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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Yeah, I think that too. I DON'T believe. :D
  2. Watched First season as it was airing, same with AS. It's a Kyo Ani adaption of a Key Visual Novel, so I have to. :D Movie I'm not even going to watch, because Visual Novels can rarely be adapted into Movies without being massively lowered in quality. I love Clannad in general though, as it's of fairly high quality.
  3. Dude, just remember to yell "Surprise!" first. :D
  4. Not at all. I didn't think that's what you were doing, I was just explaining where that is usually used. I would disagree with that later statement though.
  5. Moar liek: "Come now, join us and you will take over so much more than your nation has ever even DREAMED of in the past."
  6. It's a thin line, but it's their. It's usually an argument created by extremists in order to make Atheism look like a religion. The point is, you don't believe anything to be an Atheist. It's the default point of being. And do I believe in God? No.
  7. Lolno. Well, ish. But it just makes you look stupid. It's like saying you're defending the fact that 2+2=5. :D
  8. Internet Tough Guys don't use logic. People with brains use logic. :D
  9. I don't find this incredibly correct here... Japan likely shouldn't have taken on America, but since America was going to join the war inevitably anyway, Japan simply wanted the first strike.
  10. Except that doesn't defend it. Debate, or any such thing requires logic. Nice try, and I get this a lot, but I'm afraid that's impossible. We have no beliefs. :D
  11. I can't. :D lrn 2 resist. I don't think anything could have that much power over me, unless someone showed me a foolproof, and proven method of obtaining immortality! Hoo hah!
  12. Actually, it isn't. Athiesm is a LACK of belief. It's not believing that God doesn't exists. It's NOT believing that he does. Different things. :D Also, @ The Bible. It can't be credibly used in an argument, because how do we know it's true? It could be a pack of lies, since VERY few sources have confirmed anything more than a couple basic facts. We KNOW historically that there was no great flood which wiped out almost every animal in the world. And on, and on. The Bible basically doesn't count, as it generally comes down to circular logic ("Why is the Bible true?" "It's the word of God." "How can we trust God." "The Bible says we can." "Wut?")
  13. Some of the events happened. At very different times than many Christians believed. Under very different circumstances. ie. Moses didn't part the Red Sea, Jesus never made crippled men uncrippled, etc. Hewbrews DID however have an exodus from Egypt, blah blah blah. Besides, some things in the Bible are obviously not true, and shouldn't be taken literally. If they shouldn't, why should anything else?
  14. The Bible basically says that Satan is the evil guy who encourages people to sin. God says Satan is a bad guy. I see no reason to trust God. Ya know, we should probably drop this, I have a feeling we're not on the same page here. I'd rather this stay a debate about truth.
  15. Lawl. Even I read the Bible. :D Come on, most of the Christian Right is FOR abstinence only education, blah blah blah. Of course, I mean the heavy evangelicals, but they're the vocal ones. I stated the opposite as an extreme view. My point is, Satan embodies and encourages all those acts that give you pleasure without any form of restraint or discipline, therefore, if God and Satan did exist, I would prefer Satan. I mean, pleasure without consequence is awesome! But it's kind of moot, since neither does exist...
  16. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude. I know. The Christian Right however, disagrees, and if you take the Bible literally, you should partly. I mean, it basically states flatout that Sex for any reason other than procreation is wrong. It does of course tell you to do drugs though. :P
  17. I'd love to go to hell. If Christian's are right, then that's straight where I'm heading. But hey, Satan is an awesome guy. God is a stick in the mud who hates drugs, sex, and all that fun stuff. Satan loves that stuff, and he was brave enough to rebel against an all powerful entity. I bet Hell has a lot of swinging parties. Hell > Heaven. COME SIN WITH ME! :D
  18. Ironically, I would feel no sin or feeling of shame if God suddenly popped into existence and said "Hey, d00ds, I exist." Because then God would become part of Science. You can never PROVE Science wrong, because if you do, it will instantaneously change to include your proof. That's how Science works. :D
  19. The top 5 characters of that games tier list. :P Wut?
  20. At least you admit that you've got nothing. :D
  21. It would save him some time, yes. :D
  22. So basically, your religion has no evidence behind it, and you concede to my point that it's wrong? Because not arguing a point at all is basically conceding it...
  23. Yeah, you see, that's why we have debates and arguments. Now, I'd like to see you defend those points with actual facts, as opposed to word games. :D
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