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Everything posted by bookofholsety

  1. There isn't one yet. When there is one, it'll be posted in this thread. The DLC is only a day old; be a little patient, please.
  2. Someone who has a fog machine built into their wrist.
  3. Elincia: Boy, it really sucks to be a Tellius character in DLC. It could've been better if it didn't suddenly turn Elincia into a goddamn mecha in disguise as a girl, and she doesn't seem to know what a waist is either. 2/5 Ephraim: It starts out really good - the top half is fantastic and could've been up there as one of the best. Then you get to his legs, which feel way too small and skinny. I'm probably personally exaggerating how tiny his feet are, but it bugs me way too much. 3/5 Serlis: The direction with his outfit is a very jarring shift, but it's pretty well-done for what it is, and at least the Swordmaster thing is somewhat acceptable given Serlis' tutelage under Shanan. His main problem is his godawful face. Micaiah Syndrome strikes again. 3/5 Eirika: Ignoring her stupid choice of class, the artwork itself is absolutely lovely, easily the best of the female DLC characters and up there with the best overall. Then you get to the stupid choice of class. 4/5 Lyn: I'm quite fond of the heavier-lined approach of the piece, even if it does clash with everything else in the game, but there are some pretty annoying issues with it - namely, her awkward head, the posing (though at least she's not Micaiah or Celica) and her amazing shrinking legs. It's a shame, because the same artist posted a few more sketches of their redesign of her, and those were great, better than the end result here. 3/5
  4. From earlier in the topic: Lv.20 Hero HP 74, STR40, MAG 3, SKL44, SPD38, LUCK35, DEF39, RES25, Sword A, Axe B Initial items: Ragnell, Tomahawk Skills: Sword Slayer, Lance Slayer, Axe Slayer, Luna, Sol Reclass: Myrmidon, Fighter, Mercenary Mods: STR+3, MAG-2, SKL+1, DEF+2, RES-2 Like the majority of the non-main cast, his growths are unknown.
  5. a) No. Conqueror protects only from the weaknesses of beast and armored classes; that said, since Griffon Knights are also classified as a beast class, it does have some relevance to them. b) Yes. Iote's Shield protects from all the vulnerabilities of flyers, including wind magic.
  6. a) Official website content ≠ unused game content. It's an alternative to consider, sure. It's just not a very good one, like a certain "Mamukoot" reference in FE7. b) If people are digging around in FE8 to hack in Aircalibur, odds are they know exactly what they're doing and exactly what they're looking for; familiarity is a moot point anyway, since FE8's dummied Aircalibur uses a Killer Ballista icon, and it's a silly notion that the FE6 Aircalibur icon should be changed accordingly because of unused content. (to say nothing of all those spells called "Dummy"; should we go back and mod FE7 to rename all such items for consistency with FE8's unused content? the answer should be pretty obvious [hint: no]) Nope. Aircalibur appears only in FE6 (obviously not officially in English) and FE8 (unused). Could it be a matter of pattern familiarity with all the other "calibur" wind tomes in this series?
  7. I would assume that its actual release date will still be next Thursday/Wednesday, as with all the others (and, now I think about, every digital release Nintendo does). This isn't the first time a DLC package has been delayed in its announcement - apparently Elincia's was similarly delayed. The announcement should be up within a day.
  8. What does any of this have to do with FE6? Last I checked, Sigurd, Serlis, Alm and Celica have nothing to do with this game. (also it wasn't that website which caused Twilkitri to go with "Sigurd"; it's almost always been like that in the patch, and the use there just gave it some concrete status)
  9. Their Japanese names are the same - 魔竜, which can be interpreted as both "mage dragon" and "demon dragon". Before the FE11 English release, the "Demon Dragon" translation was widely used for the Archanea ones. That said, Idenn was referred to by that epithet in FE7's extended epilogue, where Jahn asks Zephiel, "For what reason have you awakened a demon dragon?". While for some things (classes, items, skills) having the terms used in later titles supercede older ones is a reasonable position, for something plot-related like this, consistency with FE7 makes much more sense.
