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The Spanish Inquisition

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Everything posted by The Spanish Inquisition

  1. You might have noticed my member name is The Spanish Inquisition. Because I'm not sure if I actually want to keep this name, and it is a little long to type out, TSI is an appropriate substitute. EDIT: As for the tree-spamming, I was trying to go for the ruins in the middle of a vast forest/jungle look, e.g. Mayan temples in central america, a few castles in eastern europe, etc.
  2. This isn't THAT much of an error, but on the FE6-8 Pages (all of them), the order of con and mov for base stats, enemy stats, and promotional gains are mixed up very inconsistently. I know that if someone's just looking for the data, it isn't a problem, but if you happen to be copy/pasting into excel like I was... (basically trying to add base stats with promotional gains in excel made knight!recruits really fast and really weak ) EDIT: Just remembered: Average Stats sections for FE7 don't account for different base stats for HM
  3. First, I know it's big, but AFIK, FE8 doesn't have a map size limit. This is my first attempt at mapping, but I think it turned out pretty well. Also, if you want to use it in a hack, be my guest, just make sure to credit me as TSI. Let me know what you think!
  4. Congratulations. You have successfully kicked a person in the balls, then beat them to death before they were able to raise an arm in defense. Happy? Moving on, let's assume we have two skilled players of equal level, but one can rng abuse. Who wins? I think you know the answer here. And Horace did say (first page of this thread) he rigged crits, which is RNG abuse. We all know he's a very skilled drafter that probably doesn't need to rng. Except he said that he did. I'm not in anyway saying OMG YOU NEED TO RNG TO DO WELL IN DRAFTS. I'm just interested in how well a person does in drafts with or without rnging. And no, remember your words might sound very clear to yourself in your head, but this does not mean they will translate well over the internet. Also I just checked through all the posts, and I see no proof shown that said event happened in your lifetime (aside from the hack you admitted to performing) First, I assume you don't mean the Hall of Fame, since as you implied, a skilled drafter doesn't need a favorable RNG to do well. Next, we are penalizing people for getting insanely lucky because there is a much higher chance of a person RNG abusing (since it is much faster, so burns through the probability events faster) over a given period of time. Why am I even bothering to answer this, obviously my idea is worthless.
  5. you are quite right until Uh, you just contradicted yourself. My statement is bullshit because it is true?
  6. To all: who immediately assume I'm stupid. I'm not. Just saying. I never said a 1% will never happen. Hell, any idiot knows on average 1% will happen every 100 times. By the same idea, a draft is bound to have one good chapter in it somewhere. I'm going to assume you missed the above post, or trolling me hard. Where did I say that occasional 5%s aren't plausible? I said 20 5%s in a row was unplausible.
  7. I've bled through multiple classes of calculus, diff eqs, linear algebra, number theory, abstract algebra, prob/stat, and analysis, so, Lumi and anyone else, NEVER say I don't know enough math to talk on a fucking web forum. Check my math yourself. You'll see it's right. If it's wrong, point it out to me, don't tell me fuck off.
  8. Stop here. I didn't say each number burned, I said each number that is actually used. Except for the fact that the person in question has incentive only to manipulate in their favor. PKL, I am making no claims on what happened in past drafts, just for potential future drafts that would be taking this rule into account. And good god, is there no person who is willing to maybe admit that I might have a good idea? No, obviously TSI's just a retarded fuckface with no life outside of a stupid internet forum. Lastly, suppose each run of fire emblem took one hour (a very conservatively small estimate of time needed). Then multiply that by 1/(9.23x10^23). Then we have a run that could happen maybe once every 12*10^21 years (yes, you can check my math). Surely you understand that it won't happen (where, to be perfectly honest, won't happen means it is less likely to happen than, say, the universe imploding in the next second).
  9. Think about it this way. If the player did re-do the game, how likely are they going to be that bullshit lucky again? (It's the same probability squared) If the player's unwilling to do it, then let them know, "Hey, if you're unwilling to re-do it, we'll assume you lied to us. If you are willing to re-do it, or let someone else re-do it, we'll trust you." Surely that's not so ridiculous as you claim it is.
  10. @ all that say "I have to reset because I was randomly blessed?" Look at the odds. Are they reasonable? Jihyun, you yourself said your Rath was slightly Str-screwed. You failed to mention any of your other units, let alone the possible usage of Afa's Drops. PKL, are you getting awesome levels every single chapter in the same draft? If not, you shouldn't be worried. Darros, let's make the reasonable assumption that a very good chapter occurs maybe 5% of the time (By my experience it happens far less than this, but I'll run with it for now). Then getting a very good chapter 20 times in a row has a likelihood of 9.23x10^23. Really? No the odds are not impossible, but it is so implausible that any engineer can tell you it will never happen in your life time.
