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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Well, Wendell doesn't have OA, but that could be a good thing if it meant not getting an OA from whoever did that terrible FE11 art.
  2. But his Firestone breaks too easily! Hey, I would be interested in reading that. The doubters of the great and almighty Bantu need to cleansed from this world! Cleansed with fire!!!
  3. @Steel Axe is D rank Why? Why not make all the steel weapons be E-rank? Now promoted characters such as Florina and Dorcas aren't stuck with dinky Iron in their new weapon types. @Short bow is 1-2 range. I know you're not the first (or probably the last) to suggest this, but it still pains me every time I see this. Longbows. Make less sucky and more available. Now Archers are more specialized in ranged combat, which is more interesting than trying to cover up their class weakness. @Luna is now A rank and has 60 hit, all other dark tomes have had weapon rank decreases. Athos cannot use dark magic. Make the Fire Dragon have 40 attack. Now Athos can only deliver the final blow. Keep Luna's hit high. Reduce the crit if boss OHKOing is such a major concern. I didn't consider Canas broken even with the old Luna.
  4. Nergal activates the Mine Glitch and makes Gharnef discard Imhullu!
  5. @ Rapier description: In FE8, Reginleif's 1-line description is "Strong against cavalry, knights." Although, for some bizarre reason, Eirika's Rapier still uses the more ambiguous "Effective against infantry" description. @ Delphi Shield I think it would be best to stick to a shorten version of the FE7 Delphi Shield: "Protect fliers from arrows." The Aircalibur thing is true and helpful to players, but one could make the argument that it alters gameplay by providing information that wasn't there before.
  6. I once did a H3 playthrough where the classes of characters were randomly shuffled between chapters. Naturally, I thought Hardin was going to be a solid choice due to his good starting weapon ranks. NOPE! I got trolled in the butt super hard and he spent most of his time in Curate, Mage, and Archer. He saw Cavalier 1 time after chapter 5, Paladin 2 times, and Dracoknight 0 times. He also didn't gain a single point of defense in his entire career and went into the final chapter as a Paladin with 9 defense and 10 resistance.
  7. Unlike his speaking style, Bastian's combat is hardly the epitome of awesomeness. But at least it is... somewhat tolerable from the get-go. Thank goodness for long-range shenanigans. 3.5/10 (2.5 + 1 bias for his awesome shoes)
  8. Ooo! Can I nominate my Lunatic run to the bashing block? I used Male Mage MU and banned things like R-Potion, forging, and map save point. And worse yet, I plan to be stupid and apply the same conditions to Lunatic Reverse! Female Mage MU will very likely need the extra HP buffer from a Seraph Robe in order to survive 2 hits with Resire/Nosferatu. So it works much better once the boosters in the prep shop are unlocked.
  9. Yes, I know. Again, the Firestone breaking is the least of Bantu's concerns!
  10. Disregarding the auto-win Imhullu hax and looking at it from a "who is more evil" perspective: Nergal originally had good intentions and unintentionally became a puppet to the dark energies. Gharnef chose his dark path willingly. Eh, I would give the advantage to Gharnef.
  11. Bantu isn't going to be attacking 30 times, so the Firestone breaking shouldn't be a concern. Yes, he's hardly a star player and has a myriad of issues, but he still comes to the table with very nice attack power. This game is very generous with deployment slots so it doesn't really hurt to have him as that back-up/filler unit that can deliver the occasional powerful punch. I mean, my score still says he's bleh - I just think he's often judged too quickly and harshly.
  12. Blah. Here's the second float in the C-rank sword user parade. Can the cameras cut back to Wendell? He was more interesting. Well... better than Samto and Radd at least. 3/10.
  13. Hey, c'mon now, Ban-Ban isn't completely horrible! He has 25 attack power at base! For comparison, base level Silver Lance Hardin has 23 attack. This alone should get him out of 1/10 territory. Of course, his long term potential is abysmal due to his growths. However, I feel that doing something kinda cool in the short term > putting time and effort into crap units like Matthis, Vyland, and Roshea. I don't see his Firestone durability being an issue at all. 4/10 (3.5 + 0.5 bias because I like his mug)
  14. And for easy comparison, this game is pretty much filled to the brim with prepromotes that actually are crappy
  15. This team is severely lacking in the Paladin department! Take Titania, please!
  16. Actually, I was being impetuous and silly. I change my answer to FE9 Rolf's Bow. Rolf becomes a complete murderous monster because of it. It's a good thing it is locked to 2-range, otherwise a separate Rolfskip tier list might need to be created.
  17. Actually, no one has mentioned sandstorm yet, so lets throw that in too. This battle is so epic that the laws of nature start to fall apart! Sandstrom adds fog-of-war AND turns all the plain tiles into desert tiles. Everyone will love this!
  18. In my 2-turn endgame, I used 4 Rescue (3 uses from one staff and 1 use from the other staff) and 2 Again. Although I could potentially get by with 1 less Rescue and Again, but that would require me to get really lucky with Marth's criticals.
  19. Yeah, 22 is another RUSH-OR-DIE ordeal. I did it in 7 turns. That covered room is just plain evil - it has to be dealt with in 1 turn and it's gonna take 2 Rescue/Again uses to blitz the boss and get Princey's butt on the win chair.
  20. I really like the slick interface and fast gameplay that the DS games provide. Dual screen information beat the R-button any day of the week.
  21. WING SPEAR!!! FE11 has an endless stream of Cavaliers, Paladins, and Horsemen spewing out of all its orifices. And no shortage of Armored fiends either. And unlike many other Prf users, Caeda/Sheeda/Shiida/Shitface/Vergilina can wield her special toy with 8/10 move + flight. And for the entire game no less!
  22. Nailah is AWESOME because GLARE really helps in training MEG and FIONA!!!!1!
  23. Blah. Same situation as FE12. Rikard is inferior to Julian, but that pretty much makes no difference at all when it comes to opening the goodie cubes. Decent amount of treasure in FE11 but the game also gives you 10 Master Keys uses early on. There isn't much need to delpoy two thieves. But like eclipse mentioned earlier, a notable exception is chapter 19 which contains a decent amount of valuable stuff. Eh, 2.5/10 since that's the same rating he got in FE12.
  24. Imagine if Seth elected to stay behind! Nooooooo!!!! We just lost our best unit! But really, the most probable solution is that some generic Frelian officials were put in charge. Or Monica!
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