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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. I'd do Nayuki and her mom, although if I was Yuuichi I might think twice before that incest. :P
  2. I don't have a legal copy. :P But I've played it LAN, and with friends, and it can be fast, yeah. I admit that it's not StarCraft speed, but it's still pretty nice. And actually, 9 pool (or the equivalent) is actually pretty viable. Well, maybe ish. Essentially, you would establish a fair, although not amazing economy (in this game that would consist of building extractors on all your resource asteroids), and then quickly constructing a Fleet Factory and pumping out ~6-12 Light Frigates. Obviously, this doesn't have the same degree of speed that Zerglings would have, due to a lack of simultaneous buildtime, and it can be expensive, but it can work. Ish. :D EDIT: Yeah, maybe that's not really 9 pool at all. :P
  3. You guys, everybody nows that the greatest last stand ever was The Battle of Saragarhi. The Wiki page alone brought tears to my eyes. 21 Sikh troops stayed to fight off 10,000 Afghan troops, knowing that they would die in the process.
  4. Exactly. If you know where it's from, it's nothing like that, but it's just hilarious if you don't. :D
  5. It's what everybody seems to think, except for me. I tacked it on, and then basically as soon as I did I started getting comments like: "Is she... Panting?" "Dude, your avatar looks like you're blowing someone just off screen..." Naturally, I decided to keep it. :P
  6. I think my avatar says it better. :P At least, if you take it out of context.
  7. Either way, Wobuffet is crazy over powered. :D And it's so loveable!
  8. It depends on your play style. It can play fast, and it can play slow. Things build relatively quickly, and it's not too hard to travel. I find it fast enough. It's really all in how you play, just like any RTS, and, like most RTSes, it puts a bit of favor on those who can play it faster. :P EDIT: But yeah, battles can take a while, longer than your typical RTS. It's also one of those games that requires a fair number of units in order to rush effectively. Don't expect a C&C Zero Hour thing where you rush the enemy in the first 4 minutes with a pair of Dragon Tanks and actually manage to do something. :P
  10. Yeah, should have clarified that I meant later in the game when enemies have lollable AS. :P
  11. I love this game. Epic scale, massive amounts of units under your control, incredible technologies, total system workedness, and an awesomely streamlined interface makes me love it. Music's cool to. I just find it pretty damn solid all around.
  12. This topic sucks for not having me as an option. I'd totally take Swordsalmon as my queen.
  13. But he was complaining about Farina joining with Steel. Or at least, I think he was. I figure by the time you can no longer GET Iron, Steel won't give you much of a problem.
  14. Yeah, but he's talking about later in the game, right? The Con doesn't make too much of a difference there. I mean, I guess if you're trying to use Farina or something, but that's why she's bad. :P Fiora and Florina should both have sufficient Speed for Steel to not really matter. Although I prefer Killer. :D Same can be said with most of the games.
  15. Dude... Steel Weapons are BETTER than Iron weapons. Isn't this a good thing? I mean, if anything I'd want my Peg's wielding Steel over Iron, seeing as the majority of them suffer from low strength...
  16. They were the ones who brought it up.
  17. First of all, Isaac already addressed this, but let me get this straight... You're saying, correct me if I'm wrong, that a CHAIR is perfect? And that chair makers are perfect? A "perfect" chair maker would make "perfect" chairs INSTANTLY. He wouldn't need to make them imperfect first. And I've never seen a "perfect" chair either. There's always MORE it could do. Seriously, you guys are fucking with the word perfect a lot. LOLOLOLOLOL. No. There is no historical or fossil evidence of the Red Sea just randomly parting itself. I don't know where you got this... Please link me to it? As for 2)... I'd also like to see where you got this. It's fairly suspicious, although I could understand some of it. I suspect it will hideously misunderstand Science though... Also, sorry for saying Goddamn you guys, I'll switch to something better like Mother Fucking Shit Cunts from now on, ok?
  18. But tell us this "knowledge" you have that makes you believe in God. I'd at least like to hear it, as it would be a shame to leave a point un argued.
  19. Share with us this knowledge please. Because otherwise you've got nothing.
  20. Uh, I see that as actually agreeing with what I said? Those quotes. I pretty much stated as much. Being Perfect, according to, say, definition 1 of your definitions: "conforming absolutely to the description or definition of an ideal type: a perfect sphere; a perfect gentleman. " In this case, God would have to conform absolutely to the ideal of being God I guess, either that or just plain perfection. This definition can safely be disregarded I think. " excellent or complete beyond practical or theoretical improvement" In this case, if God made something imperfect, then he would not be beyond improvement. Making something imperfect > making something perfect. Unless you think he could do both and chose to do the former, in which case my argument still stands, albeit in a slightly different manner, and it draws into the light what a massive dick move it was. You want I should continue?
  21. Well, seeing as I'm not big on morals or ethics... I'll treat killing like everything else. It really must depend. For a human: If it is the only recourse that will surely benefit society, then yes. If the person could live a fully fruit full life on the other hand, it hopefully will be avoided. Sadly, if they're coming at you with a knife, that's kind of hard, and you're the stable one, so go ahead and live. I don't believe in the Death Penalty, but I understand that sometimes death can be the best course of action. For other animals, basically, as long as it helps. Animals have the right to be tasty. :P
  22. How can you agree with one and not the other? If you take the dictionary definition of Perfect in the most Objective sense, than God is a contradiction and cannot exist. If you get Subjective, than God REALLY can't exist. Everyone would have a different view of Perfect. @Phoenix: Wanna know my main reason? There is no evidence of his existence.
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