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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I was gunna respond earlier, but my power went out. Boy, you've got a lot to learn about arguing, but nice try nonetheless. Science has proven many things that DIRECTLY contradict many religious beliefs. It doesn't try to disprove Religion, it just pretty much does it as a SIDE EFFECT. Because Science's purpose is to uncover the truth, thus it must disprove EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T TRUE. Logic is the only viable means to make decisions. You can have fun and do whatever, but when it comes down to somewhere where a decision is being made, ONLY LOGIC can be applied. So yeah, I CAN use Logic in every subject, there is no place that it isn't applicable, and you're failing to address any real arguments against you and simply trying to argue semantics because your point is fundamentally flawed. There is no such thing as a debate where you can't use logic. Logic is the primary tool. I won't take offense because taking offense is for people who feel. :P
  2. No thanks, I'd rather not wallow in bullshit up to my nose. :P
  3. @Bible as an argument. That is a horribly fallacious line of argument. It's basically worthless. @Fox: Come oooooooooooooooon. Science HAS changed in your lifetime, it is EVER changing. Just look at computers... Science hasn't explained everything, but that doesn't mean you should fill in the gaps with a magic pixie. Especially when people like the Pixie so much that they deny the reality when it is discovered.
  4. Well they shouldn't be offended? I mean, I'm never offended, and it's not like it's an attack on them. If they really have a problem with it, then they should try to prove it wrong. If they can't, then tough luck.
  5. This is made of truth. The Japanese might make good games, but come on. There are MANY amazing games, in fact, most of what I consider the BEST games were not made their. PC gaming has a slew of paragons.
  6. 1) What? 2) But people do listen, and I found use from this. 3) Difference is that one is WRONG. The other is right.
  7. Very well then... I'll just warn you, don't be surprised if the world passes you by...
  8. Everybody's slightly ignorant at least, as no-one knows everything. Apathy, perhaps is what you're thinking of? Apathy is intentional ignorance, or being unwilling to obtain knowledge, which I would say you may be to a small degree. I never said nothing's proven. I said, proof doesn't (and can't) ever be 100%. But 99.9999999999999999999999999999% should be good enough.
  9. Lolno. I can't force people. And frankly, you can't tell me what to do. Your entire post was basically irrelevant, either an Ad Hominem, appeal to my emotions, or similar. Basically, there was no real point to it. Because I'm forcing no-one. I'm simply arguing, and that's the beauty of arguing.
  10. Ignorance is the lack of Knowledge. If you are ignorant of something, you have no knowledge of it. Because it's proven to be wrong? That's the reason I have. Perhaps you are naturally faithful. That may explain things. And again being Religious will at least partly force you to live in ignorance, unless you're very clever about it. I don't mind people being religious. Hell, I don't mind them preaching or saying they're right. But when they do, they must accept Science's response. Because that's our job.
  11. But you don't understand. I DO live in peace. I am able to come to terms with my fear. And because of this, I essentially have nothing to fear. And I have knowledge. There are so many things that knowledge can do. Living in ignorance is nothing compared to living with knowledge. I know this because my life only improves as I learn more. Not only does it help you in so many ways and to do so many things, but knowledge itself can be incredibly fulfilling.
  12. So, in your opinion, if I only act in the best interest of my fellow man, would I still go to heaven regardless of me being an atheist? Just posing the question to you...
  13. Just first of all, I don't think Religious people are stupid. Some people will NATURALLY have faith, others won't regardless of intelligence, just as some have addictive personalities, some don't. Some people are left brained, some people are right brained, etc. Now, they say ignorance is bliss, and it could be for a time. But eventually your ignorance will hurt you, as it hurt the innocent people burned for being witches, or the homosexuals who were punished. There are other things too, as a healthy knowledge of Science can benefit you in crazy ways. I'll tell you something right now. Being an atheist means that I have to live my whole life *knowing* that the thing I fear most of all will happen to me. It is un escapable. But not knowing that wouldn't stop it, and I'd rather know something that frightens me then not know it.
  14. Well, evolution is definitely true, as we in fact have seen it occur. Fossil records also show slow, evolving progress from species to species.
  15. Nice try Pheonix, but you can't ignore logic and Science when it's inconvenient and then suddenly grab one point out of 100 when it might perhaps support your shaky claims.
  16. Alright then. Biblical fallacies ahoy! First off, no-one in their right mind still thinks the world is 6000 years old. It's generally accepted to be about 5 Billion years old. Now, the Great Flood (or the Deluge, or whatever): There is no fossil record of any time in this planet's history when every single modern species was wiped out by a flood. In fact, in the history of life, there has never been a planet wide flooding. And keep in mind, it claims that humans existed in this time (they were actually the cause of the flood). Great Flood is at best a metaphor. ie. It never happened. It *likely* was pulled from the myths of other religions or cultures, most likely the Epic of Gilgamesh or some earlier Sumerian texts. Next up, I'll ask you a few questions to see what I do or don't want to go into... Basically, what from the Bible do you believe? Do you believe that God created all creatures as they are? Do you believe in Adam and Eve? What do you believe, essentially?
  17. Yes it has been "proven". This is a very typical religious argument. It's proven. Want me to explicitly show you how, step by step? I could.
  18. Dude. Every time you make any decision based on experience, logic, common sense, whatever, you are technically practising Science. Mankind would be nothing without it.
  19. What is? Nothing of course. Except the fact that the more Science progresses, the more he has to give up his faith. He can't really believe in an afterlife if it's been proven false, can he? He can't believe many things in the Bible because they've been proven entirely wrong. Etc. And if someone hates Science for being pure fact, and totally unbiased, well, they can go back to being an animal, because that's where we are without it.
  20. I didn't mean you, I meant that's the REASON. And to proof... Something is "proven" when it has more evidence than any opposing proposition. You can't 100% prove anything, even you being alive. Science has to be proven. I really don't think a lot of people understand. That is what Science IS. Proven things. It can't be unproven and still be Scientific.
  21. I'm anti anything not proven. If you haven't proven it, why should it even be considered? Ever.
  22. Some things are so ridiculous that even arguing against them would sully us? :P Oh, and why the religion hasn't died out is the same reason some people still believe that Blacks are inhuman, dinosaurs roamed the earth 2000 years ago, and that homosexuals are evil. Some people refuse to listen to evidence of the contrary.
  23. Read every post we've made, since we've already countered most of the things you're saying.
  24. Your forgot that KyoAni also animated both of them (and Air too, I love the trio :D). KyoAni is pretty awesome.
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