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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. I didn't say it was bad, I am just saying some people see me as a person who ruins fun.
  2. Well it seems a lot of people seem to think of me as if I'm some kind of killjoy or something. I admit I'm serious a lot, but I can have fun too, I just don't see the need to do it at others' expense. So I just wanted to know what some of YOU thought about me. You can be as truthful as you like, as I don't hold grudges, and I don't think there's much I haven't heard said about me before. I normally don't like to be the center of attention, or make topics about myself, but I just want to know where I stand, to better improve myself.
  3. For once, I'll have to agree a random post is more productive than this...
  4. It's fine, I'm in the middle of stuff right now.

  5. I actually DID faint, I'll tell you about it on AIM.

  6. With the price of PSPs and NDSs up to over 120 and 160, I don't let anyone touch mine.
  7. The only one that commonly happens I would have to say was A Link to the Past, as I made the mistake twice.
  8. In Link's Awakening if you used a key specifically, you would end up in a situation where you need the flippers to get the key, and the key to get the flippers, thus creating a paradox, luckily however it happens early in the game, so restarting is not as big a deal. In Ocarina of Time this glitch came about from saving at a specific time and turning the game off during the dungeon, a similar glitch exists in Twilight Princess where you save and power off upon discovering the sky cannon, where Midna will keep telling you that you should wait for the person in the room to leave, even though he is already gone. In A Link to the Past, it's the same deal as Link's Awakening, use a key wrong, and end up in a paradox where you need 1 item to get the other.
  9. People always say the water level is the hardest in all Zeldas, I have no clue why, however I DO credit Link's Awakening and Ocarina of Time for this, as they both featured a glitch that would cause you to have to restart the game. A Link to the Past had this same glitch, however it only existed in an ice temple.
  10. I forgot about that. I also remember they sort of redid that in Twilight Princess, only on horseback.
  11. In my opinion, 3D graphics have caused RPGs to suffer as creators focus more on making a game look pretty than making it long. The 16 bit era didn't have amazing graphics, so they had to rely on gameplay.
  12. Majora's Mask had one of the best final Bosses though, not difficulty wise, but look wise. The whips for arms really got me. Twilight Princess however was the first console Zelda game where you actually got to see Zelda fight.
  13. Although a bestseller in the series, I wouldn't base the idea of Zelda off of Windwaker, as it's the only Zelda of it's cartoonish kind. If you really want to see what Zelda is about, try playing some of the ones it is well known for, like A Link to the Past, or Ocarina of Time, and the newer title Twilight Princess has been selected as the game of the year by Nintendo, and they claim it's quickly becoming as popular as Ocarina of Time. Fans say Twilight Princess has brought the Zelda series into a more teenage to adult oriented audience, whereas before it was targeted towards all ages. I will say that Twilight Princess had a new dark theme that felt unique and exciting. Not to mention there is a lot of game, as it takes a good few hours to complete, something that seems less common with newer games, as they seem to be more and more rushed. (God of War for the PSP is an example of that, as it takes less than 5 hours to complete...) In fact I recall RPGs for the SNES that take much longer to complete than some of this new age stuff. Chrono Trigger took a LONG time to finish, and after there were 13 different endings to get, not to mention one of the most memorable final boss.
  14. Guess this is where my A in History comes into play? Chiki, message me, I'll help you out.
  15. It was made in Canada, I think that's a sign of what the world thinks of George W. Bush...
  16. Alright then, being up all night caused me to pass out anyways.

  17. The goal is to make it as simple as possible. If you sell a computer, and when costumers feel their intelligence level is being insulted by using it, you know you did it right.
  18. Everyone has something they are good at, you just have to believe, and envision.
  19. Well, I'm always experimenting with new things, so if I find anything else strange or unique, I can share. Don't forget to let your creative side run wild and show off your creations too.
  20. I have never experienced these "crashes," people complain about, the reason this image of Vista being bad is because people like to complain more than they like to compliment. The theme is where a lot of the ease of access comes from. Transparent windows make it easier to see what's going on in the background, and the 3D flip makes it easy to see what you have open without having to click on everything. People like things being easy, and that's what Vista was designed for, to make it easier, as Microsoft knows that 75% of their customers know little about computers. Not to mention some people just think the Aero theme looks more sleek and futuristic, and more attractive to have. (Also it makes modifying the theme a lot easier, as Aero is the base theme used for 99% of theme mods.)
  21. The only trouble I ever had was it lagging when I got it, but that was the computer manufacturers fault, as they stuck me with a 512MB RAM card, after I upgraded to 1.5GB that was over. The only software I ever had trouble with was Maple Story, as it wouldn't install, but I didn't like that game anyways, and I hear they have a Vista installer now. Most people complain that you can't get the Aero (Transparent) theme on Basic (Which is the cheapest of Premium, Ultimate, and Basic) but you actually CAN through a simple regedit modification, and you can get the 3D flip as well, (Which I don't really use.) So you can buy the cheapest version and still get all the attractive features.
  22. No problem, it's really creative, and combines the two to make a unique interface. Personally I'm not a big Mac fan, as I am one of the people who feel that the new Macs being able to run Windows XP shows how desperate Mac users are to have Windows, but that's just my opinion. I actually like Windows Vista, as it hasn't given me a lot of trouble.
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