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Everything posted by Diortem

  1. I like the voices all around, but a couple notable ones are: Nowi. Now, I (cwutididthar) know it sounds a bit older than she looks, but lets be honest: would a voice that sounds like her original have been any better? Cherche. I can't place exact details, but I just like how the tone sounds. It just feels... right to me. Donnel's voice is actually pretty cool. I really like that they gave him that tone, it makes him seem a little older. Sumia. I didn't mind her original voice, but this one fits her so much more. That's really about it.
  2. Especially thanks to the cravat. Also, I saw the resemblence once I started watching shadowofchaos' LP of Awakening and his guest noted the similarity. Although a friend of mine thinks he looks more like Sephiroth. Due to the hairstyle and color, I can see that happening.
  3. ...Is it just me, or does it look like it says that Tarquin claimed Morgan X Cherche Parent and Child, while someone else did? It's probably just me. EDIT: There we go. Thanks pichupal.
  4. ...Well then. Even if that is a sign that they probably didn't have too many games set for preorders, that's still impressive. Plus, that just signals to Ninty that people want it more.
  5. ...I don't even know how that would work. Seriously, Azure doing something similar to the Fresh-Prince of Bel-Air? FANFIC TIME GOGOGOGOGO
  6. ...I guess that's true. It was probably my personal bias saying that, but at any rate. Also, yeah, I think we should stop talking about this and keep the thread on track about the demo. At any rate... Oh, and that reminds me: What do you guys think of them leaving out the Intermission chapter in the demo?
  7. ...This actually makes sense. I mean, consider the common idea that foreign words are cool, which happens especially in Japan and NA. I mean, Velvet probably sounds like some intricate foreign term for that kind of thing in Japanese, but it's fairly standard in English. Panne being French, if I recall correctly, sounds more pleasing to the ear than simple Velvet. And lets be honest, something that is blatantly obviously a name for a common item doesn't seem as good as a person's name as a foreign word would. At least to some people.
  8. Well, to be fair, considering that there are multiple people who could vouch for the Mods and Admins (myself included, and I barely even know them), in addition to the fact that there are conversations before anything of this sort would happen (like the one being held right now), and not to mention the fact that the mods usually announce when they are going for drastic measures, I don't think it's that big of a problem. Plus, who would admonish the mods for being light on the warnings and punishment? It may happen, but I'd doubt it'd get vocal enough to matter. Plus, the mods only really take any sorts of measure if something gets really out of hand (like threads being derailed over an arguement of a feature or character that lasts for several pages). I don't really see them hand out warnings and punishments out too much, but that may just be me. Even so, the mods are nice enough. Although, given the volume of the people who would sign up because of Awakening, I don't really have much weight in my hypothesis. We'll just have to see come February 4th and April wheneverthefuckitreleasesinEU.
  9. Since I plan on having my Avatar marry Cherche, and I don't want to have to do multiple runs to get all the supports I reserved, romantic.
  10. Would you be willing to take Nn and Chambray as well as FeMorgan and Azure off my hands? Assuming no one else objects.
  11. On Aversa: I do think that MU would have some degree of desire for Aversa, considering the time period thing So yeah, with both of their characters being the way they are, I could see MU having an attraction towards her. Her appearance would help, although depending on the person the desire for that may be different. As for Tiamo, I think that it isn't TOO awkward that she can S-support after Chapter 11. I think of it as this: Tiamo, once she finds out Krom picks a wife other than her, is heartbroken. She doesn't really have a chance at love anymore, she thinks. But she soldiers on, for the good of the war, even if she doesn't know when she could find love in another person, if at all. Enter Avatar (or whoever you decide to pair her with), and it starts changing, little by little. It starts as a conversation she tries to keep normal, despite her now-completely unrequited love for Krom possibly affecting her. She suddenly starts to warm up to Avatar (or whoever) as she learns more about them, and she starts being friends with someone that she could marry at one point. Eventually, she thinks to herself at some point "Hey, this man I've been talking to seems friendly enough, and is really nice. Even if the thought of my love for Krom being unrequited pains me quite a lot, I should start being more than just... friends with this person. Even if it isn't what I've wanted, I should still try to make myself happy, and... do something with this guy. Who knows, maybe I'll learn to really love him?" Then, the S support happens. She's overjoyed that she has a person that she likes, who also likes her back, and has even proposed to her. While her feelings for Chrom may never disappear, she decides to kind of "Move On", so to speak. I would honestly think that she thinks that she would probably not have a chance of love so quickly after being so heartbroken at Chrom not wanting her. Once Avatar, or the other guys that can pair with her come around, she decides that she has a possible chance at love, even if it's not her first crush, after meeting with them for a bit, and fighting together on the battlefield. This is just my own head-canon, though, so don't make too much of it. That's just what I think.
  12. This is true, but from some clarification on some stuff that she did (the fact that she has a headpiece that could not be removed for story reasons that covered her *ah-hem* wings, and the fact that the reveal was met with some amounts of shock when it happened) shows it was kind of meant to be a surprise. But yeah, I see what you mean, they didn't do a good job at hiding it. But then again, Xenoblade might as well be Spoilers: The Game.
  13. It probably has to do with the fact that the userbase here is a decent size (so not as many trolls), the mods and admins are very nice, and the forum (and the site as a whole, for that matter) is dedicated to Fire Emblem, where as most other places have it as another branch on a tree, so to speak. And there is the fact that the people here seem to enjoy snarking and jokes more than spiting and trolling here. Otherwise, it's probably luck. Now watch this change by the time the massive influx of fans from Awakening's localized release happens.
  14. ...Yeah, that probably wasn't the best comparison, but you get the idea. It really just depends on what point one considers plot twists or plot points a spoiler.
  15. Well, considering that, before that, Also. about the Rekka commercial vs the Kakusei commercial, I really think that the Kakusei commerical is better, if only because, while the Rekka commercial had it's charm, it was kind of misleading. Kakusei's actually presents a more clear message, not to mention it actually had to do with the game.
  16. This is true. I guess tumblr is like that. Don't worry about finding it fascinating, there's a reason there's a job for people to study the social patterns of the internet.
  17. ...It's like they're not even trying anymore to keep it secret. Then again, they probably are thinking more about the people who were stalking following the information about the game since day one, and spoiled themselves throughly, than the newbies. That's just my thought, though.
  18. ...Don't tell me they spoiled that in the book. Reminds me of Xenoblade how that game's artbook spoiled something about Melia that was apparently supposed to be a surprise.
  19. Well, the guy did say the whole Paris thing happened close to when he was announced (like half a year ago), and it died down a little since then. You probably are a little lucky, though.
  20. I'm moreso referring to the fact that Not trying to be rude, but there are people that think that is a spoiler.
  21. XD People cried homophobia to Paris' existance. XD And yeah, all Paris means is that Ike or Mist (or any cousins/aunts/uncles, if they have any) had children. That is literally all that Paris means, that at some point, Ike or Mist (or their relatives, again, if they had any) found a Partner who is not their same Gender. Given that Mist has a canon husband in Boyd, it's probably that, in a similar situation to Marth.
  22. I would expect most sites to have people take one look at a part of the game, and instantly hate it, but even then, that's dumb. I agree, SF is not only the safe place for the FE fandom, but also the nicest forum I've seen.
  23. I'm debating family supports. I'll get back to this in a sec. EDIT: I'm willing to do Jerome X FeMorgan as siblings, and Jerome X Male Avatar as his father, and FeMorgan X Cherche as her mother. As long as someone is willing to take Nn X Chambray, and FeMorgan X Azure off my hands, because that's way too many supports at once.
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