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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Ashnard 0/10 He costs too many damn turns to recruit! Hell, even if we were flooring the accelerator and going dondon speed, Ashnard would still take over 1000 turns to get! This is so beyond efficient... it's completely ridiculous and absurd!
  2. Niime is mentioned in the Canas-Pent B support conservation: Edit: Nevermind. You found it.
  3. Because Minerva can use the Aum staff! Anyways, she can't have any Spirit Dusts, because FE9 Mia demands Spirit Dusts so much that she takes them from games she's not even in. Minerva. Armor-smasher with wings. Has decent bases and awesome-rank in axes. 7/10
  4. Bantu! No... C'mon don't do this to me! Bantu, did you completely fail to read the memo about the gigantic power creep that happens in the FE11 -> FE12 transition!? Your bases and growths remain mostly unchanged. In fact, your base HP went down by 2! Oh, and having 5% more resistance growth is not even worth noting! I am sorry Bantu... 1.5/10 (1/10 with +0.5 bias because deep down I still want to like you)
  5. Maria, you suck. I am giving you a bad score. No protesting! 1/10
  6. Nukes a flying baddie in 10. Only a few whacks from Parthia and has nice attack power with it. Can easily obliterate flying fiends later on. Far from amazing, but you don't have put much effort into him. Eh, I am feeling generous: 5/10.
  7. Cain. Basically, he's Frey with sword specialization + Prologue 8. Or Navarre who gains speed faster, but strength slower + D Lances. 8/10 (7/10 with +1 bias for being so damn good lookin' in this game. Sorry Abel, you lose in the looks department this round. Yeah, Cain doesn't really need the bias help with the other high scores posted, but... bleh.)
  8. Oh no you didn't! Around here, we show respect to the almighty Wendell! You'd best be takin' back those words if ya want to avoid any trouble.
  9. How was the male protagonist able to chase a Shadow Triad member over what appeared to be iced-over ground without once slipping?
  10. I would laugh so hard if we were reading way too much into this, and the real reason for Lyn's age change was simply because some localization staff member had clumsy fingers at the keyboard.
  11. Hey, c'mon people, cut Ena some slack! She's fights while being a few years pregnant! I would like to see you do that! ... ... ... On the other hand, she endangers her unborn child quite often over the course of the two games doesn't she? Heh. 0/10 (1/10 with a -1 bias)
  12. Man, Roger is one lucky bastard - and I am not just talking about his Luck growth. He's lucky Caeda stopped to talk to him instead of just making him another countless victim of the bloodthirsty Wing Spear. Big base speed! Yay! But then the excitement is kinda damped by poo-poo growth. Big strength growth! Yay! But then the excitement is dulled by meh base. Also, it's a shame he starts a Knight since he will most definitely need to reclass and be thrown back down to E-rank. But hey, still somewhat decent potential. 4/10
  13. Just make Wil a new mug where you place his head on Hawkeye's body - now huge strength base and growths are totally justifiable.
  14. No! Don't touch the sand! It's too much of the chapter's identity. I guess some ideas could include: Plopping Pent onto the fort and changing his AI to stand still. Although, he will still probably move off the fort to use an Elixir since the AI in this game seems to be set-up to run away from enemies before using a healing item. Also, changing the levels, class, equipment of the enemies that start around him to be easier. Depends on how much of a boost enemies are getting. I dunno, I am less concerned about Pent and more about Jaffar. I won't lie, the first word to pop in my head was "Skank". LOL
  15. Gryz


    Since I had inadvertently started all of this, I will end it. Refa wins. I was most definitely referring to the specific Archer class and not of archery in general.
  16. Merlinus solo. It's what all the cool kids are doing.
  17. Add Cain to that list. His stats are comparable to Navarre's and he's got a D in lances.
  18. I think it's pretty clear-cut. Caesar Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 7 8 4 0 3 2 6 3 0 7 40 30 10 20 35 30 15 10 ---------------------------------------- Navarre Lv HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 8 7 6 0 7 5 7 4 0 8 50 35 0 30 40 70 15 10 C'mon. Lumi will be disappointed if Navarre doesn't get more votes.
  19. Gryz


    Hey, it's better than having 2 Archers.
  20. Oh, but I wasn't trying to support the cap change. My opinion is that it should be left untouched since it already has no bearing on Dart and Hawkeye.
  21. Considering Dart and Hawkeye don't even break 20 skill with their average level 20 Berserker stats, lowering the skill cap has pretty much no impact on them. However, it could impact HHM 32x Berserkers. They have like 19-22 skill and increasing class growths by 10% would add like 3-4 more points.
  22. Just take your Caesar rating and make it a little higher.
  23. Gryz


    This team is severely lacking in the Paladin department! Take Isadora, please!
  24. I believe in his starting chapter he 5-rounds Cavaliers w/ an Iron Sword and 4-rounds w/ a Steel Sword... ON NORMAL MODE.
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