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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Ike and Soren. Ike and Soren. Ike and Soren. Ike and Soren. Ike and Soren. IKE AND SOREN!!! I am so sick of hearing about them! Am I the only one who cares about Ike and Ranulf!? Poor Ranulf is ignored in the gay conversations. :(
  2. I think Eirika and Valter make a cute couple. Valter says a lot of sweet things about Eirika. He calls her "strong", "beautiful", "a ripe little peach".
  3. I don't think this excuse is gonna hold up in front of a judge. I hope ya hired a good attorney.
  4. You know, up until the release of Awakening, I never heard of words like "tsundere", "yandere", and "loli". These crazy anime words scare and confuse me!!!
  5. I don't see the fatigue system from FE5 being liked at all. This is a bit troubling since it's a pretty distinct mechanic for that game. Maybe they will remove fatigue in casual mode. Or better yet... Refreshment Raiders Oh no! A bunch of low-level bandits have raided Anna's tavern and are making off with her stash of Stamina Drinks!! Leif and pals must pursue the outlaws before they can escape!! Award: Stamina Drinks Difficulty: 1 star. Price: $2.50
  6. Fire Emblem + Advance Wars Cavalier attacks Tank! *tink* Enemy Tank counterattacks! BOOM!!! Cavalier died! And this on Easy mode.
  7. u shuld have branche promotions leik scared stones so chad can b assassson or ruoge! Will Aureola be more accessible? Getting anyone to reach S-rank light magic in FE6 is a pain in the ass/arse. I'm guessing Guinevere can use light magic or Saul will be a Monk? Oh, I just remembered Apocalypse. Any plans on trying to get its animation in? Although Gespent Ereshkigal's animation would be a good substitute.
  8. Wha? But Ephraim was already in Super Smash Bros Brawl.
  9. The item might be dropped. The screenshot could have been taken when the flashy item name wasn't in the green phase.
  10. IT'S VAIKE TIME!!! I raised ten Vaikes for the data collection. Do I earn my tenure now? Oh ho ho ho ho! All Vaikes raised from level 3 Fighter to level 20 Fighter (17 levels gained). HP+5 skill not included in stats. HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res 42 23 5 19 15 14 16 4 41 22 1 18 17 9 13 2 41 24 2 16 14 13 15 2 42 21 2 20 14 10 12 1 42 20 5 20 15 14 11 1 41 22 2 22 17 11 17 1 43 20 0 20 12 13 14 2 43 22 2 21 14 14 12 1 41 16 1 21 14 11 13 1 41 22 1 17 12 13 17 1 My top-screen is all smudged up due to frequent muscle touching. LOL Vaike jokes.
  11. I got data on 7 My Units. All raised from level 1 Tactician to level 20 Tactician. All were given HP for flaw and all the remaining stats were distributed for assets. Each My Unit gained 19 levels Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res Str HP 27 23 20 19 10 16 13 8 Mag HP 24 17 19 11 18 18 11 9 Skl HP 25 19 11 21 16 18 13 7 Spd HP 29 20 16 12 19 17 12 6 Luk HP 27 15 17 17 18 22 13 14 Def HP 27 16 13 15 13 16 22 10 Res HP 25 17 14 13 18 15 12 12 Wow. That HP is bad. Maybe I shouldn't bet any vital organs this time, but I think HP Flaw My Unit might have a 50% HP growth rate... umm... which would be a bit bizarre since 50% is completely terrible compared to everyone else in the game. The other My Units posted in this topic without HP assets/flaws seem to point towards a 80% HP growth. Hmm... It would work out nicely: 80% would be My Unit's base HP growth and the asset/flaw modifiers would be +/- 30%. That's my guess for right now anyway.
  12. I have the cartridge and was able to get the same results as you described. Weird.
  13. Alternatively, that's not Sumia. It's Xane trolling us.
  14. Use setColor instead of setBackground for the gray win/loss numbers?
  15. These are my thoughts as well. In Marth's time, the entire upper half of the continent was a crazy mystery zone filled with crazy dragons, crazy people, and who knows what else. You can pretty much retroactively put anything there.
  16. I got data on 7 My Units. All raised from level 1 Tactician to level 20 Tactician. All were given HP for asset and the remaining stats were distributed for flaws. Each My Unit gained 19 levels Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res HP Str 44 17 11 14 15 15 17 12 HP Mag 46 17 11 18 14 12 17 8 HP Skl 45 16 16 12 14 17 15 10 HP Spd 45 18 14 15 11 13 13 8 HP Luk 43 16 12 11 15 13 12 9 HP Def 45 18 15 15 12 12 11 10 HP Res 45 16 12 13 13 14 18 10 I'd bet my left kidney that HP Asset My Unit has a 110% HP growth rate.
  17. The answer to all questions regarding children (and life in general) is GALEFORCE. All children born without GALFORCE or the ability to learn GALEFORCE are a stain on optimal play and should be promptly discarded in the woods without a second thought.
  18. Who knows, Sumia might show up in even her own version of this scene! Keep the 3DS idle for exactly seven minutes and a clone Sumia will casually stroll through background. Bonus: Totaka's Song also plays.
  19. Sure, it's easy as pie! You just need every single possible Dual Guard to activate. Now excuse me as I go outside and get struck by lightning while winning the lottery simultaneously.
  20. ...Or better yet, fall face first into it.
  21. Chapter 1, Frederick asleep on the ground in full great knight armor. No one staying awake to watch for danger. C'mon, Frederick, you have two members of the royal family with you and you're in the woods... at night... there are bears in the woods... possibly bandits... and you still have suspicions about the Avatar character... who is still armed. Errr, okay.
  22. Even if that percentage was accurate, that's still not cool for the remaining 5%. :( Plus, I don't see how being able to download the chapter early in the game somehow informs the player that Gangrel will be playable. In the Bonus Box, it just says "The Dead King's Lament" and plops a dot onto a place the player can't access. That's it.
  23. But Manaketes behave differently than normal classes since they have to do that transformation-thingy right at the beginning of battle. I guess "technically" you can have Manaketes, but as far as I am aware, no one yet has done the asm magic ritual necessary to make it happen... or I suppose you could have a battle sprite that is already transformed, but that would be removing the cool part.
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