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Everything posted by Kramy

  1. Kramy


    I can only think of two or maybe three. Marcus Phoenix and Master Chief and well... that's it...
  2. Kramy


    Well, All-stars isn't all that bad. Sony is kinda smart to bring together all their great IPs and make a game about it unlike Microsoft lol just saying
  3. Kramy


    LOL Watching Sony's conference. It was going strong at first but oh god, it's soo laughably bad right now... Wonderbook?!? It's like a trainwreck XD On the other hand, the technology IS pretty cool. EDIT: Whew! Them seemed to pulled through. Dat Last of Us gameplay was intense O__O
  4. Kramy


    So far, Microsoft and EA's conference was boring as hell... though Ubisolf's seem quite good so far
  5. The three Castlevania games on the DS. Must get ze lootz!!
  6. I'll be taking Mark M x Degel. Wished there was MU x Degel but I'll take what I have.
  7. Ecut, that make soo much sense XD
  8. Here's Fred x Sariya cause who doesn't like some Sariya action :P [spoiler=Fredrick X Sariya] [spoiler=Support C] Fredrick: Good, next is 100 pushups, please continue your hard work everyone. Rufere: … … !! ============================================================= Sariya: Rufere… is putting a lot of effort in training. Fufufu… No wonder I am attracted to him. ==================================================== Fredrick: Well, that's it for today. Please have a rest, everyone. Dismissed! Sariya: It's finally over… where's Rufere? Ah, over there. Ah… he's surrounded by all his friends, Rufere is obviously mine. I want to curse everyone… no… compared to curing everyone… why not instead do a curse Rufere so when someone gets close to him he will emit a nose wrinkling stench , Ah… if that's the case even I can't get lose to him… ... Fredrick: Ah, Miss Sariya. You are here. Sariya: Eh? Fredrick: Since I didn't see a sign of you at the appointed time so I finished the training during your absence. So lets start the training again, I'll train with you. Sariya: Ha? Wait… What…! Fredrick: Good, next is an exercise for the wrist muscles, one, two, three.. Sariya: Wh… what is… this… ah… … I can't… Can't do it anymore… … Fredrick: Miss Sariya, are you ok? Could it be that you are feeling uncomfortable somewhere? If that's the case, can you continue tomorrow? Then, please go and rest. Sariya: What kind of joke is this… Why do I have to do this kinds of thins… Fredrick: Ha ha, one must exercise in order to have a sound body and mind. That's it then, please come back tomorrow for more training. Sariya: A dark mage… do not need… a sound body and mind… [spoiler=Support B] Fredrick: Miss Sariya! Sariya: … … What do you want? Fredrick: Why haven't you come to our agreed spot at the training field, I been waiting for days. Sariya: What do you mean by agreed… I have never agreed anything with you… Fredrick: What…! I have gotten sick because I have been staying up late for so many nights. You never thought about it?! Sariya: Certain types of people will not get sick… Have you never heard about it? Fredrick: … … ? Sariya: Listen good. You are sick because I have cursed you. Fredrick: You say what!? Sariya: Fufu… You mad? (bro, lol) Fredrick: I have been cursed… …!? This is really unforgiveable. Sariya: So… so hate me, I absolutely love the feeling of hate. Fredrick: I really can't forgive you! My weak body and mind! Sariya: …ha? Fredrick: Hu…. Ha!! Haha. Okay, now it's no problem. My cold has been cured. Anyways there is an old saying, One's heart will not be affect by a disease. (well, it's an old saying…) Sariya: How does that even work… Fredrick: Miss Sariya, Beginning of tomorrow I shall still wait for you. This time be sure to come. It is agreed. Sariya: Don't… no that's wrong, how in the world was he able to cure his cold…? I actually didn't curse him… This time, I really have to curse him… [spoiler=Support A] Fredrick: I have been waiting for a long time, Miss Sariya, finally you are willing