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Everything posted by redturtle806

  1. I mostly just posted it to call attention to it. I'm pretty sure most people here know how awful this is, so theres not a whole lot to debate. I'll glance over those rules too, thanks for not being a dick about it.
  2. Once again the the United States is trying to control the internet. Despite people voting it down in congress twice already, they are going to try and force this bullshit policy created by large companies. Here's a handy chart talking about it, because I'm too lazy to type it all out. Learn more/email your congressman here: http://www.cispaisback.com/
  3. Straight coffee is much better than a lot of other energy "snacks" out there. I don't recommend starting cigs but they will keep you awake, its what I use.
  4. fantasyanime.com good fansite for snes rpgs, with detailed shrines for every game.
  5. I'm a Geologist with some religious views. Fuck me right? On one hand, I'm familiar with the earth's history to the point I can draw out a diagram of every age, epoc, and era of earth from memory, while describing the evolutionary development in each. There's clear developments in each, and part of my professional career will depend on being to identify the age and species of fossils in certain areas. There's also things such as carbon and K-Ar dating, which are built on relatively stable science. One the other hand, I've seen the effect religion has in prisons and high drug areas; turning absolute pieces of shit into decent human beings. Imo one of the biggest things people forget about Christianity is that Jesus walked among the poor and criminals; and you might be surprised to see its value in these areas even If you view the Bible as a simple book. However the wealth some people put into churches makes me sick, Christians are supposed to help the poor with that money. ....and my professional opinion is that I have no idea what to think. I don't like it when people call me an ignorant fool for being religious, nor do I like it when religious people try to force their beliefs through legislation. If people are gonna believe they will, but you can't legislate morality. Tbh I just don't know what to believe, and couldn't really care less about knowing for sure. Where's the fun in life without a little mystery about what comes next?
  6. Involved a large fire. Due to the nature of statue of limitations; that's all you're getting.
  7. 7 was my first FE game, so I'm probably biased. But it felt like the most polished game of the 3, and the story was just.... epic. It had awesome characters, even better villains, and a well written plot all around. I think if FE 7 had been released as a movie/book, it would have been a huge success. I did like the post game of 8 though, and I got pretty into the story the 1st I played it I guess.
  8. This was my attitude through high school. I cheated on everything in chem, bio, 3 years of math, and in a bunch of other classes. But I also learned it doesn't pay off in the long run, and now I would do high school very differently if I could go back. If it bothers you though, I would just do what you said and tell the teacher without naming names. That way you don't screw anybody over, and no one has any reason to take revenge on you. You can do the "right" thing without screwing a bunch of people over in the process. Plus the pro cheaters aren't ever gonna get got anyway, no matter what you do.
  9. I prefer screenshot. But that's because my internet sucks really bad. FUCK YOU SUDDENLINK!
  10. Well fuck. I was hoping for a 3ds MM or LTTP remake. I don't plan on getting a wii u, because of how bad the wii was.
  11. Ay lets grab a drink. Works well enough *shrugs*
  12. Oh god yes. The last thing you wanna do is get a chick knocked up then pay her money for the next 18 years. Personally I've moved past the horny teen faze, and now I'll only do it if I'm in love with the girl or are blackout drunk. Sex with someone you actually like just feels much better imo, and you don't risk STD's or Pregnancy as much as you do when sleeping around. Of course it's not as good as drunk sex, drunk sex is the best thing in the world.
  13. That's a damn shame, Houston's my home town. It looks like it was an argument between two people rather someone trying to go all Connecticut style though. Good to see that no one died, but that must have been hell for the students. It happened outside the library, book casualties should be low.
  14. Dry sockets are hell. You can get them from smoking too fyi. Ya the pain is bad, just double up on the pills they gave you. And if you can get your bros to make you pot brownies do it.
  15. WHOOOOOOOO!!!! THAT"S GONNA BE A SICK GA... ...for the wii u? Welp guess i'm not playing that game.
  16. Little baby stache. Rest of facial hair came like 2 years later though. Ahhh the awkward phase of life, i dont miss it. Now I just shave the stache and blast my beard with a trimmer when it gets too nasty.
  17. I'm super excited for this game, in fact ill probably get it the second I can download it. However I've forced myself to avoid looking at the characters, setting, story or mechanics; so the wait isn't as bad. Plus I get dat blind play through experience which is awesome. As for passing the time I did start a FE7 run where everyone promotes at 10 and deaths are permanent. That has been ...interesting so far. Also Guild Wars 2. I got a good xbox 360 controller layout working, so I can be extra lazy.
  18. 20 and I started with blazing sword back in jr high. I remember me and my friends would do the link battles too, ahh good times. Also 2003 is ten years ago? .....Damn
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