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Everything posted by SPSEliwoodGabriel

  1. ...You know, that's a really good question, and I bet you the answer's probably no.
  2. You know, I'm surprised people didn't thought of one of the obvious. Nintendo of America also takes care of the Canadian games, right? So, thinking ahead for the French-speaking people over here (me included- no, seriously, French is my mother tongue), they did that censor.
  3. Still trying to get Ragnell to give to my Dread Fighter Spotpass!Ike, but I've gotten the Book of Naga twice now and I'm thinking of equipping one to Chrom!Morgan.
  4. This is just speculation, but as nobility, I'm sure Chrom probably learned the ways of a few different weapons and prefers swords (and lances?)... Not to mention hunting game is a noble hobby, so maybe his archery skills are related to that?
  5. Personally, my set skill list is ~Aether ~Rightful King ~Res +10 ~Aggressor ~Hit +20 ...mainly because I like a little more accuracy and have him a hard hitter. (That also means whoever will Spotpasses this Chrom will have to hit him hard!)
  6. I'm a bit on the fence. I want to know more about Priam, but I dunno if I want him to star in his own game. On the other hand, if we learn more about him, he just might be able to knock off Chrom's role as favorite FE Character (but obviously not FE Lord).
  7. in b4 someone mentions the feet. Personally I don't really care at that sort of design... but that Max looks different!
  8. Well, I don't call Chrom Chromium because in my stories, it's used by a female Chrom, and I totally didn't though of Chromosome despite my interest in Genetics.
  9. I'd go with the original artist myself. ...Or, wait, the artist for Skies of Arcadia? I love their style.
  10. If I need more manpower from Chrom for some reason, I use a different weapon. Otherwise, Falchion.
  11. Wow, we're a lot of Chrom fangirls in here! ...Personally speaking, it all goes down in which Mode you're taking and the other Skills you're taking, as well as if you're going to use them for Streetpass or not.
  12. ...That's not what I'm talking about at all! *Not to be impolite or anything, seriously, but all of a sudden it's like I back as a FESSer newb in the days of my Sain obsession and people would tease me like that. Silly kind of nostalgia. You're forgiven already.*
  13. Nicknames, you say? I've got quite a few... Chrom: Chrommy, Chrom-noms, Shea, Bram (the last two are derived from fanfics) Emmeryn: Emmy Ricken: Yosuke, Rickster Morgan: Chrom v.2 (when his father is Chrom, of course), Morg, Morgs Lucina: Lucy, Luce, Lulu
  14. Fffff, the cuff. I have a running gag with that in fanfics. Melanie: "...Um, Chrom? That's the weirdest looking garter I've even seen." Chrom: "That's a cuff, Mel." Melanie: "Er, no? That's obviously a garter. Cuffs goes on wrists, not legs." Chrom: "SHUT UP. It's a cuff. Now tell me more about your year in Jugdral." And as for Chrom's design, as dorky as it is, noticed that his right side represents himself as Captain of the Shepherds and his left side represents himself as Prince of Ylisse?
  15. Well, I'm going by the fact that Fem!Robin mentioned that Chrom has pantaloons according to S Support. XP But yeah, I'm a bit nit-picky and I'll need evidence of many theories, personally, so why I asked for screenshots. I also blame fan-art for my stupid question, because most of them draw it separately? I dunno, I prefer accuracy, maybe?
  16. Eeyup. Of course, I don't plan on cosplaying Chrom as he is... if I understand his clothing better, I could see how I can make a younger Chrom while still keeping his design style.
  17. Oh, I agree with that. They're made of swag. I'm just wondering how they're made. XP
  18. "Look, I know this is sudden and I'm coming on like a wyvern in heat." I just... cracked up and it stuck with me. I used wyvern in heat as the name for my Chrom RP journal.
  19. To be honest, I need only his Lord Outfit, but having his Great Lord Outfit as well could help, since he has similar pants.
  20. Guys, especially those with Capture cards, I have the oddest request for you. Your Mission, should you accept it, is taking good snapshots of Chrom's outfit when he's in movement. The main reason I ask is because although we have designs of Chrom's usual clothing in Knights of Iris, it's still not enough for me to understand how his clothes work. I can guess about 60% on how it's designed, but the hardest part for me are his pantaloons. One of the main reasons I'm asking to to help with cosplay, and another is because as a fanfic writer, I do need a big idea of how his clothes are designed to work when I need to write about them. So, if you can help me out with my dilemma, that would be great!
  21. A little off-topic, but where does that sprite of Eliwood comes from? I don't remember seeing it in FE7.
  22. Erm... should I be posting towards TV Tropes' pages about the Fourth Wall and hanging lampshades? Maybe that would help...
  23. ...Didn't Lucina said something about Grima attacking in her timeline in a decade or so? So yeah, I agree with the whole "Lucina coming over to the game timeline mean she sped up everything involving hers." To recap: -Lucina managed to stall Emmeryn's death so that said death has a greater impact on the Plegian moral, speeding up the war against Gangrel to a few days at least, instead of a few years. Not to mention that Chrom doesn't receive those horrible wounds at the attack in Ylisstol, which I think also did a thing to him surviving the attack in Chapter 23. -By speeding that up, it also sped up Valhart's goal of taking over the Ylissean continent. Of course, because of Lucina's influence, things goes weird. -Because of what Lucina said, Robin managed to create a plot to foil Validar. This is assuming that the Premonition wasn't just Grima's recollection- it was also a legit warning because the Chrom Robin sees is the Chrom they know instead the Chrom of Lucina's world, who probably looked older. I don't know what that contributes to the idea, but... -While it is true that the possibility of Morgan being from a different world is valid, I'm pretty sure the Morgan from Lucina's timeline was born before Chrom's death. ...Anything else I should add? Like how Morgan does resemble Chrom as his son?
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