to train. Sariya: No I'm not… I came here to… I have something to confirm… Fredrick: So what do you want to ask ! ? Ouch!! Sariya: Indeed… during our last battle, you were seriously injured… Fredrick: I've been found, eh? Sariya: … of course, it is because of my curse… Fredrick: Miss Sariya's curse? What does the curse you have put on me do? Sariya: Eh. The curse caused you to not able to see me. As long as you can't see me, you will not keep saying training, training all the time. But even so… you are still aware of my danger... I obviously put the curse on you, so obviously you shouldn't have seen me! Fredrick: So that why, no wonder I felt some kind of unidentifiable presence. I obviously was able to feel Miss Sariya's breath, but can't seem to see you anywhere. I almost suspected if I am normal anymore, turned out to be the curse. Sariya: I will accept any punishment. Even if I have to broke my arm, it will be fine. Fredrick: What… what are you saying!! Cherish your own body! Moreover the curse is not to be blamed, I was just distracted. It was all caused by my immaturity, you don't have to worry about it. Sariya: You idiot… always being a good guy to such an extent… Fredrick: Can I take that as a compliment? Sariya: Do whatever you like… speaking of which, let me see the wound, I may not look like it, but I have some experience in medicine. You too, you should also take better care of your body… Fredrick: Miss Sariya… Sariya: Don't get it wrong, if you don't have any energy, Rufere would feel sad… Fredrick: Is there such a thing? Ok then… I'm grateful of your good intentions. [spoiler=Support S] Sariya: … The wound, it has healed… Fredrick: I am very grateful. (I'm skipping a short sentence here because it didn't make any sense) Sariya: … … … … What are you going to do? Fredrick: About what? Sariya: Treament has already ended, right? Please stay away from me. There is nothing else for me to do Fredrick: Well… regarding next time's training, Are you able to attend? Sariya: Including this time, you already said it five times already, didn't I say that I will attend? Really, what are you thinking, speaking of this, even if you are not going I will be going. Fredrick: Please… please wait! There is one more thing that I must know. Sariya: What is it? Fredrick: I do not know if this the case, Miss Sariya, during the treatment did you curse me? Sariya: Why are you asking... Fredrick: My feelings seems to dominated by some force, so I want to make sure. Sariya: Don't worry, I didn't curse you. Fredrick: Is that so? Hearing this I'm relieved. Now I can give you this without any concern. Sariya: A ring…? What are you planning to do? Is it to curse me? Fredrick: To be tied together for the rest of our lives, there is no problem calling it a curse. Sariya: Life? You can't mean… …! Are you… proposing to me?! Fredrick: Indeed I am. Sariya: Why…? I have never accepted any of your well-intentioned reason. Fredrick: There is no reason for me to say anything, if you want me to say pretty words I can say as many as I can. But those kinds of words do not have any meaning. I think about you from the bottom of my heart. I want to live with you for the rest of my life, is that not ok? Sariya: There is… no problem… Fredrick: Then, can you accept it? Sariya: Eh… but, one is fine, I have a condition. Fredrick: Please say it. Sariya: The exercises that improves the body and mind… Cancel it… Experiencing those things will deteriorate the strength of my curses… If I continue to experience this kind of healthy environment, I will transform into a cleric. Fredrick: I understand, then as replacement, lets change the body and mind exercises into bride practice. Sariya: In that case… I'm very happy.
  9. Intriguing... Maybe Nintendo will have most up their sleeves for this year's E3. Can't wait!! :D
  10. It is hard to develop games for the PS3
  11. Man, so hard to choose >__< There are so many good entries... Went with Amelia cause headdresses are cool
  12. Kramy


    I hope it will be >__<
  13. Castlevania cause why the hell not :D also second Valkyrie Profile
  14. Almost done with my finals sooo I'll get Fred x Sariya cause it Sariya who wouldn't want to see some more hilarity lol
  15. Whooooooooa!! She doesn't even look like a warrior anymore XD Just a damn good looking princess.
  16. LOL that's tough getting your laptop taken away but at least it can motivate you to study unlike me...
  17. Augh... dat FE anime, never liked the dubbing of it >__<
  18. Should be studying for my finals buuuut... I will be fine hehehe... Anyways, done with this one. Yay for short support! :D I have Liz call Krom "Big Bro" cause I think it fits her somewhat just like Nanako [spoiler=Support C] Liz: Argh… Krom: That was a really depressing sigh. Liz: Big… Big bro. Krom: What's bothering you? Want me to hear your troubles? Liz: Eh… Do I look like a princess to you? Krom: What are you talking about? Liz: I mean, do I really act like princess, I really want to know. Krom: You are a princess, since you are my and big sis's little sister. Liz: Really, what I wanted to hear is not that kind of stuff! What I want to know is, do I have the qualifications of being a princess? Krom: You're so concerned about this ? Liz: Because compared to you and big sis, I feel like I can't match up with you... Krom: What up with you, getting frustrated with this problem. So boring. Liz: What… what do you mean by boring, big bro is being so harsh. Krom: There is nothing wrong calling a boring situation boring. You are just fine the way you are. You have to be more confident in yourself, See-ya. Liz: Ah! Wait! Big bro! This answer shouldn't even be called an answer! Hmmm… Is it really ok for me to remain same...? [spoiler=Support B] Liz: Great, no one is here. Krom: Liz! Liz: Ah! Big… Big bro!? Krom: Going somewhere? Liz: This… weather is great, right? I just thinking whether if I should take or walk or something… Krom: It's cloudy. Liz: Eh? Eh? That's strange, it was obviously clear a moment ago. Krom: It has been cloudy all day. Liz: Eh… Krom: You have been going out a lot recently, what on earth are you doing? Liz: Eh? Is there such a thing? Must be Big bro's mistake. Krom: Rufere also notices there is something strange, you seem quite knowledgeable about the enemies tactics and position. You can't be going out to spy on the enemy camp without permission. Liz: Well, without any attention I was able to do a lot of things… Krom: You idiot! What would happen if the enemy becomes aware of your actions? Liz: But, but I want to be of use as much as possible. In order to become our country's princess, I would even become like you… Krom: Become a princess? You can't be still haven't solved that problem of yours? Liz: Big bro doesn't know anything. Having such powerful big brother and sister, being a little sister, what kind of feelings will I have. Krom: Heh… then I'll give you a mission. "What does Liz needs to improve in order to become a princess", consult this question with your friends. Liz: But, this… Krom: You don't have to answer immediately! You have to do this, this is an order, understood? Liz: Ok… [spoiler=Support A] Krom: Liz, how is the questions coming along? Liz: "What do I need to improve in order to become a princess" that question? Yeah, I already asked every body. Krom: What did they say? Liz: They said all kinds of things! For example "Try to be calm", "Be confident". There are other such as "Don't easily say like or hate", " eat dinner slowly" and others… Krom: So, what is the most common recommendation? Liz: Eh? Krom: The most common opinion, what is it? Liz: That… the... most common opinion is… "You are fine the way you are." Krom: That is it then, all in all that is basically it. Liz: What! Really! I don't understand at all! Krom: So, just remain the way you are now is just fine. Liz: But… compared to you and big sis, I... Krom: When you were asking the question, what was everybody's expression? Do you think everyone was happy? Liz: Speaking of it… seems like they were happy. Krom: You, as long as you are here, the people around will always feel happy because of you. Such as thing I can't even do, probably sis also can't. No one can do it better than you can. Liz: Hmmm… Is that so? Krom: You already have become quite handy. Didn't other say "To remain the same" already? The friends you fight with also agree. Is there anything else that still dissatisfy you, your highness? Liz: Of… of course not…. . Krom: Well, now that you are satisfied, then it's ok. Anyways, his royal highness and her royal highness are things you can not throw away. Don't think too much about it, the result is what is important. Liz: Uh-huh. That does it then! Thank you, big bro!
  19. Actually I'm working on Krom x Liz right now... soooo... it's mine!
  20. Naaaaaaw! That big mouth guy from Awakening is the sexist man/woman alive! 1:22 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuLsO6Lhpy8
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