  10. I still hypothesise that at some point, FE4's Naga lineage (the last known members of whom being Serlis, Julia and Linoan) became intertwined with that of the Iris royal family, hence their marks of Naga. It's certainly not out of the question that the family somehow got the Naga marks through another means not involving Heim's descendants, like a separate bonding with Naga, and there's pretty much no other hint of it (beyond Emerina having her Naga mark on her forehead, the same place as Deirdre's), but still...
  11. I can't directly answer this, but if so it's not anything new - other games have occasionally had generic females show up in multi-gender classes. Chapter 9 of FE4 had a female Forrest floating around the top of the map, and Hector Hard Mode in FE7 has a few female Snipers, Druids and (maybe, I'm not absolutely certain on this one) Nomadic Troopers.
  12. Ahahahahahahaha, the Tumblr FE community has already exploded into cries of homophobia at the news of him being descended from Ike.
  13. For the sake of convenience, quick index of direct links to his videos: Spirit Talisman 1 (Marth): [1] Spirit Talisman 2 (Roy): [1] Spirit Talisman 3 (Micaiah): [1] King vs King Emblem Side (Leaf): [1] King vs King Holy War Side (Alm): [1] King vs King Showdown (Serlis): [1] [2] Red vs Blue Seals Side (Elincia): [1] Red vs Blue Radiance Side (Eirika): [1] [2] Red vs Blue Showdown (Lyn): [1] [2] Light vs Dark Light Side (Ephraim): [1] [2] Light vs Dark Dark Side (Celica): [1] [2] [3] Gold and Silver: [1] Entombed Heaven: [1] Infinite Holy Weapons (Eltshan): [1] [2] [3] [4]
  14. Throw in Tethys supporting Marisa and Gerik, and you've also got yourself a decent support square.
  15. I pronounce it exactly as in French. The idea of doing so any other (incorrect) way never even occurred to me.
  16. The player's actions are pretty much irrelevant. In many other games, the default or primary default option is considered to be the canon name, and often follow-up works will establish it as such (eg Red and Blue in Pokémon, pretty much every character in the MOTHER trilogy). Fire Emblem does have precedent in this respect, with the Chris's Homemade Sweets item in FE13 referring to the My Unit of FE12, whose default and canon name is Chris. Claiming that a player changing the name impacts canonicity is roughly as irrelevant as claiming that Wolt shouldn't exist in FE6 because you personally let Rebecca die in a FE7 playthrough.
  17. (her portrait, at least; I'll leave the matter of her battle model to someone who's actually played the game)
  18. We don't have them, period. At this time our only source on growth rates is guidebooks, and those do not mention any SpotPass or DLC character other than DLC!Marth likely because he was available at the game's launch. As of now, no-one has successfully cracked the 3DS ROM format and progress there isn't really looking good, so we won't be able to extract anything from the ROM, namely growth rates, for the foreseeable future. Normal units cannot be transferred to other files.
  19. From the first dialogue box of the save delete screen, accessed by holding down →, L and Select when starting up the game. It's the most minor thing ever, awkward to achieve on an emulator and unlikely to be of concern to practically anyone who plays the game by emulation anyway, but I figured it might as well be pointed out.
  20. Light vs Dark Dark Side (Celica): [1] [2] [3] He hasn't recorded a playthrough of Lyn's yet, but it's only been a day. He shouldn't be long.
  21. a) "Nintendo" didn't stop making it. The anime was the product of KSS and Studio Fantasia. Beyond licencing Fire Emblem out to them, Nintendo had little to do with it. b) No-one knows. It could be that it was only ever meant to be two episodes long, which would be somewhat unusual, but my understanding is that it's more commonly theorised that interest in or funding for the series was low.
  22. All save files and save states are completely interchangeable between past patches and even the unpatched version. There won't be any problems with your old save files.
  23. Find a new Eevee or Espeon in the Dream World; you cannot change a pre-existing Pokémon's abilities. There was a promotion featuring the Eeveelutions with Dream World abilities a while ago, and I'm not sure if Eevee is available there otherwise.
  24. Minor addendum: that page's FE4 patch link is outdated, and the current version can be found here. ...There were only two episodes of the FE3 anime. Not four.
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