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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. I'm actually a bit surprised they bothered to acquire 2 new shows.
  2. Toonami was shown on April 1st this year. The online reception was apparently pretty good, so now they brought back the Toonami bumpers for their Saturday night anime block.
  3. I was in a dingy restroom on campus and I was washing up. I thought I was alone. One of the stalls opened behind me and this guy in like his late forties comes out. He said I had nice hair and then leaves. Oddly enough, this event didn't have a creepy vibe, it was just really random.
  4. If Vergil and Melissa had a child, would the fabric of the universe unravel when they try to name it?
  5. Hmph. Harsh words are the only way to motivate him to do the proper research before opening his damn mouth.
  6. Gryz.... Dolph can't get the crit bonus... there aren't 35 chapters left in the game. Dumbass.
  7. Hey, I liked the hammer pun. Good job. Oh fuck, no one has tried to give Dolph a good rating based on the crazy shit +40 hit/avoid, +20 crit/crit-evade support bonuses he can get. Quick, someone do this!
  8. Lorcan Lord! ... No, Lorca Chief! Lyn is the last of her tribe, right? She can declare herself the chief - who's gonna object? Heh.
  9. Man, I feel bad for Macellan's upcoming rating, who in all practical senses, is a strictly inferior Dolph. It's just getting an update... eventually. No need to panic.
  10. Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. Ellerean might be able to squeeze in one extra hit. I don't have H1 numbers and probably overestimate H1 enemies after being traumatized by Lunatic. What kind of crit numbers are enemies pulling? Because Ellerean's luck ain't too hot. Although there are Goddess Icons in chapters 11, 16, and 17.
  11. Ellerean. Merric without prologue or insta-calibur - which were Merric's best features. (Well, Ellerean can Excalibur if he eats the ch8 Arms Scroll. Bleh.) Merric gains speed much easier, and Ellerean's 1 speed base lead can be negated by Merric's prologue experience. Ellerean's got better HP/Def, but I have no idea if that makes any significant difference later on - also, 2 luck with only 30% growth makes me uneasy. Probably the best thing I can say about Ellerean is that he gives Wendell the opportunity to deliver an awesome verbal smackdown. 3.5/10 (Also, the Jeorge link is still broken, and the Shiida link does definitely not lead to Shiida)
  12. Alright. I just texted those added details to Satan. He replied with LOL.
  13. In hell you're going to be reenacting that event 24/7 while other damned souls point and laugh. Harsh.
  14. I wish it was uploaded to YouTube.
  15. Dolphin. You have nice growths. Your bases are actually pretty good... for your level. But yeah, you would have needed to join a looooong time ago for us to care. Joining as a Knight certainly doesn't help matters either since it's down to E-rank we go on reclass. 1.5/10 More like sacrificed for the 12x gaiden so we can get an actual competent armored unit.
  16. Egads! I better get my shit together or Haar risks not being rated the highest unit in the game! Physical wall. Hits like a truck. Flies. Our only flier in the first half of part 3 when flying is incredibly useful. 10/10
  17. If anything, this game needs MORE tutorials! The Rescue, Drop, and Give commands are completely unmentioned in Lyn's mode. Which is completely bizarre since Rescue is certainly one of the game's more complex mechanics.
  18. Boah. Hmph. He's a Wendell poser. Samto is to Navarre as Boah is to Wendell. But hey, he still comes with nice weapon ranks so I won't fault him too badly. Let's say 7.5/10.
  19. Merric. Eh, I should probably give him a better score than Jeorge, but lower than Etzel. Let's go with 5.5/10. (By the way, the Jeorge link points to the New Mystery subforum instead of his specific topic)
  20. More like make you quit the ENTIRE SERIES and never return. Sophia has infinite positive utility. She just doesn't save turns. She saves your life!
  21. Exaggeration. A common tool in comedy. Anyways, I wasn't talking about anyone specifically. When the situation turns into quote-to-quote combat, I usually just start skimming posts and lose track of who is saying what.
  22. Dear topic creator, DO NOT PLAY ANY FIRE EMBLEM GAMES!!! Look at how it transforms civilized polite people into bitter argumentative savages. Run! Run and don't ever look back!
  23. Ugh! How could I have been so blind and foolish!? It's not the eyeball liquid but the HEART that matters. I am going to starting training my Pokemon with my HEART and become a better person. Bye, Ash! I hope we meet again. End of episode.
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