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Everything posted by Gone2Ground

  1. I did some independent research through the webs, and now: WHAT THE FUCK
  2. Is it out? I thought it came on the 26th. | Or did Marvel fuck up and it leaked again?
  3. Ooh, I still need to go see that. On another note, seriously? Did no-one else see Chronicle back in Feburary? It is on Netflix now, you have no excuse to not watch it. I personally found it amazing.
  4. Well, just come in and post your opinion I guess. Anyway, I really enjoyed Chronicle, even more than the actual big blockbusters of Avengers/Dark Knight Rises/etc., although Wreck-It Ralph was pretty good too.
  5. Thematic accuracy, I think. Sometimes you have to sacrifice the balance of the game to make it feel good. Besides, even if you do pull an FE9/10 for all of them the Cavalier would still be one of the best units in the game, so why not encourage people who don't understand the whole move-again bonus (new players) to use them?
  6. Is it safe to say that FE4 makes most Tragic plays look like happy fun times?
  7. Um. Not quite the worst. Tiltyu. Holy fuck
  8. Give bonuses if the Archer is behind a melee unit. Actually just introduce Formation Bonuses into FE, make Archers an important part and everyone will use them.
  9. My D&D group are idiots. Cue the Volcano Dragon.

  10. Blame Bell Canada for not knowing who I am. Or me not knowing who you are. Or anyone. ... But that might just be the amnesia dust. Sparkles!
  11. I've not seen the movie yet, but I heard somewhere that they are going to be showing the Battle of Three Armies and not just knock out Bilbo and time skip...
  12. SOUL. WHY Why-oh wait, I'm getting you mixed up with the games again. Damn it, Demons Souls. WHY MUST YOU PLAGUEMY DREAMS
  13. I briefly thought that you were talking about the members for a second. In case you change your mind and that is what you're talking about, definetly Shin. If not, no comment
  14. ...continue? JK, this is actually really helpful for those of us who hate EV training and just want to get decent pokemon. Thanks!
  15. FUCK YES Although At the Mountains of Madness has been postponed indefinetly, at least GDT gets to do SOMETHING with giant gribbly monsters.
  16. 19815 pages?! To hell with trying to read all of that, I'll just lurk from now on
  17. I'm in the camp that is wondering why you would WANT to fix this, and requesting information on how to do it for myself.
  18. Because FE1/11 only had so much character development they couldn't give me another side. Dear Hardin: Would it have killed you to go all out and get a goatee as well as a evil moustache?
  19. MIKA's third album. And all of the Meatloaf.
  20. Has a claims list that is by itself so tl;dr that it had to be split in half. WTF.
  21. Minecraft and Spelunky both have a love/hate relationship with me. I suck at them, but keep getting drawn back in. As for true Ragequit, I actually quit FE4 for a few months after accidentally loading a savestate...five chapters back. One of the downsides of Emulation I guess.
  22. I actually got to see him live at a Just For Laughs a few years ago, shortly after the Royal Wedding. He wondered how awkward it must have been for William's bacheor party. Reach out to tip the stripper your mate brought, and see your gran's face staring out at you... "Pass me the red marker Philip, we'll really freak him the hell out".
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