  11. Due to the probability you quoted at me above, you know just as well as I do that pretty much any set of stats by level 20 have a less than 1% chance. And why would you abuse to shoot yourself in the foot? What possible advantage could you gain by doing so? That is why no eyebrows are raised. Because one assumes that either you got hella screwed, or you're doing it on purpose.
  12. Only if you're silly enough to believe that you might be called out for something that happens to everybody at some point. In other words, once is okay. Twice? Maybe. Every time the whole draft? GTFO
  13. To clarify everything so everybody is on the same page here: My new idea has two parts: A. RN abuse is to be penalized by one turn per RN abused. B. This does not extend to reset (as in resetting the chapter), since reset can be done on any FE, be it cartridge or ROM, with no distinct advantage in either case. If you're worried about being called out for an amazing amount of luck, JUST RESET, DAMNIT. Camtech has suggested I try to implement this in a draft. I will create such a draft if there are takers. Are we clear?
  14. They won't be lucky for 20+ chapters in a row, those are complete bullshit odds.
  15. You're blowing things out of context. Read my lips: resets are perfectly fine, assuming that you're resetting the whole chapter. And no, an observation has no penalty, but how are you making that observation? If you're determining the best order based on a save state, you're abusing the RN->1 turn penalty.
  16. Presumably, there would be the understanding that resetting the chapter if a character dies is fine. After all, resetting the chapter might be RN abuse, but it is equal RN abuse for the cartridge and ROM @eclipse: not if you can explain why you were able to take only 3 turns, and let others judge your explanation
  17. Why? If they truly never took the penalty, their TC would show it, and their run ought to be thrown out as a result. EDIT: LOL sniped
  18. Okay, maybe my idea is too difficult to use. How about this one: 1 turn penalty per forced RNG. Solves every problem. Any takers? I actually like this idea.
  19. No, I assume you missed that post.
  20. Yes and no. Yes, the rule is very difficult to enforce. However, if a person gets "insanely lucky" twice in the same draft, I don't see why the person should not be penalized for it. Right now, they can be "extremely lucky" all day long, yet can legitimately argue that they are not breaking any rules, and should not be penalized for it. If such a rule were to be implemented, it would clarify the community's opinion of RNG abuse to any newcomers, making it much clearer what the newcomer can do in a draft, without being ostracized in the process. Also, the "if one is smart" assumes that people are in fact dishonest, so the honor code you suggested certainly would solve nothing as well, and would only confuse the newcomer as to what degree RNG abuse is allowed.
  21. If you get to that situation, you ought to be able to justify why you can RNG. I'm not disallowing freak miracles, like a 3% crit, that might actually randomly occur, I'm simply trying to disallow forcing miracles. If a character dies in the process, at the very least, there's always reset...
  22. You're missing a key component here. You CAN take different attacks separately, since you can RNG between them. You CAN'T take a crit and a hit, or a hit and stats from the resulting level up, separately, because the game eats all those numbers together, without any time for the player to react to them.
  23. Actually think about what you're saying here. Micaiah's speed growth is 35%-> so if you only care about her speed increasing, (in other words, ignoring all other stats, hit%, and crit%) it should be fine if Micaiah's speed is maxed. Just don't cry if her other stats are rather subpar. Going for speed AND magic AND defense, on the other hand, is completely unreasonable, since that requires 35%x80%x20%=~5% chance. Maybe I'm the only one here, but a % is a %, any weight you want to throw on a particular % occurs before it is calculated, not afterwards. Thus, establishing a firm limit % is a very logical solution. And the opinion "Theres just no way to find a medium that pleases everyone" is true for anything. However, we can establish some deal that doesn't exactly please everyone, but makes sure that no person's opinion is completely ignored. Thus, I welcome any criticism to my idea, so long as it results in an actual solution to the problem.
  24. That's an easy calculation. 10%x10%=1%=not allowed. So, you have to pick one, assuming the good level up really has a 10% chance of occurring. Also, you only get to abuse if you can do the calculation. What if the person doesn't know how? Googling "probability" can probably (pun originally unintended) find a good enough source to make such a calculation. So, the people who are on the forum have access to the internet, thus access to emulators and roms, thus have an equal right to choose to use an emulator or not. Then the argument of using emulators being "unfair" is silly, especially since emulators only speed the abuse process. As said above in this topic, you can RNG abuse on the real game. To be honest, most of those who have called abusing for a 1% crit admitted to some degree of RNG abuse themselves. I'm simply trying to establish a limit for the abuse, so this argument has resolution, rather than just "I don't think people should RNG abuse in certain situations, but I guess I have no way of enforcing this idea" or even worse "I don't think people should RNG abuse in certain situations, so I will penalize those that talk about it, rather than those that might do it but don't talk about it". In a random tangent, Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a rather silly policy. The main idea is to remove any uncertainty of the rules regarding RNG abuse (none of which actually exist) by forming one that compromises between those for and against the idea.
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