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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. I dunno, personally, I would allow all units on the map to be used (with maybe banning Seth) and then just have the lower tier units get the first dibs on deployment slots. By going out of your way to cram exp into the sucky units, I think it is kinda ignoring why these units were tiered low in the first place. I think it would increase the challenge. Characters like Gilliam and Neimi now have to directly complete with better units for exp and won't be overleveled when the better characters get rotated out.
  2. A loooooooong time ago. I don't recall much from SF1 other than the flying squid baby that kills everything. In SF2, Bowie drinks soapy water, Peter explodes upon contact, the turtle character is fucking horrible, and an IMMORTAL VAMPIRE jumps off a roof.
  3. I wonder if we rip Vika too hard for sucking later on. I mean, she's still a decent unit who can help out in those miserable Dawn Brigand chapters, right? Doesn't she have some uses for low-turns due to the flying trait? We don't say units like FE11 Jagen and FE12 Arran completely suck because their usefulness expires later on. Okay, just to be clear, I not trying to compare her directly to the early Paladins and saying it's an exact double-standard. But still, low scores like 2/10 seems more appropriate for units who require a buttload of effort to get to do anything useful. I dunno.
  4. Marcus : Paladin | Thief Seth : Paladin | Thief Titania : Paladin | Thief Thief is quite fitting for all the early-joining Paladins considering they are experts at stealing your exp!
  5. Now, now. Don't use a Barrier staff to try to hide Toma's shame.
  6. In my early Shadow Dragon days... Fighter Ogma --> Hero Ogma 110 HP growth!? 60 strength growth!? WOW!!!! And I can like totally change him back to Hero to reclaim that sword rank! What's that? Fighter Ogma has a 20 speed growth? Stop being such a dork 'cause the super strength will compensate! Myrmidon Hardin --> Paladin Hardin 70 speed growth!? Th-that's the same as Guy! Huh? What is a Silver Lance? And I can totally change back to Paladin and never again use the sword rank I built up in Myrmidon! And then later on when I got better at the game for the lulz: Sniper Midia. Prepromote with a 70 speed growth! Actually, she didn't turn out half bad... with an Arm Scroll, Speedwings, and 2 Energy Drops... yeah. Berserker Astram. Prepromote with a 70 strength growth! Actually, he turned out REALLY bad. Seeing a Berserker start with a single-digit strength stat is very disheartening.
  7. This! Thiiiiiiiiis! I will not rest until the day I hunt down whoever was responsible for assigning the third tier critical bonuses to the banana people!
  8. PALADIN VERGIL ON THE DROPS: Caps HP @ level 20/17 Caps Strength (25) @ level 20/10 1 Magic @ level 20/20 Caps Skill (28) @ level 20/12 Caps Speed (25) @ level 20/20 20 Luck @ level 20/20 21.4 Defense @ level 20/20 7.2 Resistance @ level 20/20 Awesomeness capped at base level.
  9. Yeah, the Gargoyle laugh is a bit uncalled for. Gargoyles don't have complete fail stats and it's probably likely for some in the Tower/Ruins/Skirmishes to carry Killer Lances.
  10. Of course, Medeus would just flat out stomp Gharnef into the ground the moment he tries to poke him with the Falchion. Edit: Oh wait. Imhullu hax. Oh well, it would still take Gharnef years to kill Medeus with the throne avoid and healing. LOL @ doing 6 damage with Imhullu at like 38 hit. Mind-controlled Tiki + Hostage Elice using Aum on Tiki in order to get the 2-hit KO would be the better and quicker option.
  11. Why not have Eirika attack the boss? It apparently wasn't against the rules to have her fight in that chapter. I mean, there really is not much strategy with Gilliam playing coin-flipping games with the boss.
  12. Right. His Marth is on level 7 currently - so it's Marth's 23 potential level-ups vs Sirius's 19 levels. Well, Marth will actually only gain more levels than Sirius once his level goes above 26, but I think that should be doable... yes? Maybe? Anyways, I am not super dead set on Sirius, he just stood out particularly to me because unlike other combat units (like Catria and Palla) he seems to struggle the most at hitting any caps so I suppose the extra growths on him won't be "wasted" on already capped stats. For example, Palla could potentially get 2.9 more strength in total, but it's likely the end net result will be +0 since she is very likely to max strength with little effort. But then on the other hand, people like Palla can see benefits sooner due to faster leveling speed, so blah. So yeah, other characters make sense too. Hey, I am not gonna argue against using some earlier boosters on Sirius and giving him more wuv. For Marth, the boosters I am referring to are the late-game ones in the chapter 21 secret shop and whatever is still in stock in the prep shop at the final battle. Basically, patch up the holes in the sinking S.S. Marth right before we all drown in the frigid endgame ocean. Like, lets say Marth is doing stinky in speed and has only 17 speed (before factoring in the Shield) at chapter 21. If we save at least 1 Rainbow Potion use for him we can bump it up to 19. Then splurging on 3 Speedwings at the secret shop we just barely reach the magical 25 speed. However! That's a hefty 7500G. Additionally! It might not be out of the question for Marth to need a Seraph Robe as well so the damn prince can actually survive a smack from Medeus. 10000G. My wallet... ouch, dammit. But we do get a 10000G bullion in chapter 20! Yay! ... ... ... But it's not actually fair to assume that money can just be all be freely used on a crazy stat-booster shopping spree since the opportunity cost will be going hyper-shit on forges. Boo. But the secret shop option is still there, and seems reliable enough to prevent a complete Medeus meltdown providing Marth's level-ups don't get completely and brutally ravaged by the RNG. But yeah, I can totally see where you're coming from on the increased screwage protection thing on Marth with the drops. With both the drops and the potential shopping spree I think we have an near-ironclad super failsafe combo for Marth!!!!!!!! ... Of course, that's kinda going overboard, heh.
  13. To be serious, I would probably go with someone like Sirius. Or literally anyone else who will fight often and is not Marth. I feel like Marth is a lost cause and not even the drops will stop his decay into a rotten, miserable pile of failure. I would rather increase the reliability of someone who actually has good combat potential. This playthrough will allow the prep shop stat-boosters, so we can just throw money at endgame Marth to make him perform better - like a stripper. I mean, at the final battle almost every single item in our possession can be liquidated for cash. Hell, Nagi's Divinestone is almost a free booster by itself.
  14. Yep, they both do the same wheezing-like laugh. Makes sense since Emtombed are just recolored bald Revenants. I am surprised they put that much effort into it with the new sounds and didn't do something lame like the soldier critical.
  15. I am pretty sure the reason as to why Knoll was given 0 luck was to make it actually possible to see the Revenant critical.
  16. Best: Edward blocks axes with his face! Worst: 3-13 Archer
  17. BANTU!!! The drops increase his growths by a much larger ratio than on Est! I mean, fuck, the drops will literally DOUBLE his speed growth!
  18. My opinions on the promotion paths: Ross: I would say Fighter is the worse option. Pirate: +1 Speed, +1 Defense, Water Walk Fighter: +1 Skill, +1 Res, +1 Con Ewan: I would go Shaman -> Druid instead. Mage gains 1 more speed than Shaman and Mage Ewan can use Thunder without AS loss. Meanwhile, Shaman Ewan loses 1 AS from Flux. Sure, Shaman gets 2 more magic, but Thunder has 1 more might than Flux so it's only a +1 attack lead for Shaman. I think General is worse than Great Knight for Gilliam and Amelia due to the lower move. And the extra Con that General gives to Gilliam actually hurts more than helps since it makes it impossible for anyone to pick him up.
  19. Base level Shinon's offense against hard mode chapter 12-13 Ravens: IRON BOW 10-11 damage @ 91-98 displayed hit (98.47 - 99.94 true hit), 21-22 crit STEEL BOW 16-17 damage @ 76-83 displayed hit (88.72 - 94.39 true hit), 21-22 crit +5 MT FORGED IRON BOW 20-21 damage @ 91-98 displayed hit (98.47 - 99.94 true hit), 21-22 crit Ravens have 28-31 HP.
  20. Right. If you're concerned about Attack Speed then Pirate -> Berserker is the way to go. Hero, Berserker, and Journeyman 3 all end up with +2 speed gains, but Pirate is the only first tier option that grants speed. Additionally, Berserker provides the most Con. Journeyman 3 = 8 Con. Hero Ross = 11 Con. Berserker Ross = 13 Con. And 13 Con still allows Ross to be picked up by a good amount of mounted units.
  21. Gilliam also enters the map missing 6 HP for some inexplicable reason. It's like he physically damaged himself to keep up with Franz's movement. Now only if he could actually do this in real gameplay. Okay, the real reason is that they probably want to have the Vulnerary demonstration heal more than 2 damage.
  22. Oh. Well, then while we're at it, lets also tack on doing 10 damage to the unit! Character ending: Sain ran into a wall and died. Kent facepalmed himself so hard that he died too. Lyn ran around confused while frantically screaming, "What!?"
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