldn't be so bad. Mark: Eh!? Re-, really!? Degel: But! If you want to maintain our good relationship, it all depends on your efforts, understood!? Mark: Of course! I will be like you train harder, so I can strive to become a man worthy of you!!
  13. Mew's genbent Jaffar got a mysterious air to her... fitting for an assassin :3
  14. LOL What happened this time XD
  15. Just basing on FE 9 and 10, probably an 7-8. God, I just hope they don't screw up all the female voices, having them sound all so high pitched
  16. Cause sometimes they just sound bad, like they don't fit the character or they don't express the emotions as well as the japanese dub well there are times where Japanese dub can lack some form of emotion here and there. Though, I have to admit, English dubbing is slowly getting better but I will always prefer subs.
  17. That will totally break the game... and story XD
  18. Hmm... Can't believe I actually picked up some good tips for choosing colors here lol
  19. I bet Fred is gonna talk more about training
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