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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. I'd be happy if someone could hack the game just to confirm those damn growth rates.
  2. Archers to bottom tier. Can't attack at all when the opponent is up close.
  3. Well, if it's any consolation, you were neat with the editing instead of just hastily scribbling it out.
  4. I can never remember whether 'A' corresponds to the small size or large size. Apparently, heterosexual men like the big boobs [citation needed] so I assume 'A' is the "best" like how a school's grading system works.
  5. If Pascal shows up in your town be sure to give him a scallop. Oh... this isn't about Animal Crossing. Crap.
  6. I never understood Eliwood x Ninian. It always felt like Ninian really fell in love with Eliwood's father, Elbert, and Eliwood simply became the next closest option.
  7. Because Starlight36 obviously doesn't want other people to know his username is Starlight36! Duh.
  8. Before his edit, it originally said, "I will go INTO you."
  9. Thanks, I guess? I was never going to see it since I purposely ad-block the banner.
  10. Just blitzed through chapter 5 and 6. Hierarch has pretty much the same portrait, but with a tiny pair of glasses resting on his nose.
  11. Wait, that Risen Priest looks like the random guy who betrays the team in chapter 7? Is that the same portrait just given the Risen treatment?
  12. MOAR HP TESTS!!! I NEED TO KNOW THE AVATAR'S HP!!! 28 Avatars. Tactician lv1 --> Tactician lv20. All have HP flaw. Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Str HP 23 22 14 13 16 17 12 9 Str HP 30 19 14 15 22 16 13 11 Str HP 25 21 14 12 16 14 16 10 Str HP 27 21 14 18 14 15 12 13 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Mag HP 25 17 18 10 14 15 12 8 Mag HP 29 15 17 13 16 16 14 10 Mag HP 26 13 22 17 17 14 15 9 Mag HP 28 17 18 15 21 10 12 11 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Skl HP 31 15 11 18 12 16 11 9 Skl HP 28 16 16 17 15 10 13 10 Skl HP 28 18 12 21 16 17 16 11 Skl HP 29 17 15 15 13 14 17 7 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Spd HP 30 19 16 15 20 16 14 8 Spd HP 29 16 14 16 20 14 12 7 Spd HP 28 18 18 17 22 15 15 7 Spd HP 28 13 14 13 18 16 12 9 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Luk HP 25 19 22 9 15 23 10 11 Luk HP 26 14 14 14 15 26 10 10 Luk HP 28 17 15 18 14 22 15 8 Luk HP 28 18 14 15 15 24 11 8 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Def HP 33 15 12 15 14 15 16 11 Def HP 29 11 15 21 17 11 16 7 Def HP 28 21 18 14 14 15 17 7 Def HP 27 20 15 12 15 11 16 10 Asset Flaw HP Str Mag Skl Spd Luk Def Res Res HP 24 16 14 15 14 12 14 14 Res HP 28 20 15 11 16 17 13 13 Res HP 29 18 18 13 18 14 11 13 Res HP 31 17 19 11 18 14 11 16 Well, compared to my previous test, I generally got higher HP this time. The growth for HP flaw looks more like 60% now. I guess that seems more "realistic" than 50% which would have been really terrible. I wonder if HP uses different numbers for its asset and flaw growth modifiers? Like -20% for flaw and +30% for asset?
  13. Wait, you deleted the "disgusting" pairings (which apparently includes the lesbian options) but actually left in Valter? VALTER!? The psychotic villain who literally obsesses over and hunts Eirika in the story? LOL
  14. One day, children will gather around and I will tell them a tale of how there was once only 151 Pokemon. They will be in awe and amazed. Their minds may have a hard time grasping what it's like to live in a world without Stealth Rock.
  15. Gryz


    I have quite the experience with the Castlevania franchise. There's a lot of games so I'll try to keep it brief. Also note that this series has some odd naming conventions: Castlevania Dracula X, Castlevania Chronicles, and Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles are 3 different games. NES Castlevania 1: Like it. Castlevania 2: Hate it. Castlevania 3: Like it. SNES Castlevania 4: Hate it. Castlevania Dracula X (basically a really watered-down port of Rondo of Blood): Hate it. GENESIS Castlevania Bloodlines: Like it. N64 Castlevania 64: BARF!!! Skeletons on motorcycles in the 1800's!!! Legacy of Darkness: What the...!? Did they just re-release Castlevania 64 but with a different main character!? PLAYSTATION Symphony of the Night: Ehh... I give it props for being the first game to decently use RPG/adventure elements, but I think this game is heavily overrated. Castlevania Chronicles (the port of the X68000 game): Like it. I've beaten this one many, many times. PLAYSTATION2 Lament of Innocence: Bleh. It also has a laughably terrible story for being the first game in the timeline. Curse of Darkness: No. Rented. Played for about 30 minutes. Stopped. WII Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth (downloadable game): Like it. GAMEBOY Castlevania The Adventure: Blah. Castlevania Belmont's Revenge: Like it. Castlevania Legends: Hate it. GBA Circle of the Moon: Like it, but I can understand why it's not liked so much. Harmony of Dissonance: Hate it. Aria of Sorrow: Like it. My favorite story of the series. DS Dawn of Sorrow: Like it. But I dislike the new anime art style. Portrait of Ruin: Like it. Keeps the anime art, boo. But has a super crazy hard mode, yay. Order of Ecclesia: Like it. No more anime art, yay. Also keeps the super crazy hard mode. PSP Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles (Rondo of Blood remake): Like it. Don't care about Judgement (the fighting game) or Harmony of Despair (the multiplayer game). And I really have no interest in any of the Lord of Shadow games.
  16. I suppose you can stick the Ultimate Emblem in your Streetpass team and make unaware players jealous.
  17. Damn. At this rate, Google searches for "incest" is gonna start directing people to the Serenes forums. LOL Anyways, the Avatar thing really wouldn't work well in FE2 since Alm's and Celica's teams remain separate for most of the game. Well, unless the game allowed you to create an Avatar for each team. Which means you can marry your Avatars when the teams combine-- and, uh... this is a terrible idea. Pretend I never said that.
  18. Yes, the Hubba Tester is new to Awakening. I don't find it that interesting since the stuff is says is just completely random.
  19. You're only allowed to have like 20 bonus characters in your party, so you will have to fire them to make room.
  20. Back in my day, Link could only get help by calling the Nintendo hotline. >:(
  21. Sell Ultimate Emblem. Hire maxed out Avatar from previous save. Rejoice!
  22. Berserker Laurent. A berserker with glasses? Now I've seen everything. Back in their PokeBalls of course!
  23. I don't understand Eirika x Lyon. All the crap that happens in the story is due to Eirika (and Ephraim) putting Lyon in the friend zone.
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