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Everything posted by Gone2Ground

  1. The short executive is Tyrion Lannister. I'm...not quite sure if that ruins Elf or Game of Thrones. But something is different forever now.
  2. - Diplomacy is awesome and you should get it - I prefer Swadian cavalry as the initial lance charge from their Knights normally defeats wave 1 of whatever you are fighting. At which point you give the follow me order, restructure your charge line and go again. - You can only send out each companion once. However, you can get additional Right to Rule by joining a faction, getting territories and getting hitched. I'd reccomend joining a faction FAR AWAY from wherever you are going to be setting up your nation, as that way the animoisity won't be as catastrophic once you leave. - Sieges...sieges. I like to have a back-up army of Rhodok Sharpshooters and Huscarls. To be honest, if you have 20-30 Huscarls with decent range support, you can take down any castle on the map, although towns will require more troops. - I think it's possible if your relationship with the lord is shit
  3. The only things on my PSP i've played are the Dissidia's (Meh), Crisis Core (Only good bit of the FF7 'saga' if you ask me...) and Ys Seven, which is actually really, REALLY good. I was surprised.
  4. I stuck Eliwood in a corner, never used Hector, and Lyn was the solution to all my problems. I also didn't believe in healers and thought Ninian was a piece of crap. ....draw your own conclusions from that.
  5. Placing bets on "No, no you can't"
  6. I really like Mia for some obscure reason. I can't figure out why, but I've never done a FE9/10 game without her, even if I intend to. ... Lack of Mia/Ike Supports makes me a sad person.
  7. Something like Spaceballs, which is obviously not meant to be serious, can do it, but a serious work of fiction can't. Can you imagine if something like Citizen Kane suddenly had the title character turn to the screen and ask 'Everybody get that?'. I shudder.
  8. I used to always go for the strongest target, until I actually grew a strategic mind and realised that extra STR and a defense buff each turn was making my life difficult, and I started to take out the mooks. Always the mooks.
  9. I know your true name. Does this mean that I have complete control over your soul, or is that only demons and not forum-goers?
  10. I honestly didn't care until they announced that they were using Crappy!Emo!FocusGrouped!Rehashed!Pathetic!Slimy!Flavorless!Hack!New!Dante instead of...y'know...the well-established charcter that everyone who's heard of DMC automatically thinks of. But no, go for the person who's GAME ISN'T EVEN OUT YET. Roy made sense because FE was a well-established series in Japan, but DMC is mostly known for Dante being a freaking badass smooth-talking...jerk, really. And they go for this idiot. I might buy the stupid game to spend hours beating the crud out of him, but I digress. The game looks...fine. It's just...so annoyingly...fine. I can't find anything of note in either direction to say about it. It's just...fine.
  11. The upside of no computer means a lot of D&D was played with people in similar situations. The summer was almost worth it just for that moment when the Rogue started Mario-hopping on the Kraken heads...
  12. Sooo yeah, no-one heard from me all summer. Well, technology is an evil sod like that. It doesn't help that Bell Canada are completely incompetent and took about a month to get over here and give us our internet back. After that, it just sort of devolved into 'oh crap I'm in college now nothing prepared me for this wat the fuuuuu-' followed by a few actual migranes. I guess deciding to replay the entire Mass Effect trilogy didn't help much either, but whatever... So yeah, I'm back. Hi. I guess.
  13. UPDATE INFORMATION Game is entering 6-week beta testing with a group of friends. We will have six sessions with new characters each time, and will be ironing out the details of the Combat system. The Skills will probably get switched around a lot too. In fact, everything could change. At the end of each session, I shall post a list of revisions that the session has caused. Otherwise, so far I've made some progress on statting the enemies that the GM can use (Mainly a few low-level bandits) and also began working on the Second-tier classes.
  14. FE4: Patty FE5: Fin (Gotta respect that man for living through the hell on earth he did...) FE9: Stefan FE10: Lucia (I know, I'm weird) FE11/1/3: Julian
  15. Ye fools deny da power o' guid auld Scott Whiskey?! A pox on all yer hooses!
  16. Best: FE9!Oliver Worst: FE10!Oliver (GTFO my team now plze)
  17. If your dancer is in a situation where it needs to protect her/hiself, you are a BAD GAMER and you should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELF. Really enjoying the hack so far. Keep up the good work!
  18. Galuf dies saving the party in FFV, and stays dead except for a handful of spirit form cutscenes (See Advent Children for Aeris' copies of these scences). Only real difference was Galuf's Death = Awesome, Aeris Dies = hentai MEANT to be sad. WHY EVERYONE FORGET ABOUT V?!
  19. I'd like to apologize for my recent inactivity on this draft. Additionally, IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO FINISH IT DUE TO OUTSIDE FORCES CONSPIRING AGAINST ME. Long story short, my PAL Radiant Dawn and PAL Wii are unable to be accessed as my adapter blew up when my little sister tried to use our old Mega Drive through it. Thankfully, the Mega Drive survived. The new adapter should be here in about a month or so, but I can't finish this now. Sorry.
  20. I'm back, bitches. - Updated Skill section with some required information - Included rough copy of Skill Check chapter - In this very post there is a brief overview of how combat works. Things left ToDo in the Player's Guide: - Combat chapter - Item lists **************** COMBAT - You add your weapon's accuracy score to your combined Skill and 1/2 luck (Luck is rounded up) - To get your 'dodge rating', add your Skill, Speed and 1/2 luck together (Again, luck is rounded up) - To get your Critical likelyhood, it's 1/2(Skill + Luck) + Weapon's critical bonus (if any) - To hit someone, subtract their Dodge Rating from your To Hit rating. Roll under this number on a D%. If you roll under your Crit Chance at the same time, the attack is a Critical Hit DAMAGE - Damage is (STR/MAG + Weapon Might) - DEF/RES - Once a target's hit points run out, you roll on the Critical Hit chart. For the amount of damage done past their hit points in their last hit, add that as a modifier to your Crit roll. (EX: A target goes from 10 hp to 0, when the original hit did 11. You roll a D10 on the Crit Chart for your weapon group, with a +1 to the result) - When you get a Critical Hit, just roll on the chart immediately as well as applying damage as normal. CRIT CHARTS Each weapon has its own Crit Chart, which is a description of ways to die/barely avoid death. This feature may be removed if beta testing proves it is too complicated. EXAMPLE: FIRE MAGIC Result - Effect 1 - The target is blinded by the flames ..... 5 - The target is now On Fire ..... 10 - The target is reduced to ash instantly. Opponents within 20 meters are now Terrified of you. FERPG Player\'s Section v.07.pdf
  21. Freelance all the way until I conquer my own castle. This still means I can take Merc contracts, just not becoming a vassal. Money upkeep is going to be a bitch, but that's what tournament abuse is for. IBM going to need to make an 'Eddard Captured' counter...yeah, last nights session DID NOT go well. Eddard Captured count: 3 times in 2 real world hours. Sigh.
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