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Everything posted by Gryz

  1. Bullshit. My Mawile used Fake Tears and it still had its face beaten in by Conkeldurr. Now I am never going to move up on the metagame ladder!
  2. Better yet, let's swap Isadora back down to Pegasus Knight. 2 Con. 18 Aid. Now she can airlift General Oswin who has used a Body Ring! Although, 2 Con seems alarmingly unhealthy for a fully-grown mature woman. Yikes.
  3. Aw, shucks. You fellas are making me blush.
  4. But Dieck needs the Hand Axe to counter the Nomads!!! Isadora: Paladin -> Falcoknight Holy smokes! 17 Aid! She's a flying promoted unit that can carry promoted Oswin.
  5. Alternatively, perform some asm voodoo and make the tactician name entry screen reappear and allow the damn player to give the Sacaen Skank whatever class name you want! EVERYONE WINS!!! except whoever has to do the asm. I swear, this was a trap deliberately set-up by Arch. He knows the FE community can never come to a consensus on names.
  6. Playing Fire Emblem is negative utility! We would all have much more efficient lives if we didn't waste so many turns on videogames! Therefore, ALL characters to bottom tier!
  7. Oh, I am up for more than just kissing. Heh. But let's go somewhere private. We don't need Lumi walking in and ruining the moment.
  8. Fine! If not Hunter, then Gatherer. Better! Sojourner makes her look like a French wanderer and does not suggest T2 badass dragonslaying vague accessory to Eliwood and Hector. Ugh. WE ALL LOSE. Let's just cut our losses and call her class "Vergil"
  9. Hey, let's see if I can get more vessels to burst. ... Lyn should be a Amazonian!
  10. What's all this silly-nilly nonsense I am hearing about tomes and staffs? Etzel only has any use if he's reclassed to Berserker. 6.5/10 (7.5 - 1 bias for stealin' the staffbot spotlight from Wendell)
  11. The site has 2 average stat pages for Orson - both with the same growths. So yeah, looks like it. Well, Franz is usually considered the next best alternative to Seth... well at least gameplay-wise. D cups on Franz is not a pleasant image.
  12. Simple explanation. You have unexpressed desires for Seth, and it's easier for you to deal with these feelings if you imagine Seth had boobs. Nothing wrong with that. Seth is one sexy devil after all. In a Sethskip run, Seth's cleavage is massive after chapter 16 due to all the KOs he has racked up. In a Sethless run, Seth's cleavage is lacking since we ban him to the bench.
  13. By "stay behind" we were talking in terms of Seth leaving after chapter 16 to watch over Renais - not Orson remaining or rejoining the party. This topic is awesome!
  14. Devil Axe Barst hits like a truck... No, more like three trucks. I don't mind taking a gamble at the start of the map, especially against those chapter 4 Fighters. I hate those bastards.
  15. 80 bucks is a lot of dough to have something look pretty on a shelf. I say whip out the SNES and pop in that baby! Heh. Secret of Mana. Takes me back to when I was 6 or 7. "The big kitty keeps setting me on fire! I can't win! Waaaaaaa. I'm playing Mystic Quest instead!"
  16. Vake! Although admittedly, I only know of the characters that were revealed before the release. I'll probably end up pairing MU with Vake anyways - I don't need children. Bah.
  17. Ephraim will probably want to get a new bed in the royal bedchamber. Heh.
  18. Jake is such a player. Look at all the women he hits on. Anna, Lena/Rena, Minerva, Linde/Linda, Caeda/Shiida/Sheeda/Shitface/Vergilina, Monica and... uh... Maria. Anyways - Shootin' up shit from a distance is spectacular! 8/10
  19. Probably from FE11/FE12. Pure Water and Barrier can stack with the +5 Aureola res bonus.
  20. Darling! Darling! Darling! DARLING!!! Cue Orson's pants dropping.
  21. Right. The most you see of Monica is her Female Civilian map sprite. Your mental image should be a puddle of oozing flesh that Orson is making love to. Oh yeah!
  22. With absolutely no prior training or effort, Jeorgie can obliterate the pesky flying fiends that hound Marth-and-friends throughout their adventure. He's stinky outside of that though. Eh, 4/10.
  23. You should be annoyed with your vote be thrown out. That was uncool. I think the 4/10 and 5/10 votes should stay. I have no opinion on the LOLMATTHIS votes. I'm just saying making a 10/10 Minerva rating (after the voting period ended) with the obvious intent to annoy/pester is also uncool. Unnecessary drama just makes me sad. NOW EVERYONE HUG AND BE FRIENDS!!
  24. Bantu with boobs! And by that, I mean 6 move unit that can be dragged around to deliver some heavy chip - and do it at 2-range. 3.5/10
  25. Ugh... C'mon. I don't think their votes should be thrown out. No need to escalate things. On the other hand, frat/Sho, you guys are also not helping the situation with your posts in the Minerva topic. Blah. I mean, I don't take these rating topics too seriously. At the end of the day, I really don't care if Matthis got a 0, 1, 2, 3 or whatever.
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