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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I disagree with the analogy, but hey. :P Comparing StarCraft and Fire Emblem is a hard task, so you did well in communicating something. The reason I prefer Ranked Runs is the same reason I prefer Hard modes. They're just more interesting. Unranked Runs basically mean that you can just sit and spend 200 turns on each chapter, which really requires virtually no thinking whatsoever. You don't really have to think about anything. Now, just in my anticipation of people's responses saying things like "Unranked Runs won't always be 200 turns per map", then that essentially means that you are going for a Ranked Run and just doing really poorly. :P
  2. Lawl. Because actually having to think makes the game less fun, right? I mean, I have SO much fun sitting there for 950 turns. Yes. Totally. Oh, wait.
  3. But the argument still hasn't addressed my point. Say, let's compare FE7's and FE8's system. In FE8, you can do EVERYTHING you can do in FE7 WITH another option. Which is often fully useable. I don't see how another option can be a detriment at all. If it is, it would be the fault of the PLAYER. I must say also that I often use differing promotions. And in many cases, the promotions are pretty equal in many ways. (Sage/Bishop, Great Knight/Paladin, Mage Knight/Valkyrie, etc) Basically, how is an apple AND a banana a worse option than just an apple? You don't HAVE to use the banana, but if you feel like it, it's there. EDIT: I understand that some people seem to like it, but the superiority of single system is built entirely on fallacy.
  4. All fires. I love fires. Ironically, even with fire being a crappy type, Fires have traditionally been pretty damn good compared to the other starters. Sometimes they tie, but they're usually fairly competent. Of course, that's because there stats are rarely fucked with. Because Feraligatr was made of shit before D/P, what with his Attack but no Sp Attack. :D
  5. What is it sir? You see I have to clean out the lavatory sir, and someone's 'ad a bit of an accident.
  6. Seriously, can someone give me the reasoning behind this? One class is better, therefore having no choice wins? With branched, you can always just choose the better class, but you also have the OPTION of taking the other one. Single path only has one option period. YOU GUYS LACK LOGIC! GRAH! EDIT: And if you want to extend that, some CHARACTERS are clearly better than others, so should we cut it down to a one CHARACTER game? Just asking is all, the position seems poorly thought out.
  7. My actions come directly from my libido, so neither! :D
  8. Wait, what? Sorry, did I hear: "One way is better because sometimes one class is way better"? Well then just use that class, at least you have another option. It's like saying: Would you rather get an apple, or an apple and a banana? Some people might not like bananas, but who cares because it's something extra. You don't HAVE to eat it, and you might not eat it, but at least it's THERE.
  9. Because having knowledge of a game never ever helps, right?
  10. Defeatist Elitist


    Eeeeeeeeeeeeew. Don't tell me you're into bestiality like Toah Lord Sothe...
  11. Sounds good to me. Let's get this ball rolling. :D
  12. Hmmmm... Well, a lot of my favorites are High tiers, but lower tiers are often more of a challenge... Hmm... I guess Neimi then. I'll take on any character you want to choose, although in the interests of my sanity a lowish tier character would be better. :D
  13. This. I've used Nino for the sake of using her. And she's not worth it. I could have told you that before hand, but hey. :P
  14. Hmmm... Florina or Fiora, hard to say... P'raps Fiora for supports. And lol at Farina's stats. They're awful when you get her, so she's not going to really be helping any ranks. :D
  15. Heh. Everyone gets knocked around a bit when they start out. Just get back up and keep going. Eventually you'll be able to pull a full defense for any character out of your ass at a moments notice. :P Also, I'm open to any FE8, FE9, or FE10 debates, and maybe some FE7, although the other 3 are my preferences.
  16. Uh, I can speak from experience, and people saying things like: "Goddamnit, do you EVER contribute to a topic? All you do is post the most retarded things. You're totally useless." Is a very good motivator to contribute more. VERY good. You just have to roll with it. Also, anyone who wants to kill themselves because of something said on the internet is pathetic. I'm sorry if anyone has felt like that, I don't mean to offend, but that's the truth. Remember what they said in Grade School: "Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me."? That's pretty much true. Something has to have something physical or tangible attached to it in order to actually affect you. Basically, you're not face to face. You have time. Acting simply on emotion is silly. And manners are still Subjective in many ways. I think it's good manners for every person I think is hot to suck my dick, should they have to? :P
  17. What's Human Decency then? If someone is doing something totally stupid and embarrassing themselves horribly, how is it "human decency" to let them continue? Human Decency is something people make up to hide behind.
  18. Meh. Everyone knows my opinion here, although I'll state it anyway, since a differing viewpoint is always good. :P I really don't mind flaming, trolling, whatever. I love me some survival of the most intelligent, patient and humble. :) For example, Destiny Hero often acts like an idiot, and I think he's trolling us. Calling him out on it IS THE BEST WAY to solve the problem. Now, personally, I try to say things in a less inflammatory tone at first, but if that doesn't work I will eventually break into more offensive methods because it is one of the best ways of dealing with these problems. The first forum I ever joined was full of really smart, cool people. They weren't assholes, but they would point out, sometimes very harshly, how stupid some things you did were. I learned so much from that forum it isn't even funny. I'd like to think I'm no longer stupid, at the very least. :D Remember, the best way to have people stop calling you a twat is to stop being a twat. :P
  19. I dunno. Not sticking to the traditional beliefs is a good plan, but your beliefs don't really seem that much more sane. :P So no, it's not crazy to reject traditional Christian Beliefs, but you might still be crazy based on what you substituted it for.
  20. As my sig so tastefully states, this is what happens when I see all of your moms. :P
  21. It's Japanese names, they're pretty simple. :P
  22. Heh. Seriously, as soon as I get a copy of Kanon I'm skipping everyone else and going the Nayuki route, then the Mai route, then the Shiori route. Makoto and Ayuu can go away. :P
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