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Defeatist Elitist

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Everything posted by Defeatist Elitist

  1. Dude? I'd rather suffer in hell for all eternity than cease to exist. At least I'm still me. At least I STILL EXIST. Besides, you get used to any pain after a while.
  2. No, he caused it, by creating us. He knows everything so he KNEW it would happen.
  3. So God intentionally caused all of this horrible pain and suffering? :P AGH, WHAT AM I DOING. This discussion lacks any sense, I've got to steer this back towards sanity...
  4. What I'm saying is that you seem to ignore logic and Science in the majority of cases, and then somehow out of nowhere pull up the silliest and most bizarre bastardizations of them and expect us to accept them.
  5. Hahahahahahahahahahaha! First you say that nothing is impossible for God and that logic doesn't apply to him. Then you turn around and say that it does? I'm sorry, a perfect being should be able to do anything fully perfectly instantly (Oh look, another problem there).
  6. I like black dicks. Now I will wait... :P
  7. Yeah, but one is going to end up being right. :D And basically why would you ever believe in something that supersedes logic, that is totally outside of what we call reality, and impossible to understand?
  8. But that in itself is a fallacy. That's the problem. Anyone can make up something and just yell, "NO, IT'S ABOVE UNDERSTANDING AND NO AMOUNT OF LOGIC CAN DEFUSE IT! LALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU." If people did that with everything, nothing would ever get done. :P
  9. We keep throwing the same crap because, well, it's still important. We won't bring up new stuff until you solve the old stuff.
  10. Basically, what I'm saying is that Science (the idea), simply supports the best and most proven and accurate explanation that we can come up with at out current point in time. Scientists must all be fully willing to accept a totally new concept if it manages to usurp the old one.
  11. Perhaps we do have a different view. But Science accepts mine. :D
  12. Why is it that you people fail at reading comprehension? We not only have that, but a bunch of other things. Please. READ.
  13. Do you want me to post all the facts that do back it up? I could. Or you could read this thread again, they're all here.
  14. Learn reading comprehension please, we already addressed that nothing could ever be proven 100%.
  15. No, because that had no proof whatsoever. But I can see your basic point, and yeah. Essentially so. Newton's Theory of Gravity was proven up until it was disproven (well, parts of it, but the point still stands.).
  16. But being proven more than anything else means that it is proven...
  17. Sorry, would it be better if I added all the reasoning behind it?
  18. Actually, I can explain him logically. He doesn't exist. Oh look, I just did it.
  19. Dude, no. I said: There is nothing that logic cannot explain. ie. Logic can explain everything. I think I was pretty damn clear.
  20. I said Religions generally have pretty much no proof. The rest of your statement is ill informed, but I'll talk about it anyway... Religion has like no evidence, and definitely less than anything opposing them in 99% of the cases. Therefore, the other option is preferable. As for the evidence for Religion, I'd love to see some of that, so that I can tear it a new one. Also, for all you people saying "Religion is illogical", then WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT?
  21. Hahaha. Honestly, this is so ridiculous that I am defiling myself by even deigning to respond... Nothing cannot be explained logically. Your point is already destroyed. Things regarding emotions are generally disregarded because emotions are fickle things and appealing to them never does much good. This is why the law is not based off emotion, or religion for that matter (please try to argue about this one, it's loads of lulz). People don't need to have been alive in order to know things... You can't use logic to hide from fear. Make real arguments from now on please.
  22. Wuh? Something is disproven if it has no proof, basically. If no one can present a viable argument for it's existence, then it's existence can be disregarded. Also, before people go "WELL SCIENCE IS BIASED", no, it's not, because unlike Religion, we can actually see its results. You can't run a machine on religious ideals. :P
  23. But this is the thing. Athiest states something with proof and evidence. GOD MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS. Athiest states more proof and evidence. GOD MOVES IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS. And on and on. So basically, it CAN be proven because the Theist isn't actually rebuking the point, and thus is automatically WRONG.
  24. No thanks, I'd rather not let people muck up their perceptions.
  25. Meh. My opponent d00d here never replied... http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=9302 Anyone want to take over? :P :(
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