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Everything posted by Diortem

  1. I think they'll either name Nn: Nin, Nun, Ninian, Non, or they could go with Soso.
  2. So they've finally confirmed it themselves. Sweet.
  3. Now that is pretty freaking clever.
  4. Ladies and gents, I think we came to the winning post of this topic. XD
  5. Changed the name of the topic and the description, since it's PRETTY much no longer a rumor, as it's all but confirmed.
  6. I personally welcome our new robot overlords the new names. Some leave me baffled, like Serge to Cherche, or Callum to Kellam. Even so, I like them. I ESPECIALLY like the Morgan thing they did. It's pretty much unisex (although I can't not think of Morgan from the Arthurian legends), it's a really nice name. Also, I'm glad they kept Anna (for obvious reasons) and Lucina. Those two wouldn't have been the same without those names.
  7. Well, Fire Emblem's been kind of a niche series in North America. Heck, the only reason it got really any note was because of Smash Bros. Plus, it would take a while for something like a Strategy RPG to be looked upon with love, especially after Fire Emblem's other tries in the west (need I remind you about FE11?). The fact that this is one of, if not THE best Fire Emblems helps, as well as its massive popularity in it's country of origin. And Nintendo just seems really hell-bent on giving this thing massive amounts of coverage, which is good.
  8. I think it's mainly because the 3DS is seen as a little bit more inferior than just a smaller screen (XL has a better battery life, for example). I agree though, it's better than nothing. I don't really know if I'd get it though.
  9. On that topic of retailers: So far, I've found nothing hinting retailers are stocking it. Due to the fact that this surfaced just a while ago, I wouldn't expect anything, but I'll keep my eye on them.
  10. Whatever the case, we need as much information as possible.
  11. Sorry, but I had the idea a while before you suggested it. Plus, it barely matters either way, since this is going to be a compilation thread, for convenience's sake.
  12. Sorry. There is nothing in the January issue, but supposedly, there is some news in the February issue. So if anyone has the February issue, please confirm this.
  13. Please post all info about it in the thread I created, for organization's sake. http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=36966&pid=2243927&st=0entry2243927
  14. Alright, just making this thread so we can compile the information. So far, we've found out that the Fire Emblem 3DS is NOT announced in the January issue of GameInformer. BUT. The February issue may hold something. So please, post any rumors and speculation, and images of the Feb. Issue, as well, so we can FINALLY put this to rest, and stop running around like headless chickens.
  15. Don't worry, Game Informer does that, sometimes. So I don't doubt the possibility of them having it. Also, quick question for everyone: Do you think that I should make a seperate thread for this piece of news, so we don't have any problems down the line?
  16. Well, if it's the February issue, then I'm out of luck here. And get those pics posthaste, so we can put this thing to rest.
  17. I, I don't either. My issue's page 25 has nothing of the sort, I just don't even know. ANYONE HAVE THE DECEMBER 2012 EDITION? That may be the answer to our problems. EDIT: I have checked their website, and nothing about the 3DS. So for now, we can calm down. DAMNIT, STOP SAYING STUFF, PEOPLE
  18. Okay, I might just make a seperate thread, in case this gets too confusing. BUT... The neogaf post is faked. It's the bottom right corner of this: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=194059 , which is said to have come from the most recent GameInformer, which is false. I have the January 2013 issue, and it is a TOP 50 issue, with no FE: Awakening news as far as I see. So any news so far is faked, and the 3DS is not coming. I'll still be browsing to see what's what with the rumors, but for now, don't ANYONE get your hopes up. REPEAT: The neogaf post is fake.
  19. Hey, that's fine. But you do need Wi-fi, so you're out of luck until you can purchase the right equipment